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Show PORTLAND IN GALA ATTIRE Nearly Ready or Fair Opening. Arrival of Troops for Parade Gives City Military Air. Secretary Loeb Announces Part President Presi-dent Will Take in Opening the Exposition. PORTLAND. Or., May 29 Tn a letter received by the exposition officials, William Wil-liam Loeb. Jr , secretary to the Prosldent. advises that the programme at tho W hite House on June 1 in connection with the, opening of the Lewis and Clark centennial centen-nial will be substantially a duplicate of that performed last year In the opening of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. President Roosevelt's part of the ceremony cere-mony will take place In tho historic East room of the White House and will bt participated In by the members of the Cabinet, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme court, Embassadors Embassa-dors and Ministers of foreign countries, and other dignitaries Will Touch Gollen Key. Following the St. L-niLs programme. when President Roosevelt is advised that all Is in readiness for the opening of th-fair, th-fair, ho will greet hi party In u short address and then touch the golden key Which will transmit the signal for the Lewis and Clark centennial, and which will start the chimes and ma, hlnery of the exposition. Later congratulatoi y telegrams will be exchanged h.-tween President Roosevelt and W. H. G Is, president of the fair corporation Coincident with the touching of thj k' by the President s battery of artillery stationed near the White House will lire the national salute Board Members Arrive. John C. Bcofleld, chief clerk of the W tr deportment, and its representative on the board, arrived here today . M W Chance, In a similar capacity with tho postofflce department, will arrive tomorrow Col. Cecil Clay and C. H Hastings of tho Government board and representing respectively re-spectively the Dejiarlmment of Justice and the Library of Congress, are In the city and the remaining members of the board will arrive within the next day or two. . , Irrigation Congress. It Is announced that the Irrigation committees com-mittees of the congress will leave Washington Wash-ington for Portland on June 1 for t.he purpose pur-pose of attending the National Irrigation congress, to be held at the Lewis and Clark exposition. While en route they will attend the opening of th Truckee-Carson Truckee-Carson Irrigation district In Nevada, on June IV Wreckage in the Lake. Tho representatives of wreckage, which will enter Into the exhibition of the work of the United States life-saving service, wax Instilled in tne lake today. Tho wre, kage, consisting of a parily broke,, bull and nw.st, will be used lor the pur-post pur-post of showing the method Of tiring a line and rescuing people by means of the, breeches buoy nnd life car Many Tioops Arrive. With the almost dally arrival of troops for participation In the military parade, Portland Is rapidly assuming a military air The number now here will be in-, in-, T'ased tomorrow by the arrival from Pullman of tho Washington Agricultural college ' adet i "li'S ' he 1 oh t will U". Inf., ciini. "ii the I. ink of the Will., ne t t'. rlver In the Vicinity of the fair grounds. Vintors Art- Admitted, The Insistent demand for admittances, especially ,n ,,,(' Part "r Eastern visiters, , '.unpolled the rescinding of the order closing th, exposition gates for the three days prior to the formal opening of the f,,lr almost before It hnrl gone Into effect ef-fect and visitors will, as heretofore, be allowed to enter the grounds up to tho opening day . |