Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings 3 66 cents lead buys a good warm wrap at T G webbert Web berB T maa tant position stamp and references A T morris care thia paper 31 calicoes cali coes are abne offered lor ae a yard at T G webbert Web bera f your prescriptions and receipts to the smoot druc go t THE old reliable provo L M A B co is the best place to get your coal yon can get a nice warm drass pattern froia ac upwards at T r G wet bars only 2 par dozen by dangela broa opposite the post office t BOB cunningham ingham haa returned return eJ from salt lake city where be haa baen to buy more machinery for the candy factory bob la mating mat ing a fine line ot candiea and hla branch of home industry encouraged the beet way to avoid ecale diseases hair falling out and premature is to use the best preventive known for that purpose halls hair CALL at boshardy Bo shards for your flour the very bet and cheapest t I 1 selling this week the same grades of flour as Hoo yera FOAM at a flack and the grade at a back boxt dor to S S jones J E abt bolts ol 01 aresi goods going thia month from ac upwards excellent and wonderful T G gebbers webbers t city lumber co will until dec 31 furnish you dry cedar kindling ready for fire BIS sacks for johar pine wood cut to or der for sale provo commercial A savings beenk pays 5 per cant interest on havinga de ftp sits interest compounded four throes a avealt to loan on lone time a a low rate of interest on farms in the county and improved city property in provo apply to don R coray provo EDWIS G brown of salt lake city re liebre fricke k co of san francisco is interviewing our grocers mr brown flays that blaine bu aine is better and collections easier than for some tims in the past A in time take jimmona liver regulator and prevent sickness your bences and try some of provo city lumber cos lindline kind line wood alclo pitch pina goodmen woodmen t to order for any size t than statehood durine these bard times the good people af fiovo ara enjoying lucli benefit from the sale of Bo shards cheap flour than statehood could possibly bring them five per cent paid quarterly on savings deposits at peoro Oam mercial A bank WE have it now send in your orders to provo city lumber co until the 31 st and try boma of our pitch pine dry wood cut to order t 5 cents par pound at the troy steam laundry of provo c go to the prove L M A B co for your coal t photographers daniels bros opposite the poat office t FROM 1 up received on sayings da cosite J R cashier jos HATCH and mark jeffs hober city merchants were in the city ye berday kidney affections of years standing cured by jimmona liver regulator J W FD BICKFORD M JL physician and surgeon office excelsior block provo BLACK battea coal constantly on hand nd at e provo L M B co t go ona door north of B S coneg co to get your flour t cabinet photo mounted on a plate glass easel and one bozan photos for at daniels brothers opposite tho poat office orders and oysters a specialty at B F iners restaurant TUB ladies republican club of spanish fork will hold their next meeting at mrs jane Finch esa residence wed 7 1894 all members are to be present mrs J F mellor secy jane finch prea |