Show r joints booth john henry smith vice pre J 0 graham geo jiin john W tamer 0 D J B AD J M jeneen john 0 graham mann ner en bared at the postoffice Post office at pov R second class matter OF BY MAIL j daily edition one parta of a year per month 30 year in advance A ac TO CITY dally delivered sunday 80 conta per month address THE co utah where delivery is irregular please flikke complaint st the office or through telephone no 27 01 nia a amio J aa dijk e 0 dabex afi OS er dhanee francesoo Francl soo gal where contracts be made for 11 i 1 L P FISK airye 21 t exchange san seo Is our authorized agent tali caper 1 kept on file in his of floe take liver to keep the bobela regular ono deau is worth dollars KABIS CLOVER BOOT trie new blood purifier give s freshness and dear neBa to the complexion and cures constipation and sod by smoot dauz co 5 A SINGLE order for seventy one stand ard railway locomotives was placed with an eastern engine firm by a western railroad company a short time ago forty two are to be built immediately the remainder early in the year it is one of the 1 agest single orders on record DOUBTLESS the announced economies on the pennsylvania railroad will recall to many persons tom scotts early stroke of economy when he saved so many thousands a yearby simply ora darlng that the bright work of the pennsylvania locomotives the pride of a hundred engineers should bei painted black to baas the expense of in comans womans eeals laisy la thankful the com iniz holidays what would be aba nicest present to offer before deciding ie that health is to be considered before everything else how can you enily dinner ora or a new dresa if you are not veil and happy T da pie famous prescription is a dowry to avary lady buffering ering with and give who have tried 1 an opportunity ibs wf lill send one trial treatment only to each bergon for 2 00 regular price fiend a written guarantee to cure my case no matter of how lone stand inet in two or refund iceney this ia the genuine prescription of the Ds hundreds of testimonial sat your bervice thi world renowned treatment was discovered in 1849 and has been adopted in H principal all and inquiries Inqui rieB must ba sent to the LAST SALT LAKE MEDICINE CO bait lake city utah write lor particulars and remember that we are responsible for our i antee lady manager wanted in every city and town 2 school trustees atthe at the office register cards excuses and otlie r blanks which are carried in stock orders by mail promptly fillad abdrea co daw provo dutrh WOODS the great eneith remedy arrea tr rea all tanas bt A ax i or OT etSy of cases va town A for wood lf gift irino ta place of athla bla tt attore pric aln br man price one eaird 2 conta aarom the W aoa chemical co woodward detroit accle sold in eity re by g C S s ra a a Wh hout at hand bior taro bating afra cold may prove more dangerous than tha no family ia safe unless provided an en er gency in sadden attacks of cold cromp asthma etc acerb pectoral ia an DR geffs COLDS i d t ear tor cold and armp wa it dat ir it ira forty yeu g efow my afka ar anant onion prepared admore nd more pita to tile lati larr botolf BO ask 0 o tor it othlar riold by avns Mf liben GOOI every patriotic citizen should give adb personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the american policy of tion it is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible Aft erthe homa paper is taken cara of why not cub scribe for tha ECONOMIST published by the american protective tariff leaggo one of its correspondents says i no true american can get along without it I 1 consider greatest and truest political teacher la states send postal card request for frea sample copy man general secretary Secre tauy wot fa I 1 i 0 icay restored WEAKNESS nervousness DEBILITY t clr later excesses ator 01 overwork over sickness worry etc full strength development anil tone given to every ci iran antl portion or the body methods sarn fal rrt ar reference refe and proofs CO BUFFALO NY I 1 w n 7 CARSON A ROBERTS JP s aft yeii T livery feed and jT Enefer makes with al trains i hai and F street between aih and ath streeta prote city As old as never excelled tried and proven is the verdict of millions S i mm 3 liver degn lator is the only liver and kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a arfe A mild laxative and purely vegetable et able acting pich on the directly liver a n d kidneys try it i sold bygall in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea 1 l chave used liver eay it Is foe consi derita medicine chest in itself OKO W tacoma wi j PACKAGE att seikh abe Z on OF ed M mm teddi T A 0 SMOOT president i W B GEO TA GEO Q 3 P E JOHNSON E E D A SWAN cashier U i i exchange an new york chicago ban and all the principal cities laffety from and upwards M w aft ei wrt 4 a Soa ican get the finest and most durable at home as yon can also get the call and eee if what leay is not true S otar sotar if f fai ak rf 8 it C 3 f i ir a off despret telegraph office J street 7 affy wad il 9 a f 0 ware prepared to receive orders ir make contracts for buildings of all descriptions c rita ci abw estimates application we have the facilities for best and most durable qualities of BEIGE in any required quantities samael liddiard co 0 undertaker C Carries full line i i a of l jav r A AND solid Blo sewood inda burl Caa ket abid coffins of all eilea te ind black QS airel wi tart Tt rt Q ay oad eta by maibor attended ta liberal discount given to the arade north of kail way depot s jmwa acx aes beke r jre i isan feito T RIO ae t railroad n i s n ad S borla ira ir A br i as aws the only line two through E ast Trams daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER rt f ss rt A NOVEMBER 19 1893 A j I 1 train no 2 havea ogden 7 00 a m nr arrive at pueblo colorado a m denver am train no 4 leaves ogden a m Salt Lake atas p mt Pi leblo 7 SO p m colorado p m denver p m made at elegant day coaches chair gara and fallman Blee pera on all trains take the da RG raud comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on f ii fa b HOGHES S K HOOPER traffic manager Q P T A denver colo denver colo general agent lake city ut 1 bock springs uncap 1 nut castle gate lump castle gate nut Pleasant Valley aa A a 1060 hauling per ton extra TELEPHONE 17 SM THE v ii j c FOR EIGHT i the of the DAILY ENQUIRER we cae pleasure in informing conr subscribers that we have made arrangements with COLORADO SUN publishing co to club our daily paper with WEEKLY amr a the very low price of eight balars Da lars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY with THE COLORADO for in each case ala sub payable in advance weekly sun t has a phenomenal circulation and cloveres the eosue field west of the missouri river flaig edg ya and conta inal 1 af the world literary Litera rj features mining news departments for the home the farmer and the children must accompany all orders address THE CO provo utah for tickets and agent E gy provo W JF mcmillan MILTAN Mc 60 dooly a TB S E JL WARD SONS proprietors 0 corner ard 3rd and H streets telephone no 32 L th stands alone as the CRT BLOOD and cure for rheumatism KO sarsaparilla now sold is rio fully endorsed by and formula printed on ach bottle BROWNS sarsaparilla ani n noettie no ottie BROWNS AND GINGER be the best ismery loi diarrhoea dysentery haid mil bowel complaints it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined with aro iu ikin it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists Pre nilsa pills cure pills cure constipation preness ellla car constipation ellla cure constipation almoas all medicine constipation cara I 1 pill eliat core torpid liver tick fald kejr and aurer troubles without or leaving any isaae ot constipation which la the all sickness beware ot it habitual and chronic with you those car 3 pRENTISS de rectifying RECTIFY ING PILL it la tho only baia and remedy arly BEAUTIFY tto clear tha and all blatche blo tche corn tho faco try a boi aad ee tw boar aalt 25 cents a bos ONLY IN SCALED JQ sr 00 bv mail orl receipt rico cut pula i i palls car pills cure gj FOR inventions equal with the interest of those having claims against government fa that of INVENTORS who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not entirely upon the care and skill of the attorney with the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have re bained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to obtain patents in the united states and all foreign countries conduct interferences make special examinations prosecute rejected basss register trademarks trade marks and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity of patents prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc if yon have an invention oa hand send a sketch or photograph thereof bethar with a brief description of the important features and you will be advised as to the best course to pursue models are seldom necessary if ethers are infringing on your rights or if you are charged infringement with by others submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter THE PRESS asye P STREET NORTHWEST a baie ba JOHN wedderburn WEDDER BURK managing attorney this out end sana 1 l with your SALT LAKE CITY coodin tad on the american and brou ean plan m m 1 ial ss ra DA this popular hotel is equipped with ail mode u m eluding electric bells steam heat hut and cold water baths steam elevator fire escapes etc MORGAN prop |