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Show Compound ifercst foM "omes to life ,vhcu the body feels sift- lie delicious glow of health, ; ty viPOr and energy. mat Certain Sense a'St for vi'' in the brain and easy 'S POiS f Ul "C1V'eS COmes wllon o&lf UW im'1rol)cr "ods are cut out eiS ai"J pro','c;5tc'1 Irapc-Niils 3! tnkcs tllcir p,at'c enilfc If 'l Il3S tft,a'n -on .Vcars to run !' dwn (lon'1 expect one mouthful 'tm 1,1 is Rrcnt foocl to hvin" vou (i few 1):u"k for it is not a stimulant f. jj but a RebuiWcr. aU6 10 da'K' tril shows results. Mhere's a Reason" ' tif$ ' - ;' 'fM 001 thc ,ittlc book. "The Hoad gjHWcllvlIIc," in pkg8. ALL UPHILL Until She Found the Proper Food. Life has a very pleasant aspect when viewed through the spectacles of health. We arc equal to almost any task: mountains arc as molehills and difficulties diffi-culties made but to be overcome when vigorous health is ours. Just as cortain as fate, if we over load the stomach with poorly cookod. pastrv, s'.archv or greasy foods we will suffer and lose health, for the machinery-of the body is dependent for its strength and .perfect action upon the food we eat. A woman living in Maidstone, England, Eng-land, says'- "For months I suffered severely with pains in my chest and arms as well as round the "back of my waist, nnd always al-ways felt tired and lackadaisical, so that the slightest, exertion was an effort. ef-fort. My appetite kept growing smaller and smaller. I consulted two doctors, but no improvement was noticeable no-ticeable while under their respective treatments. I became despondent and began to think my case was hopeless, when a friend recommended Grnpo-Nuts, Grnpo-Nuts, having derived great, benefit front this truly wonderful food himself. him-self. As a last chanco I invested in a package, and after only a couple of weeks' trial it had marvelous offects upon my health. The pains disappeared disap-peared entirely, and in Iheir place strength and tin excellent appetite1 returned. re-turned. 1 felt strong and fit for anything, any-thing, that nasty sensation of iifc-lessness iifc-lessness having quite departed, "I have put 011 flesh rapidly. "1 have now used Grape-uts for main weeks, and mean l.o continue to do so in the future, for the Veusiiu that I and the remainder of the household like it so much. We ent it with milk ami a little jam, generally apricot, which is a valuable addition." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Constipation is cured by Hood 's Pills, 25c. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's Ken-nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup invari-nbl' invari-nbl' indoreo it. Children like it becauso be-causo tho tasto is pleasant. Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms to tho Na tionnl Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold bv Anstco-Brjcc Drug Co., 44. Main St, Night Sweats and Chills Gone Weight Increased 14 Pounds I Mr. John Bontly of Grand Rapids, Mich., who waB so low from lung trouble trou-ble that tho doctor gave him up as incurable, in-curable, and who had night sweats and chills and weighed only 86 lbs., was miraculously cured by Duffy's Pure Letters like tho following, written by Mr. Bontly, unsolicited, should be published so that the world may know sas!3S.wv') 'unc ,rounles- '""cn I first cmmcnccr! Baptds i'chf'Ko'de! rqGd Mr. John Bontly. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic, it builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain,-strength and elasticity to the muscles, and richness to tho blood. It brings into action all the vital forces, it makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from thc food you cat all thc nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women a.nd sickly children, as it is a food already digested. It strengthens and sustains the system, is -m a promoter ougood health and longcvi- -KyTT ty. makes the old young and .keeps the .JtlfP V; Lli - young strong. Duffy's is recognized as jfzK fitw a family medicine everywhere Skilled .yp&VewL chemists, whenever they analyzed it JvSum Vvi. during the past fifty years, have." alwavs M&f Sfla JrMa&. found it Pue. anflj possessing properties fff paik JiSpe? Su EWARB of dangerous imitations flfSl BteSllOp Isl and substitutes. They are positively yl Ej9 harmful and are sold for profit only by J& SBwEfiiE&M hB unscrupulous dealers. Look for the u. JSMfSfSSks 3 trade-mark, the "Old Ohemist," on tho ff V-EjRKaraSBIra' M label, and be certain the seal over tho ml u'JeXS JS cork is unbroken. All druggists, gro- 2Svr Jar cers, doalers, or direct, $1.00 a bottle. ffggjvT Ar Doctor's advice and illustrated medical y?SiSgiBSy booklet free, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., &AlKVJlIi Rochester, New York. Hjfa .wgg- The Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulation. jijtARBNER mJmWEWS 1 I I Winter-Weight Clothes Now H The first real winter, this, ''4 w HB that Salt Lake has enjoyed H H so far this season. Certain- fl 1 ly the man who is not fully j 'Jfjjl R f prepared with 'Clothes of M HA 1 H I "warmest heft is rather un- H i comfortable these days. (MkkMW 1 IS ft There is more yet' to come, &mm H f which should cause these pfIfeM 1 B m great reductions on Gardner J dM'Mm H f Suits and Overcoats to ap- f'Sl 'Wm IK WH peal to economical men who I- -fSM "iS 1 Mm f find themselves unprepared. :V :vJ. "'. m l B I $15.00 values now $11.00 f . fS: ',r'Wm I ffi $18.00 values now $13.50 K'AW rWm I B - $20.00 values now $15.00 -v -P W f $22.50 values now $17.00 Wir 1 M $25.00 values now $19.00 Hf t W $30.00 values now $22.00 Jf m S II $35.00 values now $27.00 P Ig 1 Sale prices prevail on Youths', Boys' and Chil- J? IS dreu's Overcoats and Men's Pants. Ii ml DRINK IDAM-HA ; KATURA-L, LITHIA WATER, "Mnkoo Eyorythlns Good." JT. J. Klcaol Si Co.. Oedan. i Rlecw t Llndley. Salt Lako. Distributer. High grade and medium, easy parmonts: one. prlco only, cash reductions; estl- yjj! mates ou ' piano repr.lrlnK without cost. IkUB we do renting asd tuning. (Sh i NEW YORK & WESTERN PIANO CO.. jR ! N'o f.2 Mniknt St. nnar Post Olllce. IjB iPoilFlligf Lower Prices Praises of the wonderful beauty of the displays, of the liberality of our prices have been fairly show- I jf ered upon us. jf HEI This great white event features undermuslins and white fabrics, embroideries, laces, etc., as they've $1 never been featured before. ml A look into the department and you'll feel amply rewarded for the visit. A look into the prices we I ffl have placed on the snowy multitude of aristocratic white goods and undermuslins and you will be thankful f 31 that you came. J 89 It's like getting a delightful breath of spring to view these stocks, surrounded and almost smothered t H by heaps upon heaps of dainty white stuffs. ' jj Wt Hundreds of women are daily reveling in the amazing beauty of the display and .profiting by the J III splendid economies presented. Can you afford to miss either? fflfil Persian Lawns j Nainsooks White Cambrics 1 Kra 32-inch Persian Lawn, 15c quality. -c n-t Ax 1 , , ..... ,, , . 3 1991 1 sale price per yard I"72t5 i 30-inch Plain Nainsook, regular prico S I -3o White Cambria, 3itP I IWM j 32-inch Persian Lawn. 20c quality. - I 25e, sale price per yard UC sale .pneo per yard 3,11 J II j fialo price per yard AoC ; Or $1.0.) piece of 10 yards. ilc irico -Inl $C I HI 32 inch Persian Lawn, 25c quality, bf i Plain Xainsook, 3(3 inches wide, reijular CTffx ,o i' vP-i ''U- "" i 1 fflfl 5 sale price per yard 5WC price 30c yard, sale price per yard . . AC J2 fee White Cambric, 1 1 tf P t W . , I , on , . ! r, . ' , ' aIo mice per yard it--U.u . RH J2-inch Persian Lawn. 30c quality lffy Or $--o piece of 12 yards. .- J . , ; I salo price per yard iDC . : Lie hue Cambric, 12V2C ififfl g 32X7e- 30e -Lingerie White Goods 201!", tm t 111 3 sale price per yard r....-" --, f mt India Unions '""teit"11 F,"is''c" 25c , , . i I i 9 sale price, per yard lawn, yard -. 39L Fancy Silk Tissue, 27 inches wide, value QtfP tH M 12fec rndia Linons 50c Lingerie Batiste, ! "'Oo. sale price yard Mm j sale price per yard J.1F yard; 05C ! Dotted Mousseline, 27 inches wide. ; MM 15c India, Linons, -fl fSU .r , r, . I worth 35c vard, sale price wv vard.. izP ?; m fffi salo price per yard 1V2C b0c L.nBcrio Batiste. . qqc pnin MousselllJe, 27 hicie8 wi,,0j ftfiS R g 20c India Linons. -q gm ' regular 35c, sale price per yard iJ5L v V H j salo price per yard , 13C j Plain Lustrine, 27 inches wide, Srft BUI S 25c Tndia Linons. . , ejfa D&VL&M aiHO FflCffUPetil 1 worth G5c yard, sale price per yard. . f M M a sale price per yard k-J SJ , ., n 9H j 25c . Swiss ; WMSc Batistes 1 B - -t ! li)C ) llIt? Do'.tcd Swiss, -H 9,1, ' -lO-inch Wluto Hatistcs, repiilar 63c, SA i fflttK; VldOria LaWnS I lopnceporyard JL& 2L salo prico per yard DWC,j S hi . -; t ..... 1 2.1e White Dotted Swiss. 6T)A 16-inch While Batistes, re'-ular $1.00, niZ I ffl&M I '-XVS i.erM' 10C Blf" I'--' '-' 20C ' lc price per v,.l 3C II ii&iSa 12Vac "y.X. 2Sc ! White Wash CMff on ii ' ffl J&yZa 15c rX8. 40c j Tfc 50c I lii J'u 20c 50c ! XySj.: 75c I II jj |