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Show SURVEY SHOWS DAY, HOUR T0BE CAREFUL The greatest number of accidents acci-dents occur during the hours of 8 to 10 a. m. and 12 noon to 2 p. m.., while more accidents happen hap-pen on Wednesday than any other day of the week, according to an accident survey recently completed complet-ed among employees of the United Gas Pipe Line company and released re-leased by officials of the company com-pany this weefc. The survey made among approximately ap-proximately 3,000 employees of the company and associated companies com-panies shows the most common type of injuries to be abrasions, bruises, and concussions. Parts of the body most frequently affected affect-ed were the eyes, while finger and back injuries' were next in line. By a careful survey of these "weak points" it is possible to make a closer study -of working methods and habits and take added add-ed precautions to further reduce casualties. It is considered of great value in helping to maintain and improve the company's splendid splen-did record of accident prevention. United Gas Pipe Line company has attained an enviable safety record with many of its departments depart-ments and districts competing as long as a period of two years without a lost time accident. |