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Show j GOOD PRICE FOR LAND, jfarni on the Twin Palls Tract Soils for SPh 5100 Per Acref jjieclal to The Tribune. iffjvi.V FALLS. Ida.. Jan. 23. J. F. firPrtman has sold his SO acres of land. tieTami one-half miles northwest of town. fA. R. Mooinnw of Xcwhurp. Or. It is iTfffcxceptlonally fine piece of land and he prlco was S100 per acre. "IMrs. Rose Willis died at lior home four allB northwest of town last week, aged rjLlycnrs She leaves a husband and live JJUttlren glCT H. Greenhow, recently appointed TWmnstor. to succeed V. W. Dunn, has Jftlmecl charge of the postofflce. IJI. E. Thompson of Ellensburg, "Wash., Up just purchased 200 acres of land near Hhl nntl will put it all into alfalfa in the I ring. Hp will make a .specialty of rals-k: rals-k: .sheep and hogs, ijliftlisj, HchsIo Marks of Mountain Home '"As been engaged as primary teacher in Ifi? Hansen school, to succeed C. Howard, Imp hud generously volunteered his ser-ces ser-ces until a regular tutor could be ob- .WAlfrerl J3uchanan. who lives with his intents in Twin Falls, had a leg broken lilft" t,y a horso 1,0 was ri(1I"s fa,linC UtH. L, Owenf- formerly of the englneer-jJKrdepartment englneer-jJKrdepartment of the Twin Fails Land ln, Vsater company, has returned from fegon. where he has been engnged In tejnoering work on the Great Northern, rarhe Twin Falls lodge of Odd Fellows (118, Installed the following officers for I ensuing year- N. G., A. E. Littler, JiTlP., C. O. Meigs; secretary. H. A. Cry-treasurer. Cry-treasurer. .1. H. sehenck; L. S. to SAG.. S Q. Wells: R. S. to X. G.. .1. A. yhee; R S. to V. G.. It. E. Bnnham; L. Milt. ' ? - A- Stalker; warden. C. B. igftwrlght: conductor. L. C. Bowers; R. tJS., Harold Cryder; L. S. S.. E. T. Bart-t; Bart-t; O. G, G. A. Patker; I. G.. B. F. 5P"he committee on building is looking jria location for a bulldins: site. . ICi-,trf!-mp Pr'nter. giving" the name of V Corey, recently passed a forged H XY' 1T- Weaver, proprietor of i1KPacinc ll0lel, and skipped before the fttrgery was discovered. The cherk pur-Mtu,0'1 pur-Mtu,0'1 10 1,ave been Issued by J. Warren jnlte, publisher of the Buhl Pioneer. lxtT " |