Show 0 o 3 for most business houses to take once or twice a year we are going take stock on february ast 1st to and then we must sell at least winter goods comprising all kinds of goods and of which we have too much nothing in reserve we busy and warm during thiis we will do business if greaff sacrifice will aid us WS are going to cot cat ant cat deep and slash prices as they have mer yet atte jee w etien coaxie a nd see for yours IS aness GOODS DRESS GOODS at a discount of 25 per cent a great sacrifice ANY AND ALL linci GOODS AT GIVEAWAY PRICES table claths cloths for goats and 10 lo these are fine linens ask imported choice patterns and sold for nearly twice what we now we have too many if you need any or dont nee dury gat some THET ARE DIRT CHEAP fine turkey red damask for a yard worth 32 acts fine white elegant figures table clothing 25 30 32 worth 35 40 and 50 cents linen towels for 10 cents a piece linen to wets worth and for and a pair this is a tremendous reduction 1 l T 1 fine mar jeilles 1 for and st 90 are 0 o and in tion cheair gradac for 85 cents 90 cents and excellent values spec ij i J 0 ifil underwear for men women and children ChiT dren at a reduction of 40 per cent this is your gain irta at a reduction of 33 per cent v c have broken lots in these goods but enormous quantities SHOES SHOES SHOES our hoes for men women and children is without a doubt the and most bell largest complete too large in fa c t we will IMMENSE aa L OF 20 JERT considering the small margin of profit we make on our shoe this is an and should be taken advantage of many kinds at many prices ANY AMOUNT OF ALL KINDS OF BOBBER GOODS ALL GO ALL GO AT IMMENSE reductions i as aboa as iiii why why SLEDS at a reduction of 35 per cent all boy and girls should haac one parents should see that their children are supplied with one caca p as kindling wood space permits for no more watch for our dodger which will contain a few samples of the prices to be maintained dubinar this sif i i i facts always do as we say until february ast 1st only r si briw 14 CENTRE STREET CO iby S LW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH M M F P ATTORNEYS and CO AT LA W rooms 13 and 14 block UTAH W X THUS JOHN ajohn law 1 0 booma 11 and 12 bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH J K booth E A wised A BOOTH walson YS AT LA V 11 and land office agnate ko 23 N J street CITY UTAH E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH jesee J ATTORN ET AT LAW boom 1 biral national babli 0 PRO VO CITY UTAH S K KING lawyer office in national bank ol 01 commerce PRO UTAH DON C JOHNSON attorney AT LA W boom no 3 bank building springville Spring ville ulah ul AH A SAXET edwards attorney sa s A t laic AT L collection agency office bank building PAY iSON CITY UTAH A E ff H attorney manager te csatari am ape office bo s oms arnon block opposite tabernacle R GT and superintendents 2 ana bloch prove MRS S A GRAHAM SS cstreet GS treet between 4 and ff cl T henrs 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 4 me curtain M J office palace blace residence dence 2 blocks east bank corner telephone no 45 office no 28 UTAH r rajeev raj EED Devit have all modem instruments lor the practice of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS A isyall dooni bioc k SAM painter PV m cornor y abid ath street IJ manager lor THE bu foreign 1 rooms 1011 and 12 excelsior block utah county ria bank the atu antion of those desiring to open aings accounts acco ants is calato the utan havinga bank allows in reat on deposits agthe katat sent per annum sidonay to loan on approved beai security A 0 prea B 1 1 C W H kiefl W B TT n a Wn clAo ve baue peon are you willing to work for the caus 0 protection in anfor your ac quain un ces if you are you hould be identified with THE AMERICAN protective y TARIFF LEAGUE nato YORK cut ahia nobce out ad cna it to th leago ni abd talons pol 1 PATENTS crecco anci reissues re issues braile marit and all patent CHUMS to ibe office and before promptly avii cars tully receipt of model or alse teli ol 01 in aliona ibale ceremi examination and ad se directly carow aff JW betos in personal luere it i apparent that I 1 haya t fot prompt ane ana stal prosecution of or fox to all business entrusted so ray care tn the teat tibne FEES and anaf reference B asni on rezneat neat i J E jf atoo and attorney in patent causes DC opposite U p patent office DAILY SATURDAY 3 1894 specimen cases S H clifford new cassal troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism his stomach was disordered bia aliver was affected to an al armias degree appetite fell away and he waa terribly reduced in fleeba and strength three bottles of electric bitters cured him jedward shepherd Harn III bad a running sore on his leg of echt yeara Bt andina used three bottles of electric batera and seven boxes of buckling Buc klins arnica salve and hia leg Is boond and well john speaker cataw da 0 had five larfate fever bores on his leiz doctors said he waa incurable electric bittera fand Buc arnica salve cured him en entirely bold by smoot drug co 3 mans anflin self 1 the most inhuman outrages outrages would the advae man perpetrates pe upon bis own system fey drastic purgatives purga tives velch ahls stomach agon ze his intestines and waken his system many people constantly do chii under the imp reon only which are violent in ahelf action and par baily cathartics ara 01 ol aay avau irra parable injury 10 health la ander ibia idea approaches abe ol 01 la hostellers Ho stomach Is painless but thorough and invigorates the intestinal canal instead of and irritating it the liver and the in tae benign instituted by abla medicine whose health throughout ano ayatey sidney and nervous complaint succumb to it days joaa of lime on account of sickness and a or bill to pay is anything for a man of a family to contemplate whether he is a laborer merchant or pub fiaher jas 0 jones publisher of the leader mexia texas was sick in be d for a eyen days with the grip during it prevalence a year or so ago later in the season he had a second attack he bays in the latter case I 1 used chain remedy with considerable success I 1 think only beina ia bed a little over two days the second attack pam satisfied would have been bad as the first but for the remedy it should be borne in mind that the grip is much the same as a very severe cold and re quires perc isely the same treatment when you wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually give this remedy a trial 25 and cent bottles for sala by ayce sc maiben druggists I 1 for over yearly MEB STROP to fiver fifty years by millions of mothers for chesi children while teething with perfect anc ceas it soothes the child the pann salaya all pain cures wind colic auais the best remedy or it will relieve the pool sufferer bold by in every part of the world twenty five centa bottle be aure nd balc lor lira looth laK syrup and ike tike t had to the people of provo ram ready to meet any cut rates on flour our flour must be introduced here even it at a sacrifice of 50 cents ia sack givs us a call and we will con yince vou that we keep the best arid flour in town respectfully J R BOSHARD alow kates are detill in effect to eastern points via the rio grande western ey remember the R G W is noted for the elegance of its equipment ita new coaches its free chair cari its tourist of colonist blaey ers and it new and artistic poll mail double drawing room palace Sleep na oara which run to ghica gb without wit hont change speed safety and comfort is its well bame d motto two lioe baat express rains to the east daily the midwinter mid winter calr the midwinter mid winter fair at san francisco will soon be opened the management haye very carefully selected the best worlds fair exhibit a eo that those in not the willa till have an the es hibits at san francisco the bio grande western railway in line ditl its usual siye spirit adl in con po put in ef befit abow johnd trip rate during the es of the midwinter mid winter fair the R G W rv alyoa know runs through to san francisco without change both tourist and first class pullman Bleb ping cars two trains A gentleman who gormerly lor merly resided in connecticut but who now resides in honolulu writes i for 2 yeara past my wife and 1 have used ayer s hair vigor and we attribute to it the aara hair pie and I 1 now have walle hundreds ot our acquaintances ten or a dozen years younger than we are headed when asked how our hair has retained its color ana reply by the use ot abw hair vigor nothing else in my affianced vas nearly bald and tha hair kept falling out every day I 1 induced her to use ayera hair vigor and very soon it not only checked any further loss ot hair but produced an entirely new growth which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day I 1 can recommend this preparation to all in need ot a genuine hair restorer it Is all that it in to be antonio Alar run baltrop bastrop Ba strop tex AVERS SILVER IRON WORKS TUTA H are open for business with new machinery new tools and new patterns with the latest improvements for getting out work iron and brass bastis fa stis and general machia aoa pipe pitting for to etc at the old sun foundry location WM J SILVER sapt L bimetallism BY archbishop OF DUBLIN IRELAND owing to the great demand for archbishop pamphlet on mono and the effects on iS Mim mm we have reproduced it on elegant book paper neatly bound containing 80 pages it is one of the most logical illustrative and convincing bimetallism t ever been published this pamphlet is having a wide and should be read by every citizen of the united states it has attracted the attention of europe and america and is one of the most scholarly writings extant on i ano subject of bimetallism mailed postpaid to any address on receipt of ae cents special terms to agents address COIN publishing CO monroe st chicago the popular st liobe democrat semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY will be given one tear with the daily enquirer for the ansual price payable in advance and with the semi weeley enquirer one year for only 3 25 address your orders as follows THE ENQUIRER CO provo city utah caveats aad trademarks trade marks obtained and all pt 1 eat busness conducted for MODERATE fees OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE u S PATENT can secure patent in less time than those remote aroa washington feud dratch bog or photo pitr de scrip afoa we advise if or not free ot i charpe our fee rot due till patent is secured A s obtain patents cos of sini n foreign coun tritt gentiee sent iee actress i is f y aff 1 ss a j B t t y patsi 0 C I 1 C ur vw t our aal aol TO US NO OTHER SOAP AW PURPOSES THAN if w 1 IT 15 FAR SUPERIOR TOA IN TM MARKET IS MA LY SY ST LOUIS RIO GRANDE COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON TOPEKA FE RAILWAYS the only li no which runs palace sleeping gara between orden salt lake city and chicago without chadee and pullman palace reclining Be clining aara between oden salt laka denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE EQUIPMENT unsurpassed AEE YOU GOING EAST if ao beare and secure reading over the SANTA FE grandest and Grea tsat on barm leave ogden salt lahe city or proto on the trin in order to aee the most scenery in america train leaves bio grande western denot salt alsko city at 9 f p m and at 10 sa p m ISO general agent passenger Pa saenger department SALT LAKE CITY UTAH THE ENQUIRER during the aleyen W to every one of its subscribers subscribe rg who haa paid ter one year in advance one years jurae subscription to the wall known Magas aae kiy THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to intro dua this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah abd will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid TH K deml ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber residing anywhere iia the united states who will forward to ve have recently introduced another feature to our one that i of for only we will mail to any subscriber in the united tata postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and V an laii already te of tah |