Show SALE whereas benjamin kirkham and jamea kirkham bath unmarried married nn by their deed of trust dated may acknowledged duly aul recorded in the office of thi county recorder of otah county utah territory on the day of may in book 15 of mortgages on pape 63 conveyed to the un der signed ea trustee tru atee the following da ascribed land and premises situate in provo city utah county utah buono ed and described as follows dowil commencing Com 9 rods west of the north beast coraor ot block plat A provo city eurvee of building Bail ding loti thence south G west 3 rods theace north 6 rods thence east 3 rods ito place of beginning of description otherwise sa the west W of lot 6 block plat A aforesaid inthe county and territory of utah containing an area of 18 square rods of ground in thuat fecere the of n certain promissory note therein aft bribed for foai ann dred dollare dated may 1892 and by james kirkham and benjamin Ki rbana to provo commercial and havinga Sa vinga bank and payable at the commercial and savings bank in provo city utah one year after date with interest thereon at tha rate of 1 par cent afir month from date until paid ami whereas eadd trust ded provided ded that in case details det ailt be made bothe oay ment of any of the indebtedness theres by secured either principal or interest then eaid deed to corain in force and the said party oi ahe second part or in the ebent of tha death disability or absence from provo city or refusing to act or other of the party of tha second part anen the shariff of utah conaty utah or any of hia deputies then acting mav as successors of the oarth of the second part proceed to sell eaid described property or any part thereof at public to the highest bidder for baah either of the parties to said deed being at liberty to become tho pucha sei at such sale acho auho bandine houe hou e of said provo commercial and bankin provo city uenh first twenty days public notice of abo time terms and place of said ealo and the property to be bold by in bamo bomo newa paper printed in tho english lane oase and published in said city and such sale the eaid party of the second part or bla ahall execute and driver a deed or deeds inbae simple of the properly sold to the purchaser pur chasar or thereof and cut ol 01 tho pro beeda of sale first to pay the caf said libat including reasonable at torney and conniel fees and compana ration to said trustee or eaid successor jn for his services second to pay tha amount paid by the said party of tha third part its successors or assigns tabea insurance or mechanics liens lunder the covenants in said trust deed contained with one per cent per month interest thereon from the date of pay thereof third to pay the amount remaining on said noto above described the principal and interest the interest ap to ane date of sale and fourth in the event ot their being surplus of euch proceeds then to pay euca surplus to the carlies of the first part their pais onal representatives or assigns fifth in case of tho defied ency ot such proceeds to state an account credit the amount paid on said note and certify the amount of such da fici ency and whereas the said note is past due and ret wholly unpaid except tho sum ot 30 00 together with the inter beet on the balance of as in said note provided since aba day of july 1894 amounting amoun tins in all to the sum of 65 and whereas abb holder of said requested the undermined trustee to I 1 proceed to sail said premises accordine to the terms in said deed of trust now therefore public notice is asrea by riven that ahe undersigner undersigned under signed tristea in accordance with the terms and provi eions of eaid deed of trust to which re ference ie hereby made and at the re anest 0 the owner and holder of eaid note aiu aall the above described land and premises at public to the highest bidder for cash in the banking house of the provo baa inza in provo city utah on monday tho icib day of october 1895 at 12 noon of said day for the of the expenses of said trust including a compensation to the trustee and hia attorney and for haying asid interest aad principal and fully carry ins oat the terms contained in said deed of trust dated at provo city alia slat day of sept EBED JW N attorney or tc |