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Show ; I aUrTfl j Happi I Ja ind hippiness have been - :jj mamamti and health are bound bj a ffl sentiali to the well being of If IS "V ttrong band of security tl the human race ince crea- 6 J -C"" when S. S. S. i permitted Jf 1 tion. Naturallv, health ia ,o assi.t natare in restorinE ff few Bought by CTerronc thous- k-- . .l j va ffl J . J, Jij -a-r: strength and vior to the W M inde suffering from blood -is . ! a maladies, arching thanks ff "F sorted and poisoned H to the wonderful r.iuhs ob- M blood, with ,t, .-.rengthen- H DAMAGES! f flfeg W collected Hits money for Mrs. Hau- g nah Shugren. 36-! East Ninth South. H L.. When the accident happened she didn't V' Yv j v know what to do. A friend told her 3 Vh 5sa ,f we could collect damages for her if p JMWton JV anyone could. We got the money, g J' Bring J-our claims to us and we will col- S , -f?i f ffli lect some money for you. We collect Pi SSMV i? all kinds of cl,-,ims throughout Utah and fe' Merchants Protective Association Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts. Eleven Booms Continental National Bank Briloing. Salt Lake City, Utah, g FE4NCIS G. LUKE. General Manager. R "Some Peoule Don't Like Us. 11 1 1 i ill iiiim iiiiiimiiii'iiii ii iiwhi i ' hi ' mi mi inn i i in i i ii i mm Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists, F10XATED IRON fiS-::s,?5rV.r,rS ;r, "-st tirenmh of B'lif,i'tfTiVl1 ,;t'lKlle. irvouii. run-F run-F ' I S 1 I 1 1 j 1 1 ilown people JuO per lift I H I I E-3 rcnt ln ":n da5's fci--?A.Vt"' lorfclt if II faus as per fif'-TJ":'2ar,' ''" explanation in !"8)r36'i ,av-" arIii;1' oun to M4v."VvJ appear in this paper ititu&fiMXjiiMi&ty AbX yo'ir ooctor or drr.irt.-'..-L .1..-O...L it. prhrn:ri7-..Jo'ni;.con. Ltl?. "Tlie Ncver-Subi it ntnrp," Five tai Gooi .-"toies. (Advertisement I CHICHESTER SPILLS '!"' Jf' l-UBfl.l f. r A tC M.-c- -l.-rr. llum.a ln!.(A T.ko i C tf.T of Too"r V Mi By drlgqists mmii m I lOc WflM IlkilsL TODAY Doors Open at 12 o'Clock. Today. Come Early THEDA BARA In . "THE GALLEY SLAVE" And Charles Chaplin in "THE COUNT" p Xo nuitlcr lii'v far hi away t'i'oni Utah you j soiul tlu- ii'ood ildllars o.' jj 1 this (.'uummiuty, you -1 can't huv a In-ttor boer ij than 1-MSIIKR EELR. H No matter how miiia Yi niore you pay, you will u not lvrfivo liitrhor qual- t, ity than in 1 - y WWW m rm fc A prmhk't of the hiehost hrowiim' skill n ami host ohlainalile ma- M tcrials. .brewed in an effi- r I cient. ui-ro-date plant jO that employs L'tah II workmen and helps to 'l siiiiort a hundred otli- ii vv Utah industries. j A. Fishsr Brsiving Co. i$U3 The prize is !." THE BEER. jSALT IMTHEATilE TODAY at 2:15 I and I TONIGHT at 8:15 I ELLIOTT AND SHERMAN 9 present I CLUNE'S CINEMA. OPERA ij Symphony Chorus of l Orchestra PrjpP Q Mission Bj of 25. IMWO singers. I NIGHTS 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. I MATINEES 25c, 50c. J All Scats Eesnrvod, Mgh Class yaiideville ANNA WHEATON AND HAKRY CARROLL In Songs by Harry Carroll. EDNA BROTHERS & OO. LOU HOLTZ I TOUR READINGS THE BRIGHTONS DAVE KRAMER AND 1 BESSIE KENT CLAKK& T HAMILTON I England's Mnt-ical Comedy I Stars. II 'jtfPP' DAZZLING EJ fcgo&i' STAR TOPS i Biggest Bill of Fall Season n Now Playing. 6 h You'll be glad you saw RITA f, y GOULD: you wouldn't miss Llpln- I JS ski's dogs, not to mention Rio and I y Norman, Dick Gardener and Anna jj .1 Revere, Mile. Lilyan and Martha 4 Bon5sr Leila Ghaw & Co,, Movlna: W "Tne Yellow Menace." Popular i 'rlce'" a N O A P L A Y I rNJ O P I WILKES PL A VERS I E With Miss N.inn biyant. in the E E cJ-Tsiilng conted success B j "A GENTLEMAN i OF LEISURE" I ! All this W?:. Pnirj.iln matlnrP B fc TODAY nt 2. HO. Prices 15 and 2b I . f tents. Kiq'it prirpg I'1' , 2bc. 3bc, R . 'jOr. Doyr.'5 .mil rjw,r. fr,c. iiMiiifr ANNA LI TILL .AND FRANK BORZAGE In a new two-r'.?! Wuotang rrnma, "NELL DALES MEN FOLKS. " Jc'iv', Off to War. G ROE OVEY In the "Rr';i'ie." Cuh romcdy K a I V "m P..' i I r n ad d "mi, "Vv'ITH THE AID OF THE WRECK-tRS," WRECK-tRS," Sarr!nn Hel'-n Gibson. M'JTUAL WEEK LY. Rcccrd ; cef rrla r y to the vOrlri. Union rnnfiic; f f tc i n do n s and evr-nlnqs. TnoJi ft f f-" ' ' niuiiimq "r)nrtnni-tsr' "r)nrtnni-tsr' rnhnnii ui" The Triln ne Want A 'In pnd s'-f ho iv niwriv -no'l ; i roj irjsi tion3 are I h"ing arranged th'-rc daily. |