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Show O SPARKS FROM THE WIRE V Panlel T,. O'I'ar. the Standard Oil Company1! Com-pany1! rnrnl nurTlntond'nt r( pipe lln. Is d'-Qd at I.lma. O. , ocd ro yrar. i",rnm" Stewart, former Rr-publlran National Nation-al rommlttecmon from Illinois who Is pufrr-Iuk pufrr-Iuk from a teond attack of 'ongestlrn of the brain. !s In a srous condition. Th suth Sharon Pn tin ml'l of the Amrrlran Sh'-ol and Tin Plat" company has down it is believed the suspension will be but temporarj . Eleven hundred m.n an orfc-ctcd Plight former mployrs of the Panama Canal SOtntnlSSfon who have arrived In New York on the ateaniT Orizaba from '""olon I'ald the) resigned their positions on the Isthrr.us because f.f the hleh cost of living onl the health conditions there Hrlg -Gen. William S McCajkey ho for-mall for-mall aafiumed command of the Department of the Colorado, with hendquartcrs at Denver, as sureesior to O.-n Frank D Baldwin who is now in charee of the Southwest division. When appolntf.l to this p-jst Gen McCS key was In the Philippines. Justice of the Prace Heed of Goldfleld ha refused to accept Messrs. Redmond and StMn on the bail of Francis Rurt'.n who la ac-cused ac-cused of lining connected w ltfl the . collapse of the Ooldfleld Hank and Truft cumpnnv The Jugllcit fixed Purton's hall nt 115,000 and that r.f J B Young, former president cf tho bank at JW0O Counsel for tho plnlntlff In tho case of Alfred Forslck, a lawyer of Maidenhead, Berkshire Berk-shire charged with mlsappi oprlatlnj; Jtju.mX! put in a !tUi-rnnt In court In London alleging alleg-ing that Fosnlck told Mm ho lent th monej to Mrs. Jam'i Brown Potter, tho act-, ss. without security Tho defendant was remanded. re-manded. t'laronre Atherton. a lad arrested in company com-pany with George Bradley, who Is accused of holding up a Rlversldo avenue saloon In Sjiknne, Wash., hug confessed that he- with Pradler broke Into tho poalofflce at Tp. Ida . May 1. gelling llttlo plunder Bradley will probahl not be tried for this robbi-ry. It being thought hn may git a longer sentence, sen-tence, up to fifteen years for the raloon hold-im. William Bedlow Croaby. ono of tho oldest lawyers in New Tork and who waa a paymaster pay-master In tho navy during tho Civil war and C oiisul-Generul to Romr, under President Grant In IS, 2. la dead from heart dlose ut Dobbs -erry His maternal grandfath-r was Benjamin BVanklHl Butler. Attorney-General I ?J rYu United States under President Van liurcn |