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Show SAFETY EDUCATION... One of the greatest dangers this country faces today is the alarming increase in the number of young persons involved in crime. Not only is crime I taking money from every pocketbook, either directly through robbery or indirectly through taxes to support sup-port police, courts and jails, but it is also reaching into the homes, snatching children to train in the ' ways of lawlessness. : The only permanent way to combat this condition is through education as a preventative, not only of the children but of parents and society generally. Education is the great force placed in the hands of youth for its advancement. But there are two parts of education ; one, the knowledge of how to do things as they are taught in the school and college textbooks, and the other the knowledge of what things to do, which comes only through a sound moral education the strength of character to do what is right in the face of temptation to do what . is wrong. Book education will give youth the power to do more than man has ever done before, but upon moral education depends the direction good or bad in which this power will be used. If the character of our youth is built sturdy and true, the future is safe. But if the moral education is neglected, the very power given by knowledge and ability, immaterial things will turn our progress upon itself and bring destruction and disaster. The ideals of youth determine whether the training train-ing given the schools will be used constructively or destructively for the advancement of the social and economic structure, or to bring about the degeneration degenera-tion of all that has been built up through the years. President Roosevelt, at his opening address at the crime conference in Washington, emphasized this clearly when he said : "We have come to a time when our need is to discover more fully and to direct more purposeful into useful channels that greatest of all natural resources the genius of the younger generation gener-ation . . . This can come only through expert service in marshalling the assets of home, school, church, community and other social agencies to work in the common purpose with our law enforcement agencies." |