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Show VISITORS flue and There im.lse K. Thatcher and )lrs- i-',,vp returned home fC,'lo weeks visit Trelatlve. and friends itlt Uke City and Tooele. I,ai' Spens of Mount Mn, k visltins this week with f ! '' p,u" Frnmlsou- !r. Jllu Petty of New Jersey S'ins the summer in Spnng-iiK Spnng-iiK .ifr with Mrs. Elsie Alle- wo prandsons from Osden. Ar-f, Ar-f, Ji Menard Thomas, vis.t-11 vis.t-11 week-end at the home of L Mrs James Stevenson. r,3 dere accompanied by Harold :;ie and Dan Gardner, also of .' . . ,..in strong, formerly of this , d Roy Rowley left Friday 1 Mhelr homes in Compton, Calif., :'ef spending a week visiting '! and Mrs. Jack Hopla. "visitors of the Hoplas. Mr. Mrs Roy Strong, also left I," lteir home in Pocatello, Idaho. jr and Mrs. David Kinghorn ,IIdaho Falls, Idaho, have re-",iei re-",iei to their home following a -:-t with relatives and friends "jpringville, Provo, Lehi and wrlcan Fork. They came be-:,w be-:,w of the death of a grand-iiiiliter, grand-iiiiliter, Beverly Brown. Sir and Mrs. John Hardy re-rncd re-rncd recently from an enjoyable nation trip with relatives and riends in Idaho. )lr. and Mrs. Byran Bird and ibree daughters of Midvale visited nnriday with Mr. Bird's parents, jr. and Mrs. W. A. Bird. The :irli will visit their grandparents stile Mr. and Mrs. Bird spend two reeks vacationing in New York, Washington, D. C, and other tints of interest in the eastern sites. Joe Olsen,, who has spent the ast lew weeks in California, retimed re-timed home Friday to accom-pr accom-pr the national guard unit to KsMngton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finley and ions, Paul and Calvin, spent the reek-end at Hazelton, Idaho, visiting vis-iting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roy-lance. Roy-lance. Mrs. Lloyd Bird returned Sun-lav Sun-lav from a two weeks trip to Ta-toma, Ta-toma, Washington, where she visited vis-ited with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Law and ;on, Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clegs and son, Ray, left Wednes-iar Wednes-iar morning for Yellowstone National Na-tional park. They plan to visit Mr. mi Mrs. Jess Lee at Afton, Wyo., uj with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth law and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Relchert at Pocatello, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rawle have 5ne to Jerome, Idaho, to visit this week. Mrs. Mary J. Finley visited last "tek with Mrs. Ann Roundy at Eaton, Idaho.' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weight ''i Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Weight vent some time last week at Yel-tatone Yel-tatone National park. Toole Fox, Naomi Tipton, Eva lall and Arlene Christensen this morning for a ten-day 'jwtlon trip to Yellowstone Na-llonl Na-llonl Park and other points of Merest. "fs. Lena Maycock left Friday w vacation trip to California. '"Plans to attend the fair at ; Francisco, and will visit with ter, Mrs. Melba 0smund, "be' and family. M's G. D. Kennedy and daugh-Ulenna, daugh-Ulenna, visited with friends relatives In Springville two ,1!s ' the past week. " r and Mrs. D. A. Crandall of ' it wLBpeni the past week vls- TborJl 1 dauShter, Mrs. C. H. s:::z:etnrDA vith them ' 'h'?' Butler of the Herald !Cek 'SS Belh Car BPent Break V- vacationing at Cedar Mrh' ion and Bryce National |