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Show j FOR KENT For Rtnt Furnished Rooms U . 1'IIK CKAlli. Eayie Goto and 1-nst Avenue. "! yl97.7 Tw6"utii-i. " CI. KAN KOOMS. CAS : nil' e light, ball!, heat. ll6 West 2nd North' st'U'l.V KI'liMSIIBU, MOKUUN KMS. ' 7t; Kast 1 1 1 South. c421'(i KVLv KlKNiSHEl' KIIUM, Flif- v " vale home; reasonable lent. 3-6 So. '6. Jlil K.lft. J775 5;i UUOM IN MOIiKUX HOUSE; UK AT, l.V 'liinhon prhih'Kva. 321 4ui East. Hy-!ar.l Hy-!ar.l -l-'-'-M llKSS- 5,! V l K N KOOMS. 1ESU!A UI.K; PRIVATE laniiiv pelnianellts desired. 140 No. Mj'in.J d2304 NICELY KPT1.N. ROOM IN STRICTLY 311 ' .110, home. vioso in. s-3 a. week. Was. stjJ- - -a'J '" HOTEL BACHELOR. l'l Newly turnished looms, strictly up to Ky date, S-.50 up per week. 101 W. Lruad- V. may. a? J2 nOEKN I'Rlixi iii'UM, Cl.OSli IN; ' iery reasonable. Was. 17T3-J. !:iiil4 !N'l rOOM" OLOSE-1N APT. "piioxh -0 ' Was. r.-s-W. d344 LSo'i TvifLL-KlKXIsVlKil COU.NHR ROOM ill eluse-lli apt.; references. Was. ;T.-.I. No. 1, I.nirse apts. H LSO ' m:VLY KlKNiSlI Kl i. .MOIL UOtiMS' Mil rur iienllenien. lot So. 3rd East street. RD - ! TliK IIYI.AXD, NEAR Tllli 1-N1VKK-"s7 sltv; clean rooms. nieely furnished; .91, el-j'-'licnt. steam heal, hot and cold wail wa-il t.-r, eatii privilege, out of the smoke, sooj '0. i,ir service; ?lll. ?11. f 1 2 per month, ech. Boimi if desired. 1310 East 2nd South HIS si. ML Olivet ear. Hyland lliO. eSl "w! ROOM WITH 1 1 BAT AND SLEEPING 'tuii ; porch; privileges of a home to right UT3 ram"- ISth ward; L. D. . preferred. Ad-lyg Ad-lyg ? dress K-10, Tribune. e550 i-H. kTh"-il"- K0 KNTLEMAN IN BEAUTI-111 BEAUTI-111 f-.;. modern home; $S. rhone Hyland T77T if'-". eo30 r, onkfVkn. uliom. with bath; pui- frr vate fauniv; for ladv. rlione Wasateli ffS-X-J. etSTl rT?- WHi.L-Ki'RX.. STEAM-lllCATED R.M.. Si"; sinsle room. $1(1. Ill E. So. Tem- 1; SL dJ092 V,1?: .MODERN APT., ALSO FRONT ROOM;' 0 olose in; board if desired. Wasateli ,ND 'Sfi-W e7 i'? JABCIO. PLEASANT ROOM; SLEEPING 1Z: porch if d.-sired. Capitol hill. ti No. 50.; Main St. Was. ,ifin3-V. ' eflTti ii MOD., CLOSE-IX. CLEAN, A'lRY R.MS. 11 112 2nd East. . y!'81 PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, NItTELY J 9 furnished, in modern home, east side, TO talking ilislanee; hot-water heat, bath, :taa phone; reasonable to permanent; gentle- 3 500 trail preferred. Hyland M-W. e952 ART 1...1VKLY FURNISH EO ROOM IN 4220 Oose-in apt. Was. 802?. No. 5 Miller af.s e311 S n RNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH rrr heat. 351 Earls court, 3rd So., bet. 4th -;u and oth East. ell 40 4J NEVi'LV F1RNISHED ROOMS IN PRI- 7- "ate familv. 115 So. oth East. Was. R-L 5010-R. ell!2 oca- age. F&p. RENT ONE OR TWO NICELY 4?hj f'jrnisiied rms.. stetun heated, with b&tli; cheap. 320 So. oth East. ellST sl v't.L-FCP.N.. STEAM-HEATED P.M., 43;; Vi5; sinsie room, ?10. Ill E. So. Tem- - pie at. ell99 OSE Jjtl NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL 1 4 3q7 modern eop"enienees, including heat; close in. 12S N. West Temple. Was. -Iz" 3599-M. el244 4th . 'e2:i s ?ooms. tjK?;:rsxisHED: pantry lad china closet; "S per month. 1023 la'a-,. ItL East c.4540 CKli i-i.r-4.SANT ROOM, WITH 3RD ecLre, cice Iti, reasonable. 40 W. No. i4UJ T-oi,;.e. b2617 ft : .";:":, .jjv, ,jront room, with best home ' -Mking, icr o-a-j; modern. rrjH ' Wa. 2072-J. e3077 Vas- EXCELLENT i'lARD AND ROOM FOR e&13 .varried couple or :"-o young r.".en. 33 gjf C St. TV if. -iCS7-W. C3752 W. -l-OCJ.. B.-'A'JTIFUL ROOMS FOR 1 OR ; 1 0 4 4 ':; chgoe; vaTio.ng distance; ref ex. vj os. j'l-.V. C4332 4t'n C -e NICE ..ATIGE FRONT R.M.. SL'IT-illtt SL'IT-illtt cle fe.' .T ttiiit.emen. lu. N. Main. dfi6 15 &: 3D ROO.M AND SOARD. il PER 112l woek; "ootns, Jl and up. Rear 114 E. rjrr !rl South.. d2368 BOARD AND ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE--rrr; ritin, or wan and wile. 9oo E. 2nd So. M'? d2502 IlW A ;-"lCE CLEAN ROOM, GOOD BOARD, -r bath, for two, $5.50 per week. 134 E st. TRN d2974 3s;f. LARGE FRONT ROOM; GOOD HOME cooking; eplendid location. 605 East X First South. d4152 terv, ' ront MODERN ROOMS, NICELY FUR- liza- nished; steam heat; choice location; -asl east side; out of the smoke; board if de- 4 aired. Hy. 1680. e2S0 BOARD AND ROOM IN STRICTLY 3243 modern home. Was 1009-R. e.575 NEWLY FURNISHED. LARGE. SUNNY . grj rooms for two or more, with private bath, single or en suite; beautiful stir- ;CH; foundings, close In. 115 E. So. Temple. and c643 M'; MODERN ROOM. 1IO.M10 COOKING, i tne for genteman onlv. 2G0 E. 1th So. ;ora- Was. 2053-M. efiSO ' art- -77 , li NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND .3S9fl board in modern home, reasonable. 679 E. 2nd So. Was. 570S-J. e:S7 an NICE FRONT ROOM, WITH BOARD, trine home cooking, S5.50; cloae in. 225 No. ,22.T i y. Temple. Was. 3156-M. e653 o-. ' good pi.At:1F-FOit sTuT7roT?-r u week. $20 month. 225 No. W. Temple. Yas. 3I.",.;-M. e909 VJ LAR-'- FRONT ROOM, CLOSE IN. elOjj family hoard; very desirable. Phone ST. Hyland 925-W. ell04 22 "WD BOA RD A NTrROOMs7Nl iCETxT IN- - '3Ji"- 130 nrrl ave- ellT.S J3J I'l.tTASANT 'ROOM"."viTli sT.EEPTNG it-p. porch, steam Iieat, board; private fam- elST v: Was. 63U-.I. ell45 Jo! nicely tn-ns. feiiT steam heXtT cae; with board, for 2; price reasonable; also ,,'lort ai"age for rent. 357 E. 3rd So. Was. eh'! ll-R- (11J ROOM AND ROARD. 20S W. 1ST ripN iT'il-. 50 a week. e!I9S rliini -:- " -SrCAL INSTRUr-I ENTS 3JRRE S4fl" STAND.-Utn MAKE PIANO. USED e5:i! eeveral years but in perfect condition; action and tone excellent; SIH5 takes tt. EP.1 Ol.EN BROS. -ROBERTS PIANO CO., elP, New Orpheum Theater Eldg.. gQ. 44 West 2nd South. el06ti roos we have some edison" cylinder ni. i Phonograiihs. taken in exchange on the epL. iww Edison Diamond Disc, which we will .r-ii. i";0SG out at jour own price and terms. lortV hjth-0"nrln Co. alsl t!pfi fOHEIfSVERS WISIIIXtj LESSONS IN Hb Enqilsh will receive special attention liaW' .rem private teacher at Snlt Lake Busi- ell" ness riMlege. Was. 72fu. el 24 ei miBmNb'llEATING LET BEACH DO IT. Ranges connected; water jackets flcaned; plumbing repaired. Hyland 3-M. NE eJ Sa"' JGSJtML8 . MODERN MATERNITY" HOME. PRI- 'itG cases solicited. Homes found for -i: rh!l'lr'!n. Phone Was. 70o9. 776 E. So. Taie x377 Foundry, STOVE REPAIRS tn: CAt-I- WESTERN FOUNDRY FOR ALL ar kinos water jackets, stoe repalis. wa- 1' Eatch 4l7t . kl02 ell"1' F01 KENT TWO IT ; isi I ) ROOMS GROUND Moor; screened porches. 3 West Olli Sonlb. Was 1 ;-k. d!7l'4 LICHT I l ICS "TM :i ;pl,; Ki.dMS, $ M., n.-'n'"" ' 171 10" Lst Souln- j 2 NICELY 1TKN. KOOMS, Wl'lil olij without liou.-Ll-.eciung, gas, mullein. 271 E. 1st So. " d I2M 2 LARGE ROOMS. E. I... WATER in house: ?:t per week. Rear 15 N. l.-t j W est. Was. 2i;';-M. d32."2 1 SINGLE AN 1)1 DOUBLE MOI M-fiTx h. k. rooms; laics reasonable. 107 N. lst West. e-94 2 CLEAN, NICELY FU UN IS ! I T5 rooms. g!-oiiii(l floor, reusonahle. 3119 So. til h East. e2S2 2 KtiOMs, NICELV EUKNISI I EI " t'Olt housekeeping, ground floor, close in. l:i'i S.nli, 3rd Easl. elS7 IIHI'W. BAtM El.Oil" l.'l A. Ilrcadnav. N..y f 1 1 1 nislied : all outside rooms; hut and cold water in all rooms; steam heated; special rates to prst 20 pernio tu tu i oomers. d::4i.:l ONE UK T WO ROOMS FOR 1l. K". ; hath; clos-. III. I:;:, W. lilli So. e4'.I.S 2 KOILMs. foil II' i SK K IcEl'ING; NO cliildnui. ;;n So. 2nd est. cs"3 TWti. $12: (iNI-T. SxTTiNE w! CLOSE: modern. 225 N. W. Temple. Was. 3156-M. elt'cO 1 AND 2-BOOM FRONT APT.; MOD.: gas. -113 So. ist West. c-357 UUUNISII 171) 3-Rt ii iM APT.. WITH hath; ground lloor; luoleili cotttlge. 705 So. W". Temple. eS72 2 ROOMS, I A XT K Y , CI ,"os E T TIsTcEjTv furnislied ; $12.50. 5ii No. 2nd West St. e:o 9 2 GROUND FLOOR ROOMS; RUNNING water. liL'ht. halh. Was. 1970-J. 52-1 S. W. Temple. e907 3 ROOMS, MODERN. 2 15 SOUTH 5TII East. elo2S FRONT SUITE OF L. II. K. ROOMS. hgiit and gas. veiy cheap. 052 So. 2nd East. clo97 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE-kecping; HOUSE-kecping; everything modern; A-l location; loca-tion; 16 per month. 47 So. lst West. el24S MODERN II. K. ROOMS, ALSO SLEEP-ing SLEEP-ing rooms. 323 ". lst North. el240 MOD E R N iT K. ROOMS. 7-1 EAT. light, phone, bath, ice furnished. Was. 6973. 2,1 West 1th So. e!262 Canyon Cotta?res FURN. HOUSE AT LITTLE MOUN- tain. Emigration canyon. j6 per week. Phone tlyland 3528. d4366 FRent Stortr and Offices CHOICE OFFICE UOi5mS1N THIS Tribune bldg. ; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F. J. YV'est-cott, YV'est-cott, 100S Kearns bldg. x3'J09 M' IN TYRE BLDG.. STEAM, TjGHTT fine janitor service; very reasonable rent. Little & Little. 201 ilclntyre Eldg. g963 OFFICES FOR RENT, FINEST LOCA-tlon LOCA-tlon in city. Boyd Park building, 162 Main street. S124 2 LARGE STOREPTOOMS, NOS. 49 AND 53 Postoffice place: very low rent. McKellar teal Estate & Inv. Co., 402 Walker Bank bldg, S1932 DESK AND SPACE FOR KENT. 420 Kearns bidg. dl074 EXCELLENT OFFICE ROOMS VERY reasonable. Hooper bldg. Apply room 202. ' d23S0 ELEGANT OFFICE SUITE, FURNISHED or unfurnished. 1606 Walker Bank bldg. Tel. Was. 216S. d3301 WAREHOUSE OR STOREROOM. IX-quire IX-quire Rip;c Bros.. 212 Floral ave d3,56 OFFICE SPACE, wTf 7CF HOKE. 222 Atlas Bldg. 01143 Sewing Machines Rented SEWING MACHINES RENTED. 50c A week; sold, $3 up. We repair. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. d2184 WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A SEW-ing SEW-ing machine, call up Wasatch 189S. WE RENT THE LATEST SINGER MACHINES MA-CHINES by week or month; prompt auto service 43 S. Main St. d93 For Rent Pianos GOOD UPRIGHT PIANOS, 53.00 PER month. Call Hy. 357-J. dl492 For Rent Farms SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES IN Emigration canyon, suitable for hay and grazing or chickens. Hyland 2337-J. dlS04 HOTELS LUCID HOTEL AND CAFE, 114 West south Temple Street. Ground floor lobby; well-furnished rooms, kept clean; hot running water and baths; $3.50 to $5 per week. Special monthly rates. A real hotel and cafe at reasonable prices. d412l HOTEL SAVOY' THOROUGHLY" RENO-vated; RENO-vated; housekeeping rooms en suite. 26 E. 1st South. X1253 RAYMOND HOTEL, 64 SO. MAIN. Clean, newiy turnished, homelike. 75c up. C1582 REDWING. 127 WEST' FIRST SOUTH, under new management; rooms 5oc, 75c, $1.00. dl323 THE HERCULES. 56 W. 3RD SOUTH; modem; running water in all rooms; reasonable Was. 1405. d22Sl " NEW SALT LAKE HOTEL. Strictly modern, telephone, hot ant! cold water iTi all rooms, newly furnished, absolutely clean; transient, 75c and up; special ratesror parties stopping 3 days or more: located near shopping center, 372 S. Majn d239C NEW REX, 253 STATE 100 ROOMS. 5t rooms with bath. Rates 75c per day and up H. E. Bartlett, proprietot. Wasatcl 67S1. ?JL4'J1 4.LTON HOTEL, MODERN, WITH OR without bath; transients, 75c up, S3 uf per week. 13S State. dsno-l THE CLT.RAN HOTEL, MRS. E. BECK prop. Rooms 35c, 50c, 75c and $1 pel dav; SL60 to S3. 50 per week. 34 la Eas 1st South. d34ct HOTEL BACHELOR. 151 W. BROArJ wa Newly furnished, all outsidi rooms, hot and cold water In all rooms steam heated; special rales to first 2t perinaietit-oomers: d34li: THE RALl?rdM. 137 K. FIRST SOUTH Outside rooms, bath, hoi and colt water; reasonable. d!25i Where to Stop LdNUOLN HOUSE, 68 E. 1 ST SO.. 251 rooms: 'single rooms, 35c, 35c. 4oc ant 50c: modern; baths. 15c. Special rate: by the week or month. Was. 3453. u255i H f VtE T7 LU C I DT I tVs6T EMPLE Modern rooms popular prices. Alsi cafe where reasonable prices prevail. o'309 c -hiEL)SH!It5 CtTuTuNEY SWEEPING: FURNACE: and water jackets cleaned; stoves am furnaces repaired bv expert. Call .1. H Curtis. Was. 7937 or Was. 1595. d3.fi IHObSutha wageners studio 143 East Third south. China suitabl for gifts and prizes. Class and privat lessons. e96 PIANO PuU I Nli G L" A K A N T E E L 1 lessons, noto or car. Glenn Waiei-niar 4i2 South -Main. . w2'-"- ' PS YGN EOLOGIST PETERSON BUILDS A N t PAINT si---ns in his studios. 20 Richards strcc Was. 150$. c51 FOR SALE Tor f,;i!c .n.tnntobiles WE Al;E c ii-fi:king SOME EXCEP-lional EXCEP-lional hiiM: in need cars tins week. Belter Bel-ter ou.no down and look llieiu over. AH go.iralii' . i lu ho in tir.'d -i lass coo I i f.un-l.ioeral f.un-l.ioeral tiiuis to icsi 'onsiblc parlies. i'o. ice. L'15, e. 1 ami s., 55-h. ).. t.-pa.-s. Biii. '; M-.:. p. 13. e. 1., 23-11. p.. 5-pasn. Biii.-U B-3T, 19 I. e. 1. and s., 55-h. p.. Ihiii k 1;: -,",.".. l.'l J , 6. e. 1. and s., 55-h. p.. Ve!;c 1911. e. 1. and s.. 45-h. p.. 5-pass. Haines. 191. 5. e. 1. and s.. 33-h. P-. I pass. i '.oiiii.ic. P'li, ::.",-h. p.. 5-pass. Maxwell. 19 15. e. I. ami s.. 25-h. p.. 5- pass. Some .land-,- hu s in trucks, freight and passencer. Biiick c-i 1916. .14-pass-.. cap. body. B'li'k I'-l. 191.",. 1-lon exl'lcss body. Wil!s, 13 13 l-lon stock iibilv, RANDALL-DODD Al To CO.. LTD. Call tor .Mr. Cherry, -Mgr. Used Car Deparlmenl. Auto Row. Was. 4560. 0373 BARGAINS l.NUSED CARS. 1914 Overland. new lires. electric starlet-, lights. 1914 llupmol-.ilo, new tires, electric starter, lights. 1914 Stitijcbaker, starter, lights. 1916 eight-c under Oakland, practically lien . Terms to responsible parties. SAXON MOTOR SALES CO.. 430 So. Main. C22R3 weIi a e a' i.a iti ;e x it'mbish of he- biiilt autoinoliiles that we are offering at trom to t-2 oiiginttl cost. l-erj- one guaranteed to be in A-l mechanical condition. con-dition. Terms lo lespousl hie parties. SHAKMAX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 43-45 West Fourth South. Phone Wasatch 6707. U26S7 a7usT"SELL M Y" O V Eli LAN D ROAD-stcr; ROAD-stcr; will take 3350, terms. This car is in first-Class condition and is selling at one-third its orlcinnl value. Tires good. 202 So. Slh East. e5S5 7-1'AsS ENGE li 'AUTO IN FIRST-CLASS condil.on. S.000 casli if taken at once. Phone Hyland 227-.I. d2178 BY OWNER 5-PASS.. 1912 BUICK, motor e.xceile.ni cotidilion; must sell at once. See Mr. Stewart at 394 So. W. Temple. Wasatch 70S. d2S.76 ONE HI PMoBll-E RUNABOUT; A snap; ST35. 744 So. State. Was. 1114. dlt45 5-TON - GARFORD TRUCK FOR SALE. Has only had 822 miles' service. Can be seen at Redma-n's Fireproof storage. Further particulars, J. Ralph, 51S D St. Wasatch I1S3. d3143 ONE 1914 5-PASSENGER R EO AL'TO-mobile, AL'TO-mobile, in splendid ginning condition, ciieap. Inquire 321 12tn East. "as. t21. . d34S2 FOR sT 1 . E 5 - PASS ENG E R TOURING car in A-l condition, will sell at reasonable rea-sonable price. Utah Double Truck Car Co.. 66 West 4th So. d3S56 C A DILL AC AUTO M OBILE. IX V I R ST -chiss condition every way; dirt cheap; terms to right parte. Call Was. 1x61: Hyland 771 d4190 FORD TON TRUCK. FORD BUS, Hl'D-son Hl'D-son rambler, Packard, Overland, Stude-haker, Stude-haker, 2 motorcycles, 3 Ford bodies; terms. 107 N. lst West. c20- FORl;ENlr llir DRIVEN BY OWN-er; OWN-er; terms I eas;oiiabie. Plione Was. 6514. e599 USED CAR, IN GOOD SHAPE, J225. Call Was. 764 1-.T. e941 13UICK iTrXABOUT: EXCliLLENT condition; suitable for traveling salesman. sales-man. Appdi- Mr. O'Brien, Salt Lake Livery Liv-ery t(T- Transfer Co. el25 SI'ASS. 0'EP.LAND, 1915. NEARLY new, sl .".tt. casti or lime. Mr. Slack, 29 W'est 4t:i So. Was. 3404. el276 FOpTll ROADSTER OR DELIVERY, good as new. cheap for cash. See Slack, 29 West 4ih So. e!377 WiT.'i" SELL ' KOI!D 5-PASSL-!nGErT 1914 model. S225. 43o State. - ellloO Wanted Automobiles WILL 1'AV CASH FOR LIGHT ROAD-ster; ROAD-ster; must le cheap, in good condition. 253 So. 11th W. Was. 4432-W. ell91 Wanted to Rent Autos LIGHT AUTO, FORD PREFERRED. AP. ply 608 Boyd ParH Bldg. c86S Auto Tops, Trimmings WELLINGTON AUTO TOP CO.. 44 SO. W. Temple st. One-man tops, tops recovered, re-covered, seat coverings, cushion top slips, cushions, etc.; full line mohair and trimming trim-ming material for sale. d'0S3 Auto Information V?RITE AND TELL US YOUR TRCJU bles. We make a specialty of answering answer-ing questions pertaining to automobiles. This is free. Box 659. Salt Lake Citv. dluti For Sale Motorcycles p7bT?mjian, run 2000 milesTTSxTra equipment, bargain. Ulah-ldaho Motor Co. d3321 BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCLES. House of Hopper. HO East 3rd South. 02638 For Sale Bicycles $5 'cash "andIiper week will buy a Hudson. Meredith Motor & Bicycle Co.. 56-60 E. 4lh South. (120S9 CARPET CLEANING CLEANING. RESTORING COLORS, hand ' work; removes all grease or stains; reasonable. Frank Martin. 27 So. W. Temple. Was. 72 1 6. button" sanTt a r v. electrTcTTbeat I i and colors restored; 9x12, $1; quick ser- j vice. Hyland 2300. d2157 I I Vacuum Cleaners I I "itTeEUiTeTx STRONGEST, i deepest cleaning, easiest running ma-T ma-T ciiine made; rents S1.25 per day, includ- lug attachments. We deliver. demon-I demon-I strate and rclurn llieiu. S-tewart-Giee- - son Co.. 320 So. Main. Was. 1420. d-1254 ' lSlobltEVOLCTfo.V ELECTRIC. RENT t $1.25; guai-auteeil 5 ears; sell $5 j month: rugs cleaned, 75c. Dodgo Bros., - Was. 7036. dj323 cXlL F.ARDI.EY BROS., WAS. 6700. WE rent them, $1.25 a day. 37 E. lst So. ) d33S3 j DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. LADIES' TAILORING and remodeling bv the day. Wasatch 45.97-J. 364 So. 4th Easl. d2274 ' expI-Tkienced drTJssmaker WTLL , set- out or at home. Was. 42.3-W. 1 d31H 5 AN EXPERI TiNci-TD DRESSM A lER will out by the dav. Was. 3620-W. dl5x2 MADAM WEAVER WILL LOCATE AT 5 3"6-7 Brooks Arcade bldg., August 21. r All kinds of fancy gowns made. d2"( . SECOND-HAND STORES X HIGUKHT rtU'.L-: PAID FOR SEeJONL-hiinl SEeJONL-hiinl good?, tvikeve Fnrn. Co., 14" So. 5 West TV nip U. Mis. A'l). a..S'i - Thgh et'""cas h "pricks paid for fui-niturc. .Mxr-fTitl Kuril Co., 42 W. -v 3rd Soiiiii. W.is. rS. d-lOi: , VJJAPER JAMXG - uxXrT'pXrEICLEANING CO. BEST work, best prices. Hyland 179i-W, Was, 60. Pbi9 2 iToMI-T PA PEP. CLEANING CO.. OF-i, OF-i, fice Du-.-all's Papr-i- store. Low prices. 3 best work. Was. 2154. fi3179 C OAL AM) KINDLING S THREE PACKS OF CCLM. AND ONE :, sail; f kiauiir.g, 51. 340 E. 5lh Socio, i Vas. H15. 141T34 FOR SALE For Sale Rnrscs (iJ-ii?? FOR S.Clic-2 spx. good, large! nudes, sound, smooth, kind; giiaran-; teed good u.akcis; also harness, wagon, ele. Will tta-t.. tor good auto. P. W Kllgore, .loll 11. I 'tall. cj " FORS,lLE -SMA l.T. Tl'TAM AND 11AR-; liess. uiM sacritiee. cheap; must sc-.l at, ntu-e. 3571 So. 71 Ii East. "-'39 WANT EI I A TEAM BETWEEN 1000 and HuO lbs. 1st North and bth W esb d23. I I HA I IN ESS AND sTdDLES Ol? ALL Rinds I, ought, sold, exchanged and re- I paired. 519 So. Stale. d23'.0 T A Y 1 .OK S EXU 1 1 A NG 16. HORSE. WAG- on, harness market, 46S So. stale. Was. 1734. 12364 j fooul) TEAM OF HORSES, M"0 I.P.S. ; each, good condition, cheap. Was. LPL 1 09l" S. W. Temple. Molleiup. '1346a IUH'.SIO. Ali'lUT 1150 l.i;3. WESTERN I'urmture warehouse, 545 State street. el54 is E a i "in-' u j ,1 ;Tti 0 -l ij7 TTa y m are, $it5. 37 West Hroadivay. Was. 3610. 01026 FINE Si KKEl, CHEAP. PHONE WAS. 5690- W. eU9 II11RSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS. AD- dl-ess .1. II. Long, Midvale, Utah, or phone 317-R. Miuvale. Ci.Li 2 GOOIM.(ES, 6 AND 7 YEARS OLD. weight 24511 lbs.; wagon, harness; will lalsc cattle in trade. .-A. T. Saunders, rear 1115 So. Main. el22S FOIt SALE MOUSE. WAGON, IIAR-ness. IIAR-ness. Rear 431 U est 7th So. el 236 GOOD YOUNG HORSE, WEIGHT lint) lbs. Rear 47 South Oth Easl. Wa:.. 35II-R. cl2.)S For Sale Poultry and Pet Stock BABY CHICKS TODAY; POULTRY bought, sold. Ramshaw, Hyland 304S, 2415 So. 5th East. aliOOO 2l1nORlTl!GHBRI-7D B. P. K. ; 26 W. !,., and 4 hens, .March, April and May iiatch; $20. 232 Puxton ave., 2nd V'est car; el2xl FO 11 SALE CIIEAP, T HOROI'G I i 15RED Scotch collie pup. SI. Bernard pup and fox tei-iicr pup. all males: must sell at once. 532 E. 6lh So. St. Hy. 3359. el267 bT'ff ..TritnTitonIiens and pul- lets, SOc each; White and Brown Leghorns, Leg-horns, hens and pullets, 60c each. 906 So. 4th East. Hy. 3016. el 273 FOR SALE RED CARNEAUX P1G- eons. Hyland 1700. 335 Wilson ave. el'261 For Sale Furniture FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, SPRINGS resiretched, mattresses made over. Was. 3299. Salt Lake Mattress Mfg. Co. dl411 FURNITURE OF METROPOLITAN Hotel' Ho-tel' for sale. 7S W. Broadway. elosO FOR SALE FURN ITU FIE FOR THREE rooms. Apply 426 Our court. eS2 For Sale Pianos PLAYER PIANO, A BIG BARGAIN, slightly used, worth $550; music rolls, bench, scarf, and delivered into your home all for ?365. Come and see it. GLEN BROS. -RO BERTS PIANO CO., New Orpheum Theater Eldg., 44 West 2nd South. el 065 PLAYER AND OTHERS, SALE AND rent, lowest prices. Rivers Bros., 23 W. Broad ivay. , c.2054 For sale good second-hand Kimball piano, first-clasa condition. Address Ad-dress T-49V2. Tribune. C4115 FOR SALE GOOD PIANO, CHEAP. 167 TST 'BROADWAY. C4507 HARDMAN UPRIGHT PIANO; COST $750; will take $155; good condition. 31S So. 6th East. clSlO W E pTliE R PIANOLA PIANO-PLAY E R. plays SS-note music; cost $1100; good as' new ; will sell for ?55o. Phone Was. 6029. ' d2275 PIANO FOR SALE. CHEAP. 601 SO. Main. d3336 BEAUTIFUL ELLINGTON PIANO. AL-most AL-most new, $250; terms. 5S Exchange place. el 029 MOV I iW,&loORAJ3E KIMBALL BHOS. MOVING & STORAGE Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping ship-ping at reduced rules. 73 South Main street. n2762 FHIeFrOJF STORAGE, ALSO Expert Ex-pert packing and shipping. M. A. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co., 32S W. 2nd So. st. Phone Was. 2823. y2479 FIREPROOF STORAGE, MOVING, packing, shipping. Redman. Wasatch 555 and 556. al356 iET-MITCHELL, CALL AND FIGURE your moving, fireproof storage; large auto vans; out-of-town moving. Was. 414. e3S Moving Van CALL ME; I WILL TELL YOU WHAT your moving will cost. I drive my own van Auto van for long distance. L. C. Harris. 222 W. 6th So. W7as. 7215. d2086 THE RELIABLE REDMAN WAY. Wasatch 555 and 556. 160 Main street. a!357 GOODS HANDLED WITH CAKE; AUTO trucks used. Phone for prices. John MePhee Piano Moving Co., 47 Main st. Wasatch 1798: d2084 rWPSBHOLD GOODS A SPECIALTY. I drive inv own van, David Thompson. Hyland 10C0. d3095 LET' MITCHELL CALL AND FIGURE votir moving, fireproof storage; large auto vans; out-of-town moving. Was. 414. e73 JUNK DEALERS CITY JUNK CO. We buy everything you don't want. Highest prices paid for old clothes, rags, beer hollies, rubber, sacks, metals, old aulos and magazines. Was. 27,9. dtuOO TILE bTlsTERN JUNK & METAL Co., Inc., one of the largest concerns in the west. Dealers in iron metal, rubber, rub-ber, rags, bottles, sacks, bones, hides and pells, etc. ; write for prices. Office and yards, 353 W. 7th So. Phone Was. 1118. d2153 IXTF.RMOUXTAIN JUNK CO. JUNK wanted.. Highest prices paid. 739 So. 3rd West. Was. 1G34. d33S0 Junk and Beer Bottles HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of Junk. 25c dozen for beer bottles. 0V2C for sacks. Was. 6823-W. cl60 BANKRUPTCY PAPERS BAXKEl P'l'CY PAPERS, DEEDS. wills, mortgages, etc., prepared by Mrs. Kilhnrn, public stenographer and notarv puhllr. at 400 D. F. Walker Bldg. Was. 1 223. e526 j FRESH J3UTTER AND EGGS FARMERS' UNION. 61 W. 1ST EOl'TH. 1 Best creamery and ranch butter, 35c. I F. R. eggs. 35c. dj360 j" HAT FACTORY 1 IkCK HAT REPAIRING. SEE TAYLOR, j the halter, 24 East lst So. Established ! 1SS8. g3065 MILLINERY I JHLI.1NERY REMODELED IN YOUR j home. Mrs. V. D. Ernst. Hvland 127S. I '- j MES;SENJUER SERVICE 1 WASATCH DISTRICT MESSENGER i sorv.'.c Ret Crow. Mgr. Wasatch i 3n::i. r 2543. ,1I22S I SAM' CAKE I.UAX OFFICE. 76 eTTn'D So. Libc:a! loans on anything oi. vabie. I osTi FOR SALE For Sale .Miscellaneous PLOW STEEL BEAM $15.00 ivlo baby carriage, new Ij.OO Kerosene and en-jiie oil. 1x24 while enamel drain boards. ,lell-o, per case 26 pkgs ".00 Double cookers '. 1 Uncle Sam Cleanser. 3 cans 10 Electric wire, loom, knobs, guitar, carpel, lool steel. Utah Equipment & Storage Co.. 7S0 W. 4th South. l14'!.1?- MciTOR BOAT FOR SALE. One Miilhns pr,-.-,sed sleel boat. 14 feel long, wilh Evonrude motor, complete; also hie puns ours; all practically ne.v. and in j good londition; just the boat for duck hunting. Iishing, or for park concessions. Will s.-ll cheap for cash. Write E-Sl-j. Triiiu lie; or phone Was. 3161 el 2 I FOR SALE STEINWAY PIANO, RE- tail price iaiii, tnken in exchange on a Cliickerliig; viised onlv short lime; looks , new. Price reduced $235. Come and j see it. GLEN BROS. -ROBERTS PIANO CO.,: New Orpheum Theater Bldg., ! 4 1 West 2nd South. el"67 FOR SALE 50 FINE W. L. FoLI.ETS, jusl heginuilig to la-; also a number of R. 1. Red pullets and 1-year hens, W. R. Phone Murray 75-J-l. e566 BARGAINS IX NEW A X D SECOND-hand SECOND-hand generators and motors; at mature winding. Thomas Electric Repair Co.. 69 V. Broadway. Was. 1 246. OS02 GROCERY SI "oRE, EASTERN PART OF the citv; one of the best lucaliotis. Phone Hyland 1462-R. y2236 1 BEAMS, ANGLE .IRON'. AMERICAN Machinery Co.. sio Walker Bank Bldg. Was. II. X2100 A LARGE LINE OF UNION MADE, guaranteed pants from $2 up. Nobby Suilorium, 215-21 State St. X1773 THE LARGEST LINE OF UNCALLED-for UNCALLED-for clolhlng in city. Nobby Suilorium, 219-21 Static 11273J. good jep.sey cow, registered; 8 years old; $50. Full-blooded Jersey heifer, IS inos. old, S75. Phone Was. 4007. . clS5 SAND AND GRAVEL AT MOHAN'S Warm Springs pit. C1S02 COLDEST AND BEST GLASS OF BEER, 5c; 3 big bottles. 50c; half-pint bonded whisky, 25c. Try -our 10c growler. Social Bar, 502 So. State. i1 200,000 BRICK AND A LOT OF GOOD 2-inch timber in 2x10 and 2x12. 35 N. 2nd West. Was. 6847 ul7. 1 1 4 17u A RTS OF "MILK FOR $1; N E W potatoes, 40c per peck. Eagle dairy. Delivery service. Phone Murray 320-J. d'1154 HOTEL RANGE. POOL TABLE, BAR-ber BAR-ber chair, piano, cash register, complete lunch counter outfit. Western Exchange Department, 313 State. Was. 2827. u38 for saXe vTTeklock pianola! IN mahogan-; excellent cotidition; pla'S both S8 and 65-note music; 36 records Included; In-cluded; owner leaving city, and will sell very reasonably. Phone Was. 3161. or address D-5;. Tribune e!25 A FEW STRICTLY HAND-TAILORED uncalled-for .suits; we will sell for half price. Get vours now. Beehive Tailoring Tailor-ing Co., 102 AV". 3rd South. L. Solomon. e72 sTTeTop for sale. 1700 mixed lambs; 2500 yearling wethers; weth-ers; 8000 breeding ewes. F. M. Carr, sheep dealer, Dell. Mont. e53 pint o F 1'Oirr wTne free wuFh each quart of R. L. C. or Monogram whlsliv, $1 full quart. Phone Was. 6527. Royal Liquor Co., 15 W. lst South. Mail orders promptly filled. Free delivery In city. e!65 HUGHES $7(1 ELECTRIC RANGE. used one month. Make me an offer. Wasatch 3697. elS4 ONE 100-GAI.LON GALVANIZED IRON tank, suitable for hot water. Was. 3697. e247 B A RGAINS UNCALLED-FOR SUITS. $4 up; misfit suits, $9.50 up. 156 State. dl929 SECOND-HAND SUITS FROM $5 UP. Nobby Suitorium, 219-21 South State. 5-467 MISFIT TAILORED SUITS AT LESS than half their cost. Nobby Suitorium. 219-221 So. State. y466 UXC A LLEDKOR SUITS, OVERCOATS : your own price. 265 South State. Open evenings. e230 PEACHES AND WILD PLUMS DELI V -ered. Hy. HOS-M. eV7 LARGE DETROIT JEWEL GAS range In fine condition; SS. Call Hy. 442. eS69 S. L. H. S. CADET UNIFORM, FOK boy 14 or lo years of age; used only short while: 58 cash. Inquire 112 No. Main, after 6 p. m. e909 EC) R1?ALE OAK WOOD FOR GRAT E ; will cut anv size; also kindling wood. Was. 3521-W. 1077 ELBERTA PEACHES. SO TO CASE. 4 cases $2. Call Was. 2375. e906 MOTOR WHEEL FOR SALE; GOOD condition. Call Hy. 559-R. el'043 TWO -Ixs POOL TABLES, CITeXpT Wethcrbee MI'g. Co., 53 Richards. elOOO 2 POOL TABLES, SHOWCASE AND wall case. 31 Commercial st. el 1 56 SI 00 typewriter" brand new. never been used, $68.50: $8.50 cash, $2.50 per monlh. 408 Continental National Bank Bldg. el 139 2 AND 3-H. P. MOTORS, WOODWORK-ing WOODWORK-ing machinery. Applv 53 Richards St. el 194 2ND- I I. VXD BAN K FIXT 11R1CS ."Far TT- j tions, showcases for sale. 32 Richards street. . el'90 s li c Th t i Jy L'-TlrT'jTALY.E a'ri -TT st e v - art range. No. 8IIS. two -water jackets. $30.00. Hyland 1215-W. e! 239 SET 28 VOLUMES ENCYCLOPEDIA Brilanniea, bound in full sheepskin, $25 ; new set. 10 volumes, "Irish Literature." bound leather, cheap. Apt. 16, Alcine apis.. 32 East 6lh South. el 242 YlKKXl'i'6T'SE. 16X241. GOOD coxi'iu tion. for sale, or trade for good milk cow. 160 Robert ave., State st. e!265 EjNTMLjmu KING PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR men's second-hand suits, shoes, grips, trunks. Was. 1467. - es08 NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS PAY, I will give more for your old clothing. Phone Wasatch 5235. r764 WE MtTs-f HAVE AT ONCE OLD clothing, shoes and suit cases. WilJ pay the highest prices. Phone Was. 3419. c.3734 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S-second-hand cloihes. 133 West 2nd So e 1159 Ot.lOKMA X PAYS THE BEST PI! ICES fot second-hand clothing. Wa s. 4629. 'H41 CHRIS r'ONNELLY. 20 COMMKRCIaT street, pa-s highest prices for '"len's Csstoff clolhinc, overcoats, etc. Phone Wasatch soss. e137 Old ClothesJSought SWALLEY POSITIVELY FAyslllTjTlT est prices for clothing. Was. 7S46. 112 E. 2nd So. 8741 DON'T THROW AWAY" YOUR OLD clotiies. We pay highest prices. Call Wasatch "599 C2504 ARE GORDON PAYS GOOD PrTceS fot anything of value. Was. 4807-J. 3S Commercial -t. d3382 EDDIE GREEN PAYS HIGHEST prices for old clothes, shoes, etc. Was. 1503c d40Si OLD CLOTHING. SHOES AND SUIT cases. Will pay the highest prices. Phone Was. 34P7L d3581 caje s z U. S. CAFE SPECIAL DINNER, 25c; short orders and Chinese style. Chas. : Hone, pro!' , 329 Stale. d2087 JiJSSzi ilKPA I KJ .n i. RKMOl'KMNG. SUM M KH prices. Hudson Bay Fur Co.. 22 in. I Muni. Was. 1161. b'JZhJl BUSINESS OITOKTUNITIS Hotels and Rooming Tiones tkmi'i.l; m)'-ki, at hi nikth main hiivnt, iiMMin-'i in t'vt'iy riic-; n 'j pi up rrmms; oiiis'flf window '. ii ;!. i rooin : dii'lni? rooni ; I !.-l hi; .M for Iho inntiPv in S:.!t J.ukn Cilv. livi'ifr :i t lit:; Nunii Main or LT. South W-st. T.-n-c pfvc'X. H-hi !oi':iMon in l ))' city. "! J-'OH SA I.K I IOTKN HAKOAIN; I'.KST lot-aiinn on (.'omnirrcial t. ; l1' roon;s; clf-ar over $2"i monthly: ix-an -i 1 tcniifi. ""t'2 l 'oiiinir-rt'ial Ml. 1!:1'1 &s-t;0(i.i noTKL, M(.iKi:.v. n-:'n:Af, location, inakuif; money. I !' you a ro in- tprcsie.J. come take a look :uiJ mikt? mo nn offer. Ross C. Davis, TU iJam, n;-flair.s. n;-flair.s. d 1)"S HMToOM II. K. APT., ClAl.SE IN; TlKST lo'.'atlon; cheap for (.ash. Hy owner: Wasatch I'm:,-!'. b:M2:J 7 if HJMS- OF niAUTlKri- FTl N 1 -turp, close in, ?3','J. r.o..s C. ravis. 11 Main, np.-uairs. el i 10 lioOMS, (il.iOh Vi)U T A N'SI l-l NT Oil housekeeping. Your price. Rt-ts il. Ros C I'avis. A Main, upsiairs. ell:"' I'D l.AlitJK, l,ir,H'f, AIKY KOOMS. OSE tloor; 2 hatiis, j;oo.i I'nrnitiirc, low lent, steam heat. A hu? bargain. Koss Oavis, 11;; Main, upstairs. elVri Tin-: davis, ir, iuioms. "D sta'ti-: S'l'.: terms ; all rooms h. and c. water. v''-'-'- , I-KO iM" 1 M )US7:3 FV.Kii t-JN r:'Fl'KNI-i r:'Fl'KNI-i lure for sale; 'lose in; a snap if taken at once. I'horie: Was. 7 4 1 . eh:11 1 Miscellaneous FOR SA EE SMA EE GROCERY, KXCFX-lent KXCFX-lent location for g-eneral cooniry store. Address C. H. Castle. Delia, Utah. R. F. d. xo. i. b-iso:; AN KSTAHUSHED JIAM'KAC'M'ItKU wants general sales manai?er to ojien offiee end manage salesmen; SiiO tp $7u0 capital necessary; money-tnak Ing possi-bilities possi-bilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we. want. Sales Manager. 1012 .Republic Hklg., Chieajio. clii!H BI . A ( 'KSMJTH SHOP AT CrTTs S -roads; commands iradc of lai'e and prosperous farming: community, :iu miles from railroad; present owner won't snoe bnrses a nrj turns away more than two men could do; work oiher than shoeing all one man can handle; owner wants to retire on account of age; will sell tools, building and business cheap. Write box :!."?, Hurley, Idaho. eKMO j fTiIKT-CTASS GROCERY FOK SAM0 AT a bargain, terms or cash; cheap rent, excellent location. Will take first-class automobile as part payment. Was. 7St 4 4. POOD HALD, DOING AX EXCFI.DKN T business, for sale, $i;'00. Joseph A. Fruinpkin, 174 Main street. , ellSn OR 0 C E R Y , COX F EOT I OXERY, FRI '1 T stand ; casli busi ness ; in heart of business busi-ness section; rent $lii; exchange for city propertv. or sell at invoice price. Was. ev:n FOR SALE A BLACKSMITH SHOP"IX fjood location. For information call on George A. Dowe Co., Ogden, Utah, or call on or write Charles Kemsley, Sublet l, Idaho. el?..2 MininiS;; Properties for Lease TO LEASE AND BOND. THE NANCY Hanks mine at Bingham. Pay ore In sight, Jaa. K. Shaw, 200 D. F. "Walker bidii. olSOl For Sale or Lease Mines. A SMALL GROUP OF PARTLY Developed De-veloped mining claims In one of the most promising districts in Utah. Phone Hylano! 1S40-J or address J. C. Madsen, No. 2050 Windsor street. eU2o LOTS OF MONEY, WITH NO AD-vance AD-vance of rates, no deiays and privilege j to repay in partial payments at any time, stopping interest. A home concern that loans its own money, makes interest payable pay-able at home and cancels its loans the day paid. City or farm loans. THE HOME INVESTMENT & SAVINGS SAV-INGS CO.. Glen Miller, President; George Sutherland, Vice President; K. D. Hardy, Cashier. 6 West First South St. r!261 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. Andrews An-drews & Co., room 339 Atlas bldg. el200 SALAR Y LOANS NEGOTIATED F OR persons permanently employed; business busi-ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank bldg. 01573 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake. 303 Scott bldg. T3264 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; LllF eral options. Milter & Viele, S03 Kearns bldg. ' al!6 MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY Fritsch, 201-202 Felt bldg. cl823 PLENTY OF MONEY AT LOWEST "rates. A. Richter Co., 73 Main street. Phone Was. 641. 'g2735 FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS SEE Tuttle Brothers company, 119 Main st. R 3 " 1 1 5100,000 TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. E. E. Rowe, lawyer. 2S S. Main. y4S12 ON REAL ESTATE; LOW RATEsTnO fees or graft. Pomeroy, 36 W. 1st No. dUQS LI BIO UAL LOANS OX WATCHES. D 1 A -monds, jewelry; $jn for ;',i)c; ?2."i for 70c. Larger loans proportionately less. Confidential. Confi-dential. Provident Loan society, I'Oii Kearns bldg. e-Ofi (LEANING ANI) I)Yi:i.(; salt Lake cleaning co. abso- Itilely reliable. Most delicate gowns cleaned and dyed. Soiled clothing made to look lilie new. TUen's suits cleaned and pressed. Qiikk service. We call for and deliver. T.6 South State. Wasatch SriS, Hyland 193 u2T.5 THE-MYERS CLEANING & DY KING Co., expert cleaners and ders, wholesale whole-sale and retail. TMail orders solicited. Clothes Insured. Work guaranteed. Ill and IK. E. Broadway. -lir.7 CHIROPODIST DR. ELIZABETH L. WI S.MEIt, GRAU-uate. GRAU-uate. 725 Mclnlyre bldg., bS So. TMatti. Wasatch 2S09. IUS74 UK. I'. A. SWAN TREATS ALL A I L-nients L-nients of the feet, coins, calluses, bunions bun-ions and inerown nails a specialty. Oftice studio, m So. West Temple st. dll:",T CARPENTER WORK FOR CAIU'ENTI'TK WOitK, KETUODEL-injr, KETUODEL-injr, cement work, etc., plione Wasatch 4R12-W. W3T.4S FUTt iTl'ILl'lNI. Ri-TMOLELINi;. A L-1 L-1 terations, carpenter wrtrk, etc., call Hy. i 4n,i-W. v7 PATENT ATJTOUsEYS TO PATENT IN'E.NTIoN.S. HHilSTEH trale marks or copyrights, see J. TM. ! Thomas, UUS Utah Savings & Trust bldK- OLT6 VETERINARY SCHOOL S. F. VETERINARY COI.LKOE BK'il.NS Sept. 11; catalogue fre. (.:. Keane, Pres , 1&1S Market St., San Francis'-o. yanno "miBRELLAS, RARASOLS " EXPERT UMBRELLA AND PARASOL repairing. making. S. L. Umbrella Works, ir.f. E. lst So. d.'2T,S MATE5;SES RE MOT) E LED I MATTRESSES .MADE FROM tll.l) TMAT-trcsss TMAT-trcsss or rags. t2tl t-iii TEas:. ily. 2;-l-i. Lit r,. a. itAMiu.E. 1 '-: i mtn-tv-e P.Me. H as. .-il. Ib.i.i... 1 lo I ; tte& 2 to i. eve I OK SALE REAL ESTATE , IiiMvovod and Unimproved WILL Yoi; G 1 - !0 for a 7-rnom. Ftii-'lly modrrn. prossd hrl'k residence? Choice location on 4 1 h ftvetisie; exir;-. lare rooms; be.t of phin.iiii;; cut -stoho foundal ion : fiil cell, ce-ll, enud basenient; lar.e lot, with a two-siory two-siory cement barn on rear of lot that (Ould bo made into a 4-room cottage. C-sl owner .lilMCi. Mortp.isee says sell. Will make very easy terma or will con-Hi-i. r an exchange. M KL1.LAH Iv EA L KSTATK INV. CO 42-J? Walker llaiik Hld. d212 , TWO PKATTIKTL LOTS " near capitol, ".nxll'l feet each; worth ?:."iH(j each. Make me an offer. Was. 3697. eU. VK $EE. li E. t KS'I'AT E. THAT'S all. Tuitle Brothers Co., 159 Main st KC247 MOnfCJl.V 4 -KM. COTTAC.E KOFI SA LH bv owner. Plione H viand 16S-J. cl253 TWO 7-HOO-M MODKUN HOUSES; LOT 4x10 rods: 166 ami 112 J st. A bargain. Andy 1 L'4 So. fith Kast. d613 ITi M'STON UKAL LST A TIC I NY. (XX bus moved its offices to 16 Ex change r'aep. bS63 WMV 1'AV KXIUUtHlTAXT PRICES? I will build on your lot or buy one where you choose and build a home to suit your dt-as and pocketbook and save you money. Pnn't pav your money away for nothing. Phone l!r :',nfii;-.I. d:U17 6- ROOM COT T A G E, AX BRIGHT OX; beautifully located. Hy. I.T'iC'-R. bHSl ATT RACTtVK slcTTyROOM HOb'SK, almost new, bargain; oak Moore, built-in built-in features, sleeping porciies, niodvilatinjj steam heat. Owner, 6 Kouth 11th Kast street. Hyland Sr.tw-W. d;jGS4 BAUGALV 4-ROOM B RICK. ELECT R I (T H slits, water in house, bathroom, c. closet, sleeping porch, full front porch, shade tree;--, sidewalks; lot 45x160 to allev; S1 !"i0. A'andamero car line. Phone Hy. C0(i6-.T. d311S B EA U T IFL'L MODERN II O M E I N ! fmo location, cheap; party leaving city. 2iG So. 101 H East. Phono Hyland . d2.".66 B"Y OWNER. FORCED TO LEAVE city, must tell at once. 4-room house. : strictly modern, beautiful yard. Terms to ' suit. fi2'.i Wilmington ave. d2792 , FOR SALE VALUAB'lK PIECE OF property on 4th East, bet. Brifcham and 1st South sts.; splendid property for terrace. ter-race. Phone Was. 3619. d597 SPLEN'DID FACTORY SITE ON O. S. L. track; close in; natural water supply. Alliance Inv Co., 11 Main st. cl922 ACRE S, li SHARE SW AT ER. FObR- room concrete house, poultry house, p t Bountiful; terms. Was. 7002. eU"' ATTRACTIVE MidoM HiYCSe" AtT most new; bargain; beautiful view; fiar-den fiar-den and lily pool; oak floors; built-in features; sleeping porches; modulating steam heat. ."06 So. 11th East street. Hyland 3oG7-W. e123 4M ACRES NEAR AXTKLL. WIOLL 1M proved; SO a. alfalfa; plenty water; ex. for mod. cottage in city. 2 acres, close in, 4-r. house, ?.50; easy terms, o-r. mod. cottage, 7th W., 2nd So., $100. Choice lots on Pierpcnt and Tith "West on easy terms. 4-r. mod., jie w, on Hollywood , $2'ir0. Ma nan Inv. Co., 73 W. 3rd So. Was. 27.9. el2C3 MCST FELL HQI'ITY IN FINE C.OR-ner, C.OR-ner, io."i ft. by 132 ft. to alley, bet. Main and State, Oth and 10th So.; bal. owing, $500; make an offer. Phone Hvland Ufn-W. el2fiii For Sale Farm Lands FOR SALE IRRIGATED FARM IN , Bingham county, Idaho, three-quarters of a mile from railroad station; lf0 acres, wit Ii first-class 'water rights; deep, rich soil; excellent domestic water from 'well 75 feet deep; comfortahle three-room liv-'ing liv-'ing house; yasoline engine for pumping water, grinding food, etc.; also other improvements; im-provements; about 130 acres under cultivation, culti-vation, 40 acres in alfalfa. Write, or call on, Sullivan & Harris, 619 Newhouse bldg.. Snlt lake City. e425 " ATTENTION. ' " ' If you want to buy, sell or exchange real estate, give Bruneau & Hill a trial. Giving satisfaction is their plan of action. Was. 2600. O3S60 Farms and Acreage BARGAIN GOOD LOCATION FOB. business. 4-room brick house, summer kitchen, cellar, barn, hayshed, corrals and .shop, all electric light; water In bldgs-, and lawn; about 4 acres; 300 choice fruit trees. Phone Midvale 3S-J-3. el295 For Sale Canyon Cottages NEW SUMMER HOME ON BIG COT-tonwood. COT-tonwood. creek lor S1&00; a. snap. Was. 6922. b3009 Real Estate for Sale or Trade 3-ROOM SHINGLE BUNGALOW IN Forest Dale; large lot; sidewalks and city water. See owner, 24b7 6th East. d.U73 Real Estate to Exchange WILL TRADE CHOICE BUILDING lots for contracts or equities In Improved citv property. ' HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO.. 21 E. 1st So. Was. 244. A SPLENDID CHICKEN RANCH, S' acres; 5-room cottage; located on 7th' East near lMh South. Will take a riiy home in exchange. Was. 1 430. 336 So. Main. GOOD SALT LAKE" PROPERTY FOR Kansas land. Address Box 325, Dexter, Iowa. eiiM Government Homestead Land I HAVE SOM10 VALUABLE HOMe" slead land to show yon, close to ra.lroad and domestic water. Call at once on E. , Soules, 222 Continenlnl Bank Bldp.. S-alt ake City, Utah. elM'f TYPEWRITERS RENT A TYPEWRITliK (AU, MAKES) 1 mo. 3 mo. 4 mo. pillri'l wrilT and Olivers. . J-'. 00 $4.fH 55.00 Any mate late mode Ji.ni) 57.00 $S.0U (Kent :jplies on pun'tiape.) nrv A TVl'EW RITER IIKE RENT. tl2.S( lo oo. HEni'II.T. $5.00 down nnit $5.o0 I'f-r montll. Gimiunteed. Rin-inutons. Rin-inutons. I'lKlerwOflK. SrnllliH. Olivers, et; Slur p(i on approval. WHOLESALE TVI'EWKITBH CO.. :9 So. Main. Salt Lako Citv l.'tah. Thone Was. 2761. o?J ALL MAKES RBNTEll, 2 PBR MONTH up; rent applied on purchase. Remington Reming-ton Typewriter Co., 6i) E. lst youth. 1H?.1 NEW TYPEWRITERS, CORONA AND Royal; ail other makon rehullt, for Bale or lenl Tlaii Typewriting Exchange Co. WnsaT-ii 4:'.0. 3H W. 2nd South. r295') ' ASSAYERS cTTmoN & NKJLVLS VSATERS and cliemists. in South West Temple. W1753 K II OFlTcER - CO.. ASSAYERS, 103 South West Temple St., Salt Lake Cits. h?60 Y77Trj,.roVN CO., ASSAYERS, 'south West Temple. TThone Was. 4114. b463 UNION ASSAY OE nrk, INC.. 162-U i South West Temple. P. O. box 144612 EYE REMEDIES '"" - SFK brigHT. Did voi evf r '.liink of t aring for your e-.-s :is vol do our leeth? Think of It ' pow "i I! ivnv' You! druKist will tell i i, l--c i ; i' 70 kiTkkT E il. AXIDEIO-IIST fvKToltsb? REI'All.EH AND BE-rr.ilf'ed BE-rr.ilf'ed ijui'iii E'liniiitr season at cut r;n--- it clenzcl Eur Co., 310 So. Main L;r-". JS"13 |