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Show MANY BILLS IN SENATS. Number Introduced, and One Is Acted Upon and Passed. Tho Senate met. at. 2 p. in. Rollcall showed all members present. Prayer was offered by tho chaplain and minutes of the ninth day re.nd and approved. A communication wns received from tho Governor transmitting a communication communi-cation from the .Juvenile court, commission commis-sion of Salt. Lake. City relative In tho Juvenile court law and recommending changes and amendments thereto, was read by tho secretary and on motion of Mr. Lawrence wns accepicd- and referred re-ferred to the Comniitteo on Judiciary. A communication from the Governor was received in which was submitted a list of all appointments made bv him during tho recess of the Legislature, giving the names' of the ad interim ap- The communication was received nnd filed. The following bills wore introduced and referred to committees: Bills Introduced. S. B. No. 23, Walton Appropriating the sum of $1500 to Albert L, Eastman, Sheriff of "Rich county, State of Utah. Referred to Committee on Public Institutions. Insti-tutions. S. B. N"o. 2'l, Bullcn Proscribing and limiting courses of instruction in the University of tUah, and ' providing permanent, per-manent, revenue for (lie support thereof, and directing tho manner ot pnying tho same to tho said University, nnd limit-ing limit-ing the cost of maintaining the said University. Referred lo Committee on Education. S. Ji, No. 25. Billion Prescribing and limiting the courses of instruction in the Agricultural College- of Utah, and providing permanent, revenue for tho support thereof, directing the manner of oaying the same to the said college, nnd limiting the cost of maintaining the said college. Referred to Committee on Education. S. B. No. 2G. Miller To provide for ton feet of discovery work in ninety days on nil mining claims located, nnd repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Referred to Committee Commit-tee on Mines and Mining. S. B. No, 27, Bullen, by request Relating Re-lating to tho establishment and maintenance mainte-nance of public libraries in cities of the first and second class, and the lew of a tax therefor. Referred to Committee on Countv and Municipal Corporations, S. B. No. 2S. Johnson rTo regulate tho practice of osteopathy in the State of Utah, and to provide for a State board of cxaminors and to license osteopaths osteo-paths to practice in this Stato. and to punish persons violating the provisions of this act. Referred to Committee on Public Health. Sonata Bill Passe'd. Senate Bill No. 4, by Bonner X. Smith was reported favorably and passed. Tt provides for tho infliction of capital punishment, upon convicts undergoing a life sentence in the State prison who, with malice aforethought.,--commit an asHault upon the person of another with I a deadly weapon or instrument, or bv any means likely to produce great bodily bodi-ly harm. The special committee to which was referred 1L C. R. No. I. providing for the appointment of a joint committee, on revenue, reported thnt in their opinion opin-ion the text of the resolution is insula-"t insula-"t in j.ceonnUb the results desired; but suggested that a concurrent reso-tuiion reso-tuiion h..uiiKi be passed by this session of the Legislature empowering the Governor Gov-ernor to appoint a commission of three persons to act in conjunction with the Stntn Ttnnrrt nf C - i. - "' " "i"iii'..iu i,u,. iui ino purpose of drafting a bill contemplating a uniform system of taxation, the bill to bo submitted to tho next. Legislature, and upon motion r.f Senator Miller, the report of the special comniitteo was adopted. S. C. R. No. 2. by Callister That a special committee of four, two from the Senate nnd two from the House, bo appointed ap-pointed to look after the water supply to the State prison. Jjaid on table for one day. On molion of Mr. Callister the Senate adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. |