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Show ''m tlnir:s as much. 1000 CIGARS FREE I If you can find anything but the I beat Havana llller In the White Q I Sw an or ih-j White Swan Perfecto H I I WHITE SWAN CIGAR CO , NEWBRO'S HERPieiOE I Tho ejRIGINAL remedy that "kills th Dandruff Germ " GOING-1 GONE!!! I It Herplclde win it HOpicide. THE LADIES OB.TECT nrs and leaves the hair light and fiuffv la . , reflecte:! in the enormous sale of Newhro'n to a gummy and sticky hair dressing, or Horplcide Lsilles become enthusiastic one that I full of sedimentary chemicals over Its refreshing quail: and exqulslto Intended to dye the hair. The marked fragrance It destroys the microtia . . yr.rxtn In th -ilf. 1 j r - dir.druff st-.Ds preference for .a dainty dressing partlcu- , failing hair and gives , n Mlk-V c'.j-s larly one that overcomes excessive 0I1I- 1 STOPi ITCHING INSTANTLY. DRCG STORES $1 On SEND K-c . STAMPS. TO HERPiriDE CO . DEi'T H &E-TROIT &E-TROIT MHTI . FOR A SAMPLE PPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER RHnr ! - NO MOSQUITOES NO SALOON J I To th I'pper Falls resort, the beautiful jumri'T retreat, Is the very best place to go to rest and sIccd &nd cat UPPER FALLS SUMMER RESORT I In "Beautifa. Provo Canyon." I The Ideal outing place and family r irort. I The place where you can enjoy a Rooscveitlan rest with rod and gun or a lary man'h rest under the shade of the tree s by the rippling brook. Beautiful water falls, mountain trails, grand scrnery. boating, trout fishing, danc-'r.c danc-'r.c pavllloi n t, . cottages t,it.i besi th- market affor.ij.. Only two hours' ride from Salt Lake City on the R C, W R. M. R Telephone. C. W. HIOGLNS, M. 0. 1 ' I Jll a YEA-R8 IN SA1.T LAJLS. WSSV WW SPECIALIST. j &lB&$Qllny Microscopic ind Analytic Phyelalsan. g v lz((M$if CURES Fife. Nervous Waknesaj Nu- I I 3fr y jmlfy ralgla. Varicocele, Weak Spine. BDlous- B arlrftsK nesa Gravel, Sore Eyes. Lun; Diseases. ffi'lBj lunStM Tape Worm Dyspepsia, Llvor and Kid- sj stfslVMTHilffivVa b. Complaint, Dcnfnoas. Catarrh. Erv- T SWliCJa elpelas. Old Sores 9crofula. Rheumatism. 8 V jSMkR wlJ . S'"T Jol"t5, Plloe In th .r jvorat form J j 1 jjPTm vA Tl iK Thoee afflicted with Eplpsj- or Fits can 3 jjS Akt Y b1 permanently cured i fffMftfsL ff4v -f By lhr' aia r,( rhr' M'croscopo wo eon do- j K&jMfcZfaiSfvX I I tect Calcut, Cancerous Matter, Carbonate I fflm&rxbsTprf L of Lime, Albumen, and all e xtranoou.i vaPyasil I 11 suhatanoes mlxwl irn the Urine or I l'iC( V V 1 Blood, This Is the scefdflc principle of I JJA 'l WL Sp treating Chronio Diseases. f7 ' er Can be found at hl3 office. 8L Elmo f J W vK Sdr Hotel, from 10 m, to -1 p. m. Rooms 11 U Yv 15 19 7 t0 9 p S&L THE KNOWLEDGE OF DI9EAJ11J IS 1 HALF ITS CITE k KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. MAN. KNOW THYSELF. in i s i Maieiaasiisi iTsnsssssssssrsssssssssssssssssMsssaiaMi ii i " ; GARDNER DAILY STOKE NEWS. GARDNER DAILI STORE NEWS. I ; Store closed all clay today. 1 I1 Tomorrow morning we'll' re- I sume the outfitting of the Wei Dressers, I ! For it is high time all were 1 getting into cooler clothes :l Hot weather wearables in all lines are waiting for you. f The Gardner kinds. f Priced the Gardner Way. 1 II I SSU J. P. GARDNER, i? I I I THE QUALITY STORE. $ HtatBBB"sBaapg5ijapSjwlJ'y PSVatsQSvKivaaqaaTavaaasp. I YOUR EYES Need attention'' Do not be like ra many otln-rs who have neglected I It until Tv)G LATE. DO IT NOW M Have your eyes tested and cor- B rectly fitted with plassea that n please and stay fitted. A R USHMER'S 73 W. First South. 'Phones- Bell. 176S-K Ind.. 176 I SJteii WORK dono during my . KsVSsv abHeiiie that proves un- fKS natlsfactory will bo ro- KigT ,,: . . .) W,'- 9 Teeth extracted without TjjfflgM pain. Free with other Jr)Br. Zimmerman, UOSt Reliable Dentist 10 DAYS' SPECIAL 'jagtSja Stt of Teeth fc-t"-1 Gold fjrjl ll'1 'Phone 1166-X. IGodbe-Piits Drug Co. I Pcracription Spcclaliats, I COR, 101 MAIN ST. :!F YOU SPENdJ I H One-th'r.l of your life In bed, H don't spend another half o cr M a red-hot atox-e In the summer Ell JH time. It J jgfl 'Ion i est a.s much to run U, I" J ""I to llht H &3 i ' a lr and ; on IjSj wis - i you are through, EJasIly gen rated ib- HSj H. s..ii', I Bras Hum- Bn Her in ..p. two .,r threo-burner SJ -sl-' J 1 1 K II "!' I' 'W Iking hardware! II p & STOVE CO, I II E i63 MAIN STREET j ffy Fone 746. H SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE j 208 MAIN ST. Califomia and Eastern races. Direct wire for all sporting events. |