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Show ROSTER OF THE DEAD. List Soldiers in Salt Lake Cemeteries Whose Grav?s Will Be Decorated. The Tribune herewith presents a roster of deceased soldiers buried in Salt Lake cemeteril s and the old military cemetery outside Port Douglas, with their army rank, name of COmpah) and regiment. In the list nre two snllors The compilation of this list was no a--y undertaking Record Is kept of deceased nn iiiIkts Ii tin iii" Grand Army post In the city, but no knowledge was available and therefore no record could be made of soldiers Who died outside nf society fellowship fel-lowship 'i he same is true regarding rec- ords niiole by the Philippine Veli-rans' a-- soda lion. The neglect Of Old soldiers to do-posll do-posll Willi the Grand Army posts some ri i ord of their army life even though the elected nol to become active mi tubers, tu-bers, I- lamentable This neglect ac- ata for the lack of any record following follow-ing the name "f too many deceased sol- -lli I - III Ibis llM Where i .Is i ould not I., obtained from Grand Army TO8- ters, The Tribune obtained such by din- gentl) searching the cemeteries and observing ob-serving the Inscriptions on stones and monuments, even wood- headboards-Search headboards-Search a Thorough One. Although the hunt was thorough, it was not rewarded In all Instances. Some monuments, even costly ones, contained but the usual Inscription of date of birth, place of nativity and date of death: nothing noth-ing to Indicate t" the chance visitor of graveyards thai the body of s i nion soldier sol-dier wan crumbling tO dust beneath In some Instances nothing whatever above the gT8ve to tll that It was other than the burial spot of a person forgotten. However The Tribune presents herewith here-with n complete list of the soldiers and sailors whoso graves will be decorated toda) : In Mount Olivet. ALLEN. L A., pr l"u A, 7th Ttnn en ALLIEN, B. V Lieut " G Ird Colo. Inf., J IK'.. I A LLBN, BAM F.. pr Co. D 3rd Cel. I"f . il Feb II. U0 BROWN, ' M.i U. . now, .1 Moreh It, II H I1AR11 GEORGE W., pr. Co. C. 1st Iowft . ., BYNON, B M. ciKt Co F, nth Fa en-. BAILEY JOHN v BAILBY TiniMAS C. 1st Lieut. a.nd odjt lt'h In-1 inf. 'BRADLHT, J F, M.ijr-r Ut r B. col, Inf Q, Jure- )f, l-.i BUTLEH JOHN W" BROWNIKO, 'iKoHCE A . pr Co A vUb N hi-aw anlllmy ,J KOUT, STEPHEN M d" March U BLACKNRT, Wit UAH BE68UMFT.1 'I. CHARL.R8 lRAIT .fiHN it H 911 N V Inf BREU8CH GEORGE C, pr Co C, 1st bm Ni-m Inf HA Rl NAN E N REA I "REt j HI i. Ll'POVISo pr Pn C 9th Minn Inf ' ' RITCHLOtr, .1 J, pr r re lit N T u-. 'ss. r. '.v CURTia NORTON W . pr Co B, 1st Mich ca , n". ' MPBEL1 . HVOH CLAYS W. P pr. Co K r.ih 111 Inf. LAYS i ETER pr. Co G M Mich. Inf . d i !la rk i m aie ' LARK, WILLIAM C. pr. Co. G. 44th 111 I r.f ' ONWBLL A LDFRT G. i LINfl CH iRLEB H . pr Co K InJ 1 lo ev . Aur J". 113 COLE, DANIEL F pi Ca F, :7th low Inf ' HOPlN, MAR8MALL 'CHAPMAN WILMOT H . n r.lut. Co. I, 16th Maine Inf . Sept. 10. 1811 l A RK W F '.'I.AFn', PATRICK, pr Co F. 5th Ohl-j Inf DELOtTtlE. DESIRE, pr I n t, "r a! Inf. , Hept. in DONNELLY rAME8 LM Ni AN. T M . pr fn K Ohio Inf DUNNING, EUGENE H. Pr. Co. L 140th N Y mf DAVISON, PR. ASA Ui pr Co. H. 77th III Inf IMNDAR. GEO A. corp. Co A. Srd Iowa inf -POT'OT.AS. GEORGE, furprnn tth NT T Inf R 18TMA V. FRANK ETHIER, ANTHONY, pr Ca A. Ml rolo mf . i s-pt 9 is;.'- kdstfr PETER h rr m-. battery "FERGUSON ROBERT, pr Co P, 13th Mlrh inf . ,1 May 4 Ifftl PRAIM, ARCHIBALD L A., a, Oct li 197 FARNHAM i F PALLON, rOHN POWLER WILLIAM T. pr. Co V fith MQ. Inf . Hrpt.. lf'3. FIFE. SA MI EL pRSHAf SIMON pr. Co A ir7th N. Y. Iilf . -I Auk 10, im -FITZGERAl P. J , rr Ca G. thd Ohio Iilf . A up 11. Hv IllR1 '-KNER JAMfJS A. pr Co. r. nsth III Inf . rl J),., f. iv'i OOLDTH v it, John v. rr ;r.) ri Im and -allot C s ohlp Admiral GROPf, J J OENILIANI, RAPHAEL Mi iNEV. i HARLES H VrSIN'll U J( i)N HOLLAND, 1 M I lent. Co F. Mth Kv. Inf .J April 5, 1000 h 1??? OBOROB . rr Co. k. M ohl0 ray art)(-r HAMILTON. JOHN F iiF.m. s .1 HOSPELH i N CHARLES. M P.ht JOHN F 'H1TCM1NSON DANIEL pr. Co. G. 1st III i-av i July. isno aOct'itsi B l'r C R Mh N" T ,nf HrrasepJTBg T C" A' I FFEERSON . F A JOHNSON, HERN Rp VC in"fr"footNi.BSoT u' LKut ro 1 ?5,h nJOHNB, WTLLLVH m . UeuL-CoL, 3rd Cal JCPGE JOHN b KRAKER. ANTHONY, rr Co 1. 1st Cel. KRALLER. PETER LAMBERT, O v nr r0 n -.h m Inf d. Nov 17 ISM P B Mh N T lAwraNz LOOFROL'ROW. C r er Co r ,-c.w Ohio Inf.. r I)fr. , VT Cn MAXWELL. GBOROB R Llut-.-ol 1st .i AnTiij pr M- ,:,h Ohiocav., ;;.MKEAN. J B. Col. 77th N V ,nf. . .r,vMA.,'-I'::.;;l ifg m,h COnn. MIT. HELL Til. -MX? ,.r . . H. UXth N "M MA HON. FVTRlrk J . corp To H 7th U f5 Inf .1 f-i ir. p.vi ' "n MONTGOMERY. ROBERT H pr Co E lt Mo Inf v B' MAXFY. PAVIP ' BATH A N' pr Co K. JHh M'CANN, I. N. OWENS, WILLIAM M, Pr Cn R th N V Inf , d Oct 23 193. POTTER. CALVIN P Ind Llut. Mh U S cr-1 troop, d. Aug 18, 1902 PIERCE WATSON B., serrt Co I .( Vt. Car.. A July S. 1904. PM 1 LLI PS A. J. pr. Co. H. 7Jrd III. Inf.. .1 AU(f It 1 RIPER VAN RANSLER P. pr Co E 1st N, y d racoon RAPHAEL. MORITZ, pr 3rd . at nf rl Aiijf 11 1P02. RYAN JOHN E. -SOLIMAN FREP. brevet MsJ.-Oen d 1'.'7 SMITH, P T SMITH CHAR FJ SPRAOl E E T . pr rr, K. 1st Wll Inf . pr-.m-itc-d Colonel, d Dec., mss SCI I.S. W 11 pr ' '-. I It h Ioa rnv 1 lun- .1, l.?r. SELLS. ELIJAH, paymfuntr V S nan d March I, IM7 SPAFFORP. W il H pr Co K. th lOWS Inf . il March 24 01 sella R. ROBERT, pr Co C, 4-.th Ohio Inf .1 Juno 3'1, 191 ST i'EAIR. PORTER A. SOLIMAN. C E STUART, WILLIAM W. rpt Cfl :nJ Cal. Inf.. d Fr-b. 7. IMS BCHMELZER, rHN J. pi C", p. 7ih Inn Inf . d JUly, 117 SINCIA1R. PFTER A STOVER. PAVIP R rapt 77th K' and As!t Q, M . U, S. A . d. Oct ; BIMFSON, OEORQE R F. surgeon 6?nd N Y inf SI LI IVAN. EPWAP.P SI LLI1 AN. I 1TRICK. S fE ENSON IAIOR A, ir rn A. i:sth Ohio, d July M, IMI. SPENCER J H TIMMONY JOHN B . pr ro p cir-i l a Inf , 'I rW.1 IMI ROMAS, 'AMI B rilOMPSON, J.iHN W. pr ?n.l Ku liRht niillliry T AGO ART, J P. n"1 sur" I S A., d. Nov 23 lsV i ERPIE IjOUIB pr ro A, 3rd Col Inf 1 July S. l-s trV IB QRYIL rr Do I, 4111 W. Va. rnv d AUK Ti. Ii"4 -VAN A l.ST I N K CHARLES . pr. Co. A ui . m 'i Mar la, vm V, ;t ALEXANDER W May I IMI WALTER GEORGK AX . "'-rut ''" I, .'n-l , NiAr!;,,Vl r; -l March 4. !W .. , . f WAT KINS 1 P lr Co B, 18th t r- Inf.. .1 Mirrll 13 lJOI. XV EST. XVI LLI XM P. pr. Co. I, :-h N Y Ir.f . d M) !'"'' WILSON C. W. WELSH. JACK-XVB8TLBV JACK-XVB8TLBV i.'HN WEST W P . pr Co r, 2Slh N Y Inf , d. VI nv "'lit ' Iil4 WILKINSON WILLIAM, pr. Co. E, lt Nr, nf. d l-r U 1104. Wll. i I VMS' JONATHAN W M KER RonT ! MnJ.-r P 3 army W1N8TPAD TiloMAS. pr Mb rg U s M cue. WILSON. JOSEPH W XX'ILSON. ALONZO. nergt. Co. K. Sth Iowa Inf McKean pes' Maawel) post |