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Show LECTURE ON OTHELLO. Dr. Edgar C. Abbott Delivers the First One of His Series. Dr. Edgar C Abbott of Boston delivered deliv-ered his Initial Shakesp. an an le. ture l.isl evening at the beautiful new home of Judge and Mrs. Orlando W. Powers. Dr. Abbott commenced his lecture by savins he would not try to personate any one character in tlx tragedj but try and sinw tin- powerful, though half-clvlllsed, . baracter ( th ii" I in- barbarian Othello is one of the deepest of Bhakes-peare's Bhakes-peare's tragedies and In every wav did the lecturer bring out this idea. His deep ir.im.itif voice portrayed intense)-, tht passions of the Moor though softened Into I tho pleading tone of the wronged -dc rtions The principal point the lecturer kept he. fore the audience was I h contrast be-twei be-twei n I.iko. the hUhly edu;itvd K nto-man nto-man of Venice, who has lived always In a sphere of vice, and Othello, the passionate passion-ate half-clvlllSCd man. who has not learned how to curb his feelings. Othello .ii. s a tragic death but f.tr mon honored Is he than the Hying Iago In his deceit ami mlstruSt The love of Desdemona is beautiful so trustful, but Othello has not the true faith and trust in hr that she places In him therefore her tragic d;iih Dr. vbbott was splendid In ue death scene, as well as his Interpretation of the preceding conversation between Hheiio nod the false ago An enthusiastic and large audience FT '-ted L'r Abbott The second In these s.tP s of lectures will be Khen tomorrow vening at the homo of m. h Walker when the doctor will lecture upon ,,ih.-Merchant ,,ih.-Merchant of Venice," one of the most popular of Shakespeare's plays. |