Show L B bloor printer SCHOOL BILL PASSED report of the committee in judiciary on aliens bill yesterdays proceedings COUNCIL H B 8 relating 0 o eaf crays haq received from tho house and filed for second rea dirK H JM 11 relating to toe indian reservations was also received and filed fur second reading H J M 9 relating to tha of coal lands waa alo filed for second sr the committee on claims made a report on claims that were accepted by it and on others that they recommended should be rejected the judiciary committee reported council bill no 57 respecting the corn meo cement of suits recommending I 1 that the bill be not passed also council bill no 52 an act to j authenza aut honza the justices of the supreme court to employ stenographer and providing for their with ane recommendation that it be passed also house bill no 25 an act to es frae public employment offices with the recommendation that it be passed also house bi 1 no 94 an act relating to the practice of attorneys before courts of this territory and the qu alifi of the judges and commissioners of courts tha pas nasr of the bill with amendments bousa the following were presented bv mcbade A claim of the assessor 0 maps 97 by chark claim of citizens of mil daiil county for of criminal j prosecutions alien the committee on education offered a for H B 3 and 8 relating to free public libraries the following bills were introduced by hatch H B 87 repealing the law creating the office of sealer of weights and by johnsoa H B 88 regulating the practice of medicine tolton moved to reject it remarking that he thought th house was being imposed upon by tho introduction of so many medical bills mona n seconded the motion johnsn it saving that the bill ought to have respectful consideration by the committee on public health should the house preemptor ily reject this bill the question might arise under parliamentary law whether the house could ain at this aes aion consider a bill on the aaroe sears thought the bill should go to the committee ainee chairman of the committee favored rejection of the bill hatch said if the rejection of thia bill would prevent introduction of a substitute for those in the hands of the committee it should not be rejected marinn moved to table the bill carried H B 78 amandine a section of the civil cod came up on third and was re committed H B 75 providing that not leas than two women shall be appointed on the board of every territorial institution in which females are retained ieta ined maintained or instructed alien speaking in advocacy of the bill said it was suggested to him by questions put to him by a party of ladies whom be was on a cartain occasion conducting the insane asylum femmie inmates of a public institution would make corn plaines plaints to female female when they would not to male officials he advance ed other eats in favor of the bill which passed unanimously OB 28 valid atice certain achoo J bonda came up on third reading and passed by johnsoa by request H B no 88 an act to regulate the practice of medicine in utah territory varian moved that the bill lie on the it was so ordered an act amending cec lions and of the coda of civil Procedure came up on third reading ana was re committed to the judiciary corn m atee which had reported it back adversely ver sely H B xo 75 by alien for an act providing for the appointment of women upon certain territorial boards reported back favorably by the committee on judiciary was read the third time in j I 1 full discus aei briefly and passed by a unanimous vota 0 B no 26 for au act to amend chapter 80 of the laws of 1892 entitled an act to provide a uniform system of free schools throughout utah territory and to validate and confirm bonds issued was taken from the reading file and passed by a unanimous vote C B no to amend an act entitled an act to amend sections and 1791 compiled lawa of utah of re latine to the election of justices of the peace in cities was also taken from the third reading file it ia designed to not prohibit a justice of the peace from exacting feea in civil cases and to make it clear that there was no tion against a police justice who may be in receipt of a salary the bill passed by an affirmative vote powers being from voting 0 B no 28 b breeden for an act to amend section of tha compiled j laws of stati of the bame beine j action of the code of civil dare and for other purposes waa being discussed when the council entered to 1 a bojt conference oa the printing and die the council and house ot i met in joint session at 3 I 1 for the of banai canai dering tha mitter of public prin tinie nd the elec I 1 tion of a public printer the result of the meeting was the election of J B bloor as p printer |