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Show ' . ' ... , JL M ORE DESERT LANDS TO BE RECLAIMED Mountain Home Men to Irrigate Irri-gate Several Thousand Acres Near Medburg. Special to The Tribune. MOUNTAIN HOME, Ida.. Jan. 23. "vV. J. Turner & Go. of Mountain Homo havo arranged to reclaim several thousand thou-sand acres of desert land situated on the river bottoms near Medbury siding and about eighteen miles from this place. They havo contracted with Pair-banks, Pair-banks, Morse & Co. for a Bryon-Jack-son special horizontal centrifugal pump that is warranted to raise -1000 gallons of water per minute. The pump and steam machinery will be ready for shipment ship-ment by March 15. The company is now encaged in clearing their own land and will this season put under cultivation cultiva-tion at least .100 acres. In addition to farming, the company will embark in I stockraisinp, and furnish a winter range j for mauv thousands of sheep and cat- tic. . I Bank Officers Elected. ' Tho newly elected officers of the First National bank for the ensuing year are as follows: John Pence, president; Thomas Mellon, vice-president; H. E. Teckme3'er, cashier; Will T. Montgom-gomcrv, Montgom-gomcrv, assistant cashier; directors, John Pence Y. T. Montgomery, Thom-as Thom-as Mellen. R, P. Chatten and Arthur Pence. Mr. aud Mrs. E. C. ITclfrick are on a two months' visit with relatives at Kansas Kan-sas Citv, Mo., and New Orleans, La. Frank Phelps, who recenily camo down from the mountains, reports more snow thcro than has been known for a great, many yoars. He says tho gulches are filled with drift snow to great depth and pneked solid. This makes tho ouf-look ouf-look for plenty of y.-ater the coming summer very good. Gov. Gooding has appointed W. J. Turner a delegate to attend the meeting meet-ing of the National Dry Farming association, asso-ciation, to be held in Denver Januarj-2t Januarj-2t and 25. Lawyer B. F. Griffith has nrrived here from Boise and entered into copartnership copartner-ship with County Attornp' Dan McLaughlin. Mc-Laughlin. Now Grocery. P, K. Sitton and R- IT. Wisccnrver purchased the fixtures of John F. Dulin & Co. and have opened a grocery store in tho same building. Fred Moore, who was brought back from Portland by Sheriff Fountain, was given a preliminary hearing and was bound over. John IT. Garrett, from whom Mooro took $200, while emplo3ed at the electric light works, went on his bond, and he was released, and is in Garrett's employ. |