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Show PERRY S. HEATH AGAINJN ZION He Talks of His Trip to Old World. Was Entertained in Cairo by Former Utahn, Judge Van Home. Judge Has a Charming Young Wife, a Texas Girl, and a Cosy Home. After an absence of nearly one year, Perry S Heath, former publisher of The Tribune, arrived In Salt Lake yesterday. He Is a perfect picture r.f health, and according ac-cording to his own Statement never has he felt better In his life His stay In Sail, Lake was limited, us he left over tlv Salt Lake & Los Angeles road last evening for Milford. where he will Join form, r Senator Keams and the Hon David Keith. He will return within a month, however, and spend some time In this city looking over his business Interests and renewing old aCQUSintanpes His First Real Vacation. "Yes. It Is the first real vacation I hae ever had In my life,' said Mr. Heath. a he hoarded the train last night and left for the south. "All my previous so-called so-called vacations have generally lasted for about a month and Invarlabis I have taken my bUSlni ss rlclu along with me This time, however. I did not and during my absence, lasting one ear all but three weeks, I have been a free man I have simple been out l. enjov mvs.lf and I did Free- from the rush and worry of business have been ib). to rt twelve long hours of sleep out of every twenty-four, twenty-four, and as a consequence I have gained thirty pounds In weight Yes, the vacation vaca-tion has been worth while Two Months in Egypt. "During my absence t traveled over considerable of Europe, and even found time to journey Into Asia and Africa Two months of our trip was devoted to pleasure pleas-ure and Sight-Seeing In F.gypt and about the -ame length of time was .-pent on the Italian lale ltalv and her beautiful cities occupied c'orield Table of our attention, atten-tion, particularly Florence and Rome. From Italy we made a short Journey to Palestine, when- we spent about "one month. Entertained by Judge Van Home. "While In Egypt we were entertained by Judge Van Horno, who was appointed Judge of fiisi instance to the international interna-tional court of Cairo by President Mc Klnley at the request of Ex-Senator K irns Judge Married Texas Girl. 'The Judge, you know. Is married Ho has a charming voting wlfo. who Ss a native na-tive of T- xas While at Paris brushing up his French he met the young lady, who was there studying the language and other arts, a warm friendship sprang up. hut nothing serious happened until the two net later at Alexandria. Their meeting here was like that of old friends, ami according to both so pleasant and mutual I happ thut thev decided to make It permanent Mrs Van 1 1. one is a woman of considerable property and I . ma rka ble i o It ore Has Cosy Home Near Cairo "The Judge has a cosy home located about nine miles from the city In a Suburb where all the prominent members of the court of Cairo have their homes II. also has n m. ,-nlficcnt office In thi Judiciary building of Cairo, which Is the most costly public l.ulldlng In Africa, and fai outstrips buildings "f like character at our own national capital. Is Very Successful. "The Judge is meeting with splendid sin e, ss In his new Held He Is proficient both in French and Arabic' and consequently conse-quently has an advantage In his work, which he lia.s managed so well that he has won the professional respect of all tho diplomats at the court. He In roundly round-ly iulmlred and holds a prominent place-In place-In the highest social circles of Cairo." No Thought of Business. When asked as to how his Salt Lake business Investments were, coming, and as to whether he Intended to Invest any more money In this city, he smiled as if to say, ' I thought I told you that I haven't thought a thing about business for twelve months. ' During his short stay In Salt Lake ves-terday ves-terday Mr. Heuth was visited by several of his old fric nds and was entertained at luncheon during the afternoon bj Mrs Thomas K earns |