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Show COFFEE COMPLEXION Many Ladies Have Poor Complexions From Coffee. "Coffee caused dark colored blotches on my face and bod'. .1 bad been drinkinpr it for a lonp while and these blotches q-radually appeared, until finally final-ly they became permanent and were about as dark as coffee itsolf. "I former' had as fine a complexion ns one could ask for. "When T became convinced that coffee cof-fee was the eauso of my troublo, I changed and took to using Postum'Food Coffee, and as T mado it well, according to directions, I liked it very much, and havo sinco that time used it in placco of coffee. "T am thankful to say I am not nervous ner-vous any more, as I was when T was drinking coffee, and my complexion is now as fair and good as it waa yoars ngo. It is ver' plain that coffee caused the trouble." Most bad complexions are caused by somo disturbance of the stomach and coffee is tho greatest disturber of digestion di-gestion known. Almost any woman can have a fair complexion if she will leave off coffee and use Postum Pood Coffee and nutritious, healthy food in proper quantity. Postum furnishes certain elo-meuta elo-meuta from tho natural grains from the field that Nature uses to rebuild tho nervous system and "when' that is in good condition, one can dopond upon a Sjood complexion as well as a good icaltlry bodv. "There's a Reason." Read, "The" Road to -WeaviHe, " in pkgs. Woman's Watchword . is Modes : : : : : . Whatever threatens woman's delicate sense of modesty frightel For this reason many a woman permits disease of the delicate iorgans to become aggravated because she cannot bring herself to'a ? jto the ordeal of unpleasant questionings, offensive examination obnoxious local treatments, which most physicians think nec ' Doubtless thousands of the women who have taken advauta $ Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter have been led to do so L (escape thus offered from a treatment repugnant to modesty Any sick woman may write to Dr. H. ed and is invaluable in alln t'3r V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., in perfect subduing nervous excitabiUtv7!! (confidence ; all letters of consultation lty, nervous exhaustion nerv tbelng treated as strictly private nnd tration, neuralgia, hysteria Htwii jsacredly confidential, and all apswers Vitns'a dance, and other' duiL being sent In plain envelopes with no nervous symptoms coramonlvtf advertising or other printing upon them, upon functional and organic idfr Such consultation costs you nothing the uterus. It induces rofreshhr' rwhether you take Mreatmcnt from Dr. and relieves -mental anxiety a rierceor not. pondency. . . ' & Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has You can't afford to accent jbeen long hailed as a "God-send to nostrum as a substitute for tWl iwomen. " It makes weak women strong remedy of known oompositim and sick women well. It enables worn- ' ' Jen suffering from "female weakness," "The Blood is The III' .prolapsus uteri, retroversion, antever- Q . . "S: , 'cion, and other displacements of the science has never gone beyc! (organs distinctly feminine, to cure bv? "mple Btetement of themselves right In the privacy of their Buj lfc. bas illuminated that tC :homes. Pelvic catarrhal drains, painful an.dugen. ll meaning everbroC 'or irregular periods, backache, frequent ttlncrfE1?? breadth ofK iheadaohes, weak nerves, dragging-down edSc- nen the blood isbad'J ,pain or distress in the hswer abdominal, Pu.e t " no alone the bodji 'or pelvic, region, gnawing sensation in Buflers through disease. The i 'etomaoh, dizziness, or faint spells, and alE0 clouded, the mind and juj't fcindrad conditions and symptoms are ?re enecea, and many an evliji .cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- l?1?5 hoZ may be djrcctll! lion. It Ib not a secret or patent medi- Y tbe imP"nty ' fche blood icine, against th use of which most impure blood can be made puif jpeople of intelligence naturally objeot, uee of Dr. Pierce s Golden Meal Abut is, in fact, the "Favorite Prescrip- ??vei7;, Ifcv enriches and parf Won" of a regularly educated and ex- blood thereby curing, pimples, K iperienced physician in the treatment eruptions and other cutaneous aff l woman's peculiar ailments and who " eczema, tetter, or aalt-rheulf. lis not afraid to publish all its ingredi- jyd ,othet manifestations ofjl ntsr as he does, on its bottle-wrapper, Dlooa-. -w- 'attesting the correctness of the same . under oath. In the cure of scrofulous if ffiyonfr Prescription? 1B lV one enlarged glands, open eating 3' smedicine f6r woman's delicate ailments ia 60rea) tne Qofdeh Medical! wnicn .contains npifrper aiCQlinl . nog ery" has performed the mostm fiarmtuL habit-forming drugs, being a cureB. ln casCB o ld pure glyceric extract of curative pnn- eating ucerB jt well to amf ciples found m our most valuable native, open sores Dr. Pierce's AU medicinal roots, as attested by many of Salve, which possesses wonder the moBfc eminent medical writers and ing potency when used bb an anii teachers of all the several schools of to the Bores in conjunction witfi practice. of "Golden MtfHcal Diecover Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is blood clfeanHinjfrcon6titut!ona!tr A scientific medicine, carefully devised If yourldrugrfiBt don't happen? by an experienced and skillful physician, the "AU-Healing Salve" in itJ1 and adapted to woman's delicate system, can eaJly procure it by -inclbail It is made of native American medicinal four coVits inpostage Btamps til roots and is perfeotly harmless in its V. Piofce, G03MainSt., BnffaUl effects in any condition of the female and f yUtVowne to you by retn cystem. , , . . . . Mobc druggists keep it as well As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa- "Gpldfen Medical Discovery." , ivorite Prescription" Imparts strength to I J n the whole system ana to the organs u distinctly feminine in particular. For You can't afford to accent over-worked, "worn-out," run-down," nine Ot unknown cnmjinaitiqnSit debilitated teachers, milliners, 'dress- stitute for "Golden MedicaT piafe makers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," Vyhlch .is a medicine of knq house-keepers, "nursing mothers, and position, having a complete; feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's ingredients in plain EngliBhf Favorite Prescription is the greatest bottle-wrapper, the same beingf aarthly boon, being unequaled as an as correct under oath. f lppetizing cordial and restorative tonic. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelletBJ X a soothing and strengthening ner- ate the stomach, liver aad bowef (Vh "Favorite Prescription " is unequal- to three a dose. Easy to takajt, IGladora. J One of the best Union-Made 5c Cigars on the market. ,V ; Equal to any, better than many. At all Cigar Stands. .1 j EXE GEE & UNDLEY, i The Whisky Merchants, f i Distributers. j j 1- Kodak Furnishing, gait Lake Photo Supply Co.,. 142 Main-St,. I THAT DULL HEADACH1 Persistent, annoying headacf frequently the result of eye,. CORRECT Glasses will Olvo Ij ate relief In most cases. If to such Ills, let us make fresj! your eyeB. J. H. KNICKERBOCKER, O, Practical Optician, 143 Main Union Dental 218 South Main, Honest Work. Honest. Pa(nlea Extraction of .TwUjf Pry. All Work Guaranteed. 'rM UK-Xl Ind. 112S. gi FORD 4-OYL. 15 H. P. SM DEIVB $600. Both Pas Ford Auto Co., lgll SALT LAKE f TURF EXCHAJ 48 East Second South M$ California and Eastern race,.Jj wir for all aportin event. sXl 1 WHEN IN OGDS Go to tho Vienna CafW Catch your own trout in ourfi i iquarlum and we will cook tha $ Finest culslno. Latest delj ; Orchestra Every Afternoon and. 3, " -it PIANOS, $50.00 and J ORGANS, $25.00 anj BEESLEY MUSICJJ, 46 South Main St u L l!i castor! For Infants and Clul&qS The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signaturo of jgf |