Show f TRUSTEES SALE auson H and margaret T duzenberry Dugen berry anthe day to the association of salt lake city their 2 promissory noea one for the sum of one thousand dollars 1030 and one for the sum of affo thousand dollars 2000 and on for the purpose jot securing th payment of said notes and the in treat t reat thereon tK ereon the said wilson S du sen berry and margaret T dasen aeiry hia wife and delivered to JP Masori trustee their certain following described ed in ana county of utah and territory of utah to wit commencing at the northwest north west corner of block twenty 20 plas B proto C y th enbe bunth one and 1100 l loo c hains east three 31 chains thence north one and 1100 1 j chains thence three cha inato the place anich said trust dd was duly recorded in i the office of the county recorder of biah canev ulana territory on the an day ofa ngab i 1891 and eaid arnet deed provided that in case oi default in the payment of said or the interest premium or installments install menta ora any part thereof then the baid indebtedness ehwald at once become due and said premises should he sold by the said trustee or his successor in trust at public auction at the front door of the court adue in pro vo utah county utah territory or on said premises or any part thereof as should be specified in theD once sale thirty days previous sale having been givan y once each weela for four successive n any paper at that time published in the county of utah and default haa been made for more aban six m tae payment of the interest notes and of bald note has elected to declare and has declared the entire amount thereof due aad w ile legal holder atthe baid kofes baa requested the balch trustee aa aforesaid t to sell the said property under the authority fayen by said trust deed NOTICE is that I 1 H P mason trustee as aforesaid will on the fifth day of february 1894 at 12 day afler for maleat sa leat public auction at ue froat the coat bouse in and will sell to th a highest andi bidder thereof for cash all of the said abaye described property for the pur cose of satisfying the amount doe upon eaid notes together tha thereon and the cost of ex Tru ateo 0 W attorney for trustee Tiu Stee TRUSTEES SALE i f andrew day of lay 15 livered to national building and loan association of salt lake city hia promissory tota for the aura of four thousand on the eama day for the securing the payment of eaid sote est therein tha said Anorew aen and ara L executed arid delivered to trustee tru atee their certain trustee Trust De ed boo tie described kropa ed 61 utah and territory of Utah to yi 1 a 2 in alb elc seventy ape diat provo city su afa tsy ie Rt east from aba southy cor berof baid 2 and running beyen 27 carth feet thence west twenty Beyen 27 feet thence 99 feet to the place of b dmn ine together with a right of way eight feet wide leading from tha west side of said block along the north aide lot two 2 which said trust deed was duly recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah territory en the day of may 1893 and said trust deed provided that in case of default in the payment of said promissory note or the interest premium or installments or any p arac thereof then the said indebtedness should at once become due and said premises should be sold by the eaid trustee arhia successor in trust at public auction at the door of the court house in provo county utah territory or on said premises or any part thereof as should be specified in the notice of such eale thirty days notice of buch sale having been given by publication once noach week lor four wees in any newspaper a that time published in the county of utah and default has jeen mada for more than in the payment of the huun I 1 aa holder of said note idaclare ia clare and has declared the entire amount thereof due and the legal holder of the raid note bas requested the said H P mar son trustee as aforesaid to proceed to sell the au dhority given by said trust deed notice is hereby given that I 1 H P malon trustee as aforesaid will on day of february 1594 at 12 noon of said dat oner for bale at public auction at the front door of the court house in Provo Utah county utah f and will aall to the highest and beet bidder for cash all of the described the purpose of satisfying the amount due upon said promissory note together with the interest thereon and the cost of executing said trust H P MASON trustee attorney for trustee |