Show LEGAL in tha probate court in and tor catali county biah territory in the matter ot the of thomaa bariuan jar iuan deceased order lor notice of application on reading and mine abe petition lu iJAr maja heir at law agOr an braer orpa ot aba estate ot Taomas it li ordered mat saturday the oay ot february A D at 10 a m ot the probate judge et the court mouse n atay utah caun ty rf be appointed tos abai and thal give patica thereal by causing notissa to be td up according to and thai ol 01 this order te published lor three weeta la EN a newspaper published in provo city judge dated jan SO Terr llorT oi county ot utah IV L halliday Halli dav clerk of the probate court in and for utah county territory of Utan hereby certify hat forego lug ie a tail truo aud correct copy cf iha original ariha estate of jarman deceased and now on ale and ul record in my office hand and the seal of said cobit at mi domce in provo cuy 1894 bleil oatho LEGAL NOTICE lukuc court lu and lor utah county atau territory aji ihm matter ot the estate of jmes Q powell deceased order bior botica ut application for fr halun on reading and filing the petition of thad abua koweil praying tor to t o ul lu abu escate ol 01 js Q decetise if is mat saturday the daf of february A y bt lo 10 odocia a BI ot office 01 ma Jr oDais juda iu toe court aouane in chiy utah territory t lor hear tut salt petillo pet itlo anai me give notice by causing noticed to oe 10 law ana tuut a chiy cl ills ordet D published in THE lour waban JI probate jud dated jan 10 1881 territory ol 01 aftan 1 ly L halliday clerk bt abe probate coultm Cour tm aadil lor ia t no altah nercey cartley abai ane lore smug s a lull true aad correri cor reci copy for of the caiane aotoa elwana v witness my fian dajad the abal ol 01 laid Fr COOIL nt my offles in provo city htiu SEAL bolfa day 01 jan A 1894 V lUAy of the probate court bian county 17 T LEGAL NOTICE t v if in ana probate court in and for utah county uia in tae mailer 0 the eliae ci curtic order lime abil place for ol 01 abat iad 10 har lor tuli OP reading abc ol 01 charle nd alria uffe taie lorm liari UBy oice awk la tutta all the cebu upon ovidiu MIU savo i QiU tafou onne i sala tu ta iU u awon thein 01 ed pring among ciber idius lor au kiaer it count aua ul bl aitt bail K te peulia rt i w it ib sa a the estate ut ibe baxt in leceil be add appear deiure liae probate tuitui county ul U lab abe court ice 01 court in ula mo laue on tue ten biar imus cause siu notel arata aaa ul aou coi ii made ol 01 ae of ulu aar cerii aal of tin lwi t accordion accord iOE lo 10 jia J ia i it la further ordered that the tu bt ui three cagne publia blau in tocoi and a cop ux injo order to be a abud m utan count prior 10 bour said sm ittai aay 0 agui ayd jan 30 liim a jd juK jab frogate j ada daei j ss 12 I 1 a IV s ill aua lux cooil territory ot atu btu atiat atia is a acu icu of stitt af okie anu m fluid placa lor aill tu hear lur ai ceaS burus tt cow ut alio aau 01 record ut my hand kl and the ettl of aad court xay bolce in cu city iaia buiu AJ listii Q tie court V L ota HALLIDAY LEGAL in the probate court in ana lor utah county territory ot ulan la laa mailer ot luo eitard of christena cailin Cail cn order time and placa tor settle tu biear aoi ua ano flung ane petition of cabalo ol 01 cuno abut iotti ne abid aln a nid acciani acco ani ui ms la iranon upon 10 in couri MU iua abbi ui said tattle tidie been fully and inai at aadu co be divided mons atia bom 01 eaid uld pray luef lor ua order diw lu kaiu 01 ui lue residUe 01 kuia unfong t li to eliat all persona u ui luu buo ed be appia lie nubia vl ui ant me ui due boum cruit hodoe i uc loui aubol gebru aty IBI IB I ab a ui hueu aud luera U abut kuae au a buia tuii aad ol 01 cl lua ui esiau aitio ut luo al tu law icis arther ordered hat the clerk cause aoi biccs KJ bo in altu m m tuu a coper ut luia u ui taud iia ui tu duj enoi to kaid lum buhy 01 rury 14 J judae dated jan 11 igei ut ciuti i ol 01 atau J iv i V 1 of the buuri mma luquin ol 01 derooy irwy tuii is atilid curreri copy ot buo p libao iud jur flaque buur aua to ajr lor the et ui aud ua cl aud ut record lu auy beka my band aej ane kei SEAL SEA L 01 kia it my ulca in frugo kiy aua atu uy OL aul A libart clera it bic AHI conn u 1 |