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Show PAID TITHING FROM CHARITY Widow Divided Willi "the Lord." She Had Received Contributions Contribu-tions From Sympathetic Neighbors. Croeiited the Deity With tho Donations, Dona-tions, But Not With Fire That Destroyed Her Home. Special tej The Tribune. PRO O. Utah May There Is a story trolng tho rounds In Provo to the effect that a certain widow who had the misfortune mis-fortune a short time ago to lose a considerable con-siderable part of her household effects by lire, paid 10 per cent of the amount re-r.lv.ej re-r.lv.ej by contribution Inio the tithing office of-fice Th woman supports herself and children by hei 0W VOitlt nnd. km.inK Lhli two or three kindly-disposed gentle- mt ii . ir. ulated a pi titlon osKlng I n- tributiona i-u her Tbej succeeded In raising In snuil! amounts ao'out ?o, and ibis tins turned over to her. Pnid Back Tithintr. it is said she Immediately went to the tllhlng office ,md paid over J7. or 10 per ccnl .1 the amount, It la Bald he s..me that she paid even more than the i" p. r cent on what was contributed, the excese being back tithing Sh.- kIv-h the .re. lit. tn tin laud In direr-ting the people to , rm-trlbute rm-trlbute that money, and consequently she should i lj a tenth to the represi ntatl tre of the- Lend. The (ueatlon has been asked in, i he street, 'If the contributions eame from the snu'ree slv clr.lms, who set the lurnlture ;iflrc-'" Decoration Day Sports. The programme feir the Daicoratlon day .sports tomorrow afternoon i as follows The- clubs to meet at the Klks" club-rooms club-rooms hi 2 30 i m. Parade, headed by the Provo bund, starts from the- bank corner at 3 o'clock and proceeds to tht- west square The ball name between the t ommerelal club . rtd the 1 :ik! 111 b ' e-Wed al 8 80 p m . with Sheriff Harmon as umpire, and It Is stipulated that the umpire furnish hln own protection Several doctors and nurses from the Red Cross society will be in at-tt at-tt n dunce. There- will be n fifty-yard foot race be-tween be-tween the famous sprinters. George A Storrs and William ft. Roylance, and a race between Sheriff Jesse Harmon nnd James I love they to run not le6s than twenty-five yards and no farther than 300 yards, the first quitter to pay a penalty to be assessed by the committee All money received by the committee goes to th.- i tah county fair fundi Juvenile Court. Juvenile Judge M. M. Kellogg disposed of four cases this morning. In two of them the defendants, father nnd son. were discharged OJI promise of no more violations. viola-tions. The either two were allowed to go em probation, to report at Intervals to the court. District Court. In the District COurt today Judge Booth OSed Of the feillowlng business Pollj Smith s John W. Smith, order to show cause heretofore entered, heard and taken under advisement until June I'J. The State of I'lah vs Reuben Eabcock and Has well Tuttle; set for hearing Ma j 81. These defendants are about 16 ..us old and charged with being incorrigibly incor-rigibly vicious The ease is from Spanish Pork. Buplce Jrirdnn vs. Delilah Miner, a d - pree was rendered In f.n..r e,f plaintiff Quieting title to land described in the complaint com-plaint Licensed to Wed The following couples were today given licenses to wed: Arthur Kelson ami Eve 5CcKell of Spanish Span-ish Fork; J A. Bigle-r of Parmlngton and Lydla Beverldge of Spring ville; Porc Bishop Patterson and Addle Uaiton of Salt Lake cii. The last-named couple were married by Count Clerk Gee G. Williams, better known as "Red." was liberated from the county Jail on Saturday Sat-urday morning, aft r serving a s .-nt -day sentence for larceny, anel was ba lc there again before noon of ih- same- day, this time charged with stealing a number ol articles of clothing from a valise in the jail klti ht He pleadt d guilty thia morning before luslle-e Noon hiu! was pdven ninety days In the county Jull. |