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Show VILLil BANDITS I f. ENGINEER CAMPi i Escape With One Mule; j Rumor of a Clash With j i Pershing's Troops Start- j .-. ed on the Border. j f , s EL PASO, Tox., Snpt. S. Thirty Ilex- ! ir.ans, suppose. 1 to be Villa followers, ! ! made n rnid on the engineer camp of j the American punitive expedition and ( escaped with a mule, according to mem- j ; hers of the expeditionary force arriv- ! ing here today hv wav of Columbus, X. M." This incursion, 'which took place last Wednesday on an isolated portion of the camp at Oja Federico, is be-liflvod be-liflvod by the military authorities here to have ben indirectly responsible for today's rumor of the clash between the Ki fth c a v a I ry and Sixteenth infant ry of regulars and a band of Villa followers fol-lowers south of 1 Valle, Chihuahua. Otherwise, the story of that fight must be called a pure hoax, the officers say. Villa in Canyon. Information received at the military mili-tary headquarters in El Paso confirms the' presence of Villa in the ;tuta Clara can von. Villa, on his northward march, told the natives that he intended to eat dinner din-ner Jit Parral, cu the Mexican ludepend-encc-duv, September JH, but he Inter said he would taio part in the celebration at Chihuahua ity on the evening of the 15th, which is carnival night in Mexico. Such, at least, i the story brought here today out of Mexico by a man well acquainted with the people. He also said he talked to a Mexican who recently interviewed Villa in an effort to secure the release of some commandeered mules. The Mexican said the bandit, chieftain looked very thin and yellow and still used crutches when walking, although able to ride a horse. Killed by His Men. A rumor current, in Chihuahua City, travelers report, tu the effect that General Gen-eral .lose Cavazos, who headed an expedition expe-dition some months ago to hunt for the body of Villa, when Villa was supposed to be dead, was killed this week by his own men, who then deserted to the bandits. All accounts of the natives agree that Villa, on his northern march, had onlv ' a few rounds of cartridges for eacn man. But now evidence is said to show that some caches of ammunition have been recovered by the bandits, as they are carrying full belts and bandoliers. Another Mexican report, apparently reliable, has it that Carranza has with-i with-i drawn from the presidential race in 1 favor of Obrcgon. This is taken as a step toward conciliating the factions ' hostile to the constitutionalist government. |