Show JoU lUK WASTE paper for sale at this office car of choice flour arrived to day for boshard which will be sold at a sacrifice OB donld think from appearances that toe stock had bean renewed at S 8 joness old stand and they wonlu not be much out either business is picking up they say t use dollar will pay for enough kindling wood at the city lumber yard to last you all winser delivered free of charge were accommodated with lodgings at the hotel knight last night DONT fail to call at T G gebbers webbers Web bers while the immense stock of cheap drees goods is being offered A tailors will be pleased to receive orders for makine suite cleaning and repairing shop over irvine barneis barneys Bar daw PAT a year in advance for THE DAILY and ge in addition the colo rado weekly ban for one year christensen hai returned from a trip to nephi and eureka where he has arranged to give masi balls during the coming weak reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at THE offida SAM M donnell manager of the pacific insurance union and john marshal jr special agent of meyeral insurance companies compan iea are in the city on insurance business is what you need for dyspepsia torpid liver yellow skin or kidney trouble Tio uble it ia auar to biye you prica loc sold lv finout drue co 6 BY paying in advance you can beet both the semiweekly and the colorado weekly san tax haneon produce co attached the stock oi bachman last bearne ye arne at about 6 The clann of the hanson prodica co ia 75 dudley the writ of society of the brigham young academy was treated to very lecture laae evening by mra A hia boing ane worlds fair if when crossing a railroad trac kyou see a train approaching approach ina at tanty miles an hour get out of the way as aa possible when threatened with chronic rheumatism or catarrh take ayera sarsaparilla Saraa parilla persistently and patiently and tha danger will soon pass away duff ii tory ill at the home of his sister mrs jake boshard in the fifth ward he is buffering from broo droo sy and it is doubtful if h will recover will be a benefit party held in first ward meeting house under the auspices of the ecclesiastical board next tuesday evening february the ath the proceeds will be forwarded to L 8 glazier who lately departed on a mis sion to the southern states all mem bers of the ward are cordially invited 50 centa ON next tuesday the provo gun club will haye a friendly shooting match with the nephi club on wednesday the provo sportsmen will have a shoot ing match with the provo this match will coma off near nephi berria of salem died in this city last evening at about 10 he was about 45 years of age and has been a ward of the county since july 1883 being indigent and a suffer from paralysis par alyis the immediate cage of hia dedith waa heart failure his relatives will be communicated with before the funeral takes place A of trustees tru steea principals and citizens interested in school mattera will ba held ia at 1230 nesi tuesday the object of the ia to dr park new school bill and to present to tha legislature a set cf resolutions either favoring its passage or protesting against it the sentiment seeing to be against it passage at the congregational church tomorrow at 11 a m theme the of home mia aiona sunday school at 10 am christian endeavor Endea at p m evening services at p ca theme the story of A spiritual columbus everybody welcome S bosa pastor 0 W 0 hardman sheriff ot trier co W va appreciates a good thine I 1 not hesitate to eay so he was almoas prostrated with a cold when he procured a battla of Chamba riama cough remedy ha says la 16 gave mo prompt relief I 1 find it to be an in valuable remedy fur congas and colds for sale by ayce A maiben druggists now is the time to get your hata and clothing cleaned or dyed mr J Ber kuian an expert at the business has lina ted at martins bai laing corner ci 91 ai ii J greets sree ts and has a corpe of they are all practical hat tailors and dyers genta and ladies clothing cleaned dyad or r p aired take your old hats there and have them for a mere aang cleaned up and made as good as new talk of the smoot dreg co held a last evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year reed smoot president dr W beike vica president dr M H hardy secretary secre tarr and treasurer alex hedquist manager the above named gentlemen with L IT king forma the board of directors of the institution W childs proprietor of the philadelphia ledger died at 3 last night machida Mr Chida waa known as a he the abilda drexil home for printers at colorado colorado an u wae always foremost in all benevolent |