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Show You'll always like a keepsake Diamond Ring!... S. VLRL JONES Jeweler Selvoy JS. IBoyer Democratic Candidate for Representative I FOURTH DISTRICT ' ' Experienced - Trustworthy ' Capable f A Primary Election - - Sept. 3, 1940 I j I) I I General Election , - - - Nov. 5, 1940 jy' ? J Mr. Boyer served in the 1938 Legislature. Was 'Chairman t! the Agriculture Committee, Member of Appropriations Committee, Com-mittee, Sifting Committee and other important commilta of the house. He is familiar with the problems of his disdis and interested in the development and welfare of the Sffi as a whole. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUGUST 9th & 10 1 h 2"s & Waffle rl 22t Deviled Meat Flour I Kfef ; (UfZ Libby's u size f r- ! FraJr3 Lotiee 4 for 15C Globe ..A-r. fWWi "Z'lk N 1 Pound fat: Fruzola 4-pound bag ssssm I Punch Powder 1 A 'eiiifT- SjTlip 1UC f hour ; Table Size IT. - Log Cabin n rnnn r icanofeach no. an Crushed g J 4 II - tall Tid-Bits 3UC T1Jrs Gems Or Your Choice, each DTfTr SOAP JUARGAINS BLUE SUPER SUDS PALMOLIVE 3 BARS 17C peetIRANULATED CRYSTAL WHITE large size .. 2.2.C 1 0 GIANT BARS . V - xj lauxdry soap Fli. "SPANISH PRIDE" 17 riour innardmeat SALMON SNOWDRIFT- ALASKA RED SOCKEVE & SHORTENING II "';';TIN -:' "3c 3 4Sj P cream mmissrr, iZ BISCUIT FLOUR SUGAR WHEATTeT Globe "A-l" S. BISCUIT rfSla-- ) " l""(f;3 in.'1'"'""' rn , - tef 1U- 59c pij SERVICE MEAT & GROCERY CO. Phone No. 7 Free Delivery "Save Every Day ... The I. G. A. Way" UNUSUAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUG. 9 & 10: CRACKER JACK I. 3 for 10c BLUE SUPER SUDS Large Pkg. 19c BISQUICK : 29c SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT I.G.A. 23c SNOWDRIFT 3-pound can 48c POST TOASTIES Large Pkg. 10c CRYS. WHITE SOAP Giant Bars 10 "for 33c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 for 17c PEET'S GRAN. SOAP Large Pkg." " 24c POST'S BRAN FLAKES Large Pkg. 14c GRAPENUTS Large Pkg. . . l3c GRAPENUTS FLAKES Large Pkg. 14c PORK & BE ANS I.G.A. 2 y2 2 for 19c COFFEE M.J.B. Drip or Reg. Grind" . Lb. 25c PINEAPPLE Ukulele 22 2 for 31c SALAD DRESSING I.G.A .'.Quart 27c MARKET BACON Swift's Oriole, Sliced ... lb 21c FRESH GROUND BEEF "ZZlfo 17c CHEESE Wisconsin Nippy lb 27c CHEESE Maid o' Clover ' tb 21c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE lb 21c SEE OUR HANDBILLS FOR OTHER SAVINGS! 1. "Gladly I would 2. "You claim my give you my heart." every thought." ; (Mmmm l 3. "The depths of 4. "If it's all the I my soul are yours." same to you, I'll take I a dish of ice cream." j ! Everybody Likes VANILLA ICE CREAM! COOK'S ICE CREAM ! ! "We Freeze to Please" |