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Show WILL KEEP OPEN HOUSE. Officials Y. M. C. A. Will Throw Open Bachilor Apartments Today. Officers of the Young Men s Christian association will keep open house today for the purpose of allowing young men to go through the building, especially the bachelor apartments These quarters occupy oc-cupy nearly the entire second and third floors and arc ono of the main features Of liu building A large number of tins. ms have already been engaged by association as-sociation members and the prospect Is that all will be taken by the opening day, "he formal opening of the building has been postponed fr-mi June 1 to Jum 12 Ph interior of the building is now nearly completed, the gymnasium and swimming pool being entirely finished .Salt Lake members of the association are justly proud of their new building, which Is one of the finest in the W -1 Invitations will shortly be Issued for tho three opening nights, 1500 for each night. The dates for these evenings will be announced later Th. Invitations will be left in piiuiii places about the i nv. and there will bo no excuse for any one's remaining away |