Show beware of counterfeiters Counterfeit ers who infest the market and are the means of robbing eick people ol 01 their money and what ia of abill greater con sequence ot not antly aarant ing the complaints under which they labor it is an act of duty we owe to society to warn the people against these danKo roua frauda A little care on the part of iho purchaser wilt protect them irom imposition by bearing in aalund these facts never buy where it s offered in boulb in kegs or buea aa atie jenuine Ho stomach bitters are sold only in having the handsome deteel plate ahbel displaying the combat between st george and the and having at the bottom a iii nature note of band for one cent hearing a farei mile of the of the president of the company over the cork Is a metallic cap on which is im pressed the name of the article together with a medallion bead in the center any person belline the counterfeit hostellers Ho stomach bittera we shall not hesitate to bring to justice as we never fail to convict |