Show s s ALE whereas kuclik acu icu lluU ud lidai axx ieli ix th MJ auy iriti tn avio ir aoi uj ive aoud IAU iii B t ot menu ud buu luei tte avae W aud n A t u ii i sitf ai uma ana t ulab loy rii bk 7 balocik 01 twenty bt uius t abt iua roost jooa ance 3 hwo 1 baatu tintie B I 1 toda sanjiu 11 rt lu atio L fm taa arua irua feea aci aca lu ul tue t ui utu leM iury on tua da tuLea iOta T ducrea Wu crea tua lunt L deed that in atti ui in luti 01 abid boiu ui ox ine lute iest luor eijU pait hen ui ti t i me abole 01 manoi cunia become daie buu a hii be baid by abw ur bua or lu libbl at 1 l tuo ironi aboor ui ita cruit fiovo in iud precidia pr emidia gumti ban lorri iorA or ou ui biec flea iu the MB neuia notice houa ala alven oy publication lur tour 0 bacu ai mai fiut weeks many new ui butali and in ihu alti been made lor aix lu t ian payment 01 the ana has electea tu abs tbs ald not aud ua iiii amount lue tiie H r li rt queLa aimiee M artemid Arte proceed iu dali ty tid to estia luo aoi ce 1 tru Leao giten tu 1 l 1 ri P mam ati on UK palaaia buooa ot ine att me proui hauna biah in arto stati coaney ana will aall ai best casu 0 aiu iha dub apua oa UA tu toaia aum ol 01 ciui ut luie rai ditl aut A P t J TRUb TEEa SALE james J stubbs and maitha fc nora ou ibe dav of july 1892 executed and delivered to me western loan anil basinga pany their promissory for abe cum of hundred buu dollars and on the earno day lor lue purpose ot cecur gnp the payment ot aad note and the interest the eaid james b and martha benora atutis atut bs hia hiie executed and delivered tu W trustee their certain deed upon abe following ed property situated in the county of biah and territory of utah to wit lota no three 3 in bidock no two 2 in addition 10 city alao commencing lour 4 and one halt H rods east 21 south from the non hwesi corner no three S in addition to city nud run lib j chenue bait twenty hye as aoatua ten rods more or less to fern thence civo li feast theace norta ten 10 jooa lo 10 place of which eaid fruat leea was duly re cordea m tho 01 thu ul olaa utah Aern tory on abe dh dav ut auty 1892 an A trust deed that 10 cabe ot in the payment ot eaid promissory pio note or the thereon or any part thereof then tha said aboueid as onie be i o aie due aad the aard should de uy tha baid Iru atae or hia in at anition at the frodi do ft ot tue court m brovo atari utari b tuh territory or on eaid p amies or any pan thereof aa should be apeci tea in the bouce of auca esile daic previous botica u aale having been given by once in bah week for four any newspaper at tbt time a in abe of utah and default has been made for more than six in lie payment of interest upon aard note and the lenal holder of said note has elected to declare and baa declared the entire amount thereof due and the legal holder of the said bote has requested the aard thomas W jeninga AS afore eaid to proceed to aall the said property boder the authority given by said trust deed is hers by giten that I 1 thomas W jennings trustee as aforesaid will on the film day ot february at 12 noon of eaid aay for sale at auction at abe front door of the bourt bouse m provo utah county biah and will aall to ane highest aad beat bidder for cash allot the bald abata ed uremia eB for the purpose of satisfying the amount dua upon baia promis fiory note together with ahe interest thereon and tho cost of executing said trust THOMAS W JENNINGS trustee 0 W MORSE attorney for trustee |