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Show Horses to Race at Agricultural Park Seme of the Fastest in State Entered A Big Crowd Expected at the Park. Manager w S. Jons of the Salt Lajta DrH -iruj club has on- of the finest cards tbat has ever been served up to the Salt Leke public a' i he Agricultural park track this afternoon. At the Turf KTthanire poolroom last night 'hre was but very Utile betilne in the run-nir.ir run-nir.ir rscet na the eh.--tvfrs jreaterday att-rnoon took i pereentafc-e frrm th hettlnR In the free-for-all rice Vlpha W . o-A-ned bv C H. Thomp i-.n. so),; frr CO with the field at is In the second racs Amtra. Ijd. smith and christen B sold we special cars Will run from the corner of First Pourh and Main streets to the race track cr.mrnn-ri(; the tripe, at 11 O'clock In the forenoon an1 start every flo minutes afterward after-ward for the grounds The track Is :n fine condition, and, Judglne t-y the WSJ In whlco the "speedsteiw worked OUI Iresterday In their lact practice there i a good chaneo for a record to bo smashed this aiic rnenn Managor Jones hn mnde plans to nc-omme. caie at le.nt i.e,,p, n ,hl. , o. and un- I Hands, and tho (Hit.liou". i thrown ep'-n to the publl. The races will ojwn at 2 o'clock |