Show A household treasure D W fuller af Ca najiba ie N Y bays that he always keeps dr kings new discovery in the hoase and his famil has always found the very beet results follow its uee that he would not be without it if procurable G A dykeman druggist Drue gist N Y baya that dr kings new discovery is undoubtedly the beat cough remedy tha beha used it in hia family for eiba years and it has never failed to do all that is claimed or it not try a remedy so long tried and tested trial bottles free at smoot drug co regular aia and lff 3 jacklena Bac klenA arnica salve the beat salve in the world for cuts bruges ulcers salt rheum feyer bores chapped hands ahil biaiga corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is to give perfect or money refunded arico per box for sale by smoot drug co hard times consumers cannot afford to experiment with inferior cheap brands of bak ing powder it is NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in need to those who desire to practise economy in the kitchen each spoonful does its perfect work its increasing sale bears witness that it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further grocers say that every dollar invested in royal baking powder is worth a dollar the world over that it does not consume their capital in dead stock because it is the great favorite and sells through all times and seasons floyal kutal nutal BAKING POWDER CO WALL at NEWYORK NEW YORK SOSO take simmons liver regulator for dyspepsia or headache foshing canvasser 0 n good address liberal and expenses paid weekly permanent tion BROWN BROS co nursery men portland oregon president lincoln used to aay that yon coald fool some people all the time ad all of the people borne ol 01 the tifft but yon cannot fool all tha people all of the timeT hii explains why people come back to the gail eagle brand condensed milk it you want to enjoy conr meats strengthen conr digestion with simmons liver regulator 03 both the method and results when syrup of figs ia taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of pigs h the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the taste and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute FIG CO SAN kr HW YORK HY ayi kiers Kif rS terms gash pioneer brown bread all should eat this bread especially ally children doctors claim this the healthiest bread there is you should eat no other bread than this bread PRESERVES THE TEETH AND MAKES THE MUSCLES AND BONES GROW and keeps the digestive system in good order the flour this bread is made of is made by the same process as flour was made in king solomons time this bread can be had at next to taylor and cas grocery store if you lle it hot come in the at 6 p m AND ALL KINDS OE MUSICAL instruments AND sewing tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD we will assist the people in economizing by them faour regardless of cost of manufacturing it quality of flour guaranteed LOOK AT THESE PRICES bakers no I 1 67 straight grade 70 sea foam 80 patent 82 1 bran 70 hor 80 orloo prompt and free delivery J W HOOVER excelsior roller beat sugar per sack best sugar 16 pounds LOO alt packet coffee two for 55 loose coffee per ib to 40 tree tea three papers 50 schillings tea choice tea per packet loose teas per ib from to tomatoes per can 10 best canned corn 2 cans 25 all packet starch per packet 10 coal oil per gallon 15 ALL OTHER GOODS IN proportion corn meal per sack graham per sack perfection wheat per sack I 1 SELL FLOUR AT PRICE LIST PUBLISHED BY BOTH MILLS everything the market affords at bottom prices ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH OR SENT G 0 D FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY TELEPHONE NO SO PP prop haying accepted the agency foi provo of the T PLEASANT ROLLER MILLS CO he will hereafter carry a heavy eatock of that mills In cladine its famous flour one door north of S S jones gos store will sell as cheap as the cheapest for cash and shall be pleased to meet ray old friends and cua tomera when they are in want of anytime in my line will guarantee you the best of flour at the berv lowest price delivered to any part of the city call and see us BEEF MUTTON VEAL and BOLOGNA and PORK SAUSAGE fat calves and dressed HORS want ed fre delivery to any part of the city removed from the old stand opposite court house to dodd and deals rea tarrant tan rant maiben block north ot bank corner J E prop r jd so are dm frit we have on hand a large stock of lumber lath shingles rustic flooring doors and windows AND ALL KINDS KI OF s MaLto riaLl having recent y bought out the entire stock ef the Aias lift lumber co and enst received a oar of doors and windows we are letter prepared than ever to fill orders rr ders all of the above gooda we will bell at those desiring goods in our line will do well by tailing en as before buying as we will not bo undersold Under sold by any firm in ertah we mean jast what we gay COME AND TEY US V R H ae asa opposite R R despot provo city A satisfied customer i owr bet AdLe itie you want to buy dry goods and notions calil AND ME BUY FOB WE BUY TO ahll WB acy DIRECT AND m W in quantities ALWAYS fikel OCR STOCK COMPLETE WE SELL AT ONE PRICE anil THAT THE LOWEST f wybe SK f i to civo abt Q Sr ioe WB you s your child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourself A comparison of our prices will convince you that you should trade with us OPERATIVE cooperative CO j 9 |