Show BIG they visit the and talk to miners correspondence EUREKA oct 3 1895 the big three company loft bountiful last night for salt lake city arriving at 1230 a m they stayed over night at tho templeton and left thia morning at for this place after dinner we looked over the town and at 2 under the direction of bupt supt john A kirby meetra wells cannon and allen your correspondent and mr earl the tribune correspondent who ies the party went down to the foot level of the bullion beck mine we stepped on the cage and down down we went feet into the bowels of the earth I 1 shall never forget the sensation of that descent when we alighted at our destination each lit his candle and proceeded through the drifts we had each donned miners clothes and made a good respectable looking prospecting spec ting party our guido told us there wera twenty miles of tunneling in this famous mine we went to the end of one of the drifts where the miners were digging out the precious ores and where one of the diamond drills was at work the vein of ore re well defined between two walls of lime stone wo retraced our and took off another direction when we arrived at the end of this drift bang bang bang rang through the air of the mine the concussion was sufficient to blow out our candles it was tho blasts from the spot we had just left I 1 thought for a second or so we were done for it seemed like the whole earth above us was ready to fall soon we recovered from our shock and were winding our way back to the elevator for our ascent to the blessed sunlight when the cage was nearing the top and slacking up it produced a peculiar sensation and H S pyne one of the party the cage had refereed reve reed and was going back down the shaft my we are going down to destruction he aard but the next moment we were out into daylight and the party had the laugh on herb at 8 the rally was called to order in the I 1 0 0 F hall by B N scott who introduced the silver glee club of provo the glee club was well received and the big three received an ovation mr cannons speech on silver was especially strong |