Show ea FRAY NOTICE T have in my possession the following dea albed impounded as or for tre one black mar a hit 9 years old liht rora foot white branded y on lett boulder no ulder small white in with coll 6 mon ha old sorrel white face white bind feet one bay mare two years old am all white in ati cheari no brands visible snail bear one dun mule sa years old addle marked no brands visible one borrel horae about 9 yeara old brandel on left white snip in face 3 white feet it damage and costs en said ba not s aid ten davs from date ot this notice atey alli ba sold ti ha highest cah bidder at provo ray pound at 2 on the lati day 0 february nary dated at provo city utah county ter 01 atah ahia braday ot Fehro arv L 8 GLAZIER ol 01 said city by |