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Show i ass " - - - aasaasssass. WIWE of CARDUI FOR WOMEN FREE t ME To Every Sufferer as Wm! v applies to me in person om terf I will give Free use m wor' " famc discovery f vJ aijiH Thera are thousands of men who lack csqt r?BM vwBbbbf 1 0 S Hr TtenT-ea are shaky, whose eyes have lost ttB V f Wl ffn Hr r i Hh -whose brains are muddled, ideas coaftuti, f - nl V less, confidence gone, spirits low and euihM . V t r- t- III fflBB who are backward, hesitating, unable to iB -Tl -TrVliK- I If Vflvl cause they nre afraid of failure, who want H rjlp f decide for them. It is men who have all if jH l.-i I j ' ' toms of nervous dehiliry nnd want new lib, JiXi I J iH i new streng-th. that I want to try my cure. IjK yp J fa 'SJ my invention has done in tens of thonjtadiBj r ; y , jl ja the past 40 years, nnd so sure am I of vfc(Hr ' ) for others, that to the skeptical who do ctftfl at a liberal reduction, I make this simple proposition: I -will let you have the use of one of my celebnjV Dr. Sanden Electric Belts Free Until Gift and not ask one cent in advance or on deposit. But if it cures or fully satisfies you in say two ooattE me price of belt in many cases as low as $5.00; if it does not cure return the belt and the trantaetisH" This offer is so straightforward that you may doubt it. but if you hive the confidence to call or apjIB I say to you honestly that I will not abuse it by misrepresentation, or by sending you anything tMH D. Such reprehensible practices are not in my line. J My belt has restored health and strength to thousands of weak men. It pours glowing, exhilantdlL into you while you sleep; it rejuvenates and animates sluggish circulation, stimulates the brain to atK fills the body with new life, ambition and endurance. In one night's use it will make you feel as i!bafl furnishes the strength men lack who suffer from drains, varicocele, impotency or debility, and aK back, rheumatism, kidney, stomach and liver complaints, general ill-health, etc, and upon the tmT sufferers are simply throwing health and happiness away by not giving it a trial. I have teetbuifc thousands cured after all other treatments had failed. I As the inventor, in fact father of the Electric belt system of treatment, and having carried samalB ful success I am flattered by many imitators. They imitate my belts, but my knowledge from nnd research cannot be imitated. It is of great value and given freely to every user of my belt. WBBu today and let me assist you to health and happiness as I have so many others. I will at once simfl you my belt on terms stated and also two best little books ever written upon Electricity and its a4V I send them free, sealed, my mail. Address, j Dr. T. N. Sanden, 997 Market St., San FranciscS Largest and Oldest Electric Belt Establishment in the DR. C. W. HIGGINS l I Thirty- Tw Years in Salt Lake City fi)H THE OLDEST RELIABLE SPECIAL- A Mil 1ST IN THE CITY. BO.Jsifflr L I I Salt Lake Microscopic Medi- DR. C. W. HIGGINS, M. D.t Manager ad Prop. WK ST. ELMO HOTEL Jk Corner Main and Third South Streets TDIRTY-TWO YEAI5 WS-W 1..fm!rrilrS'tUrdy 5Wi5tW' and her laws special lines, my superior advantage tjftjS i Jl y,nf- v;,r,i 1 ""heal tat Ingrly declare, and my unparalleled rord as h successful sg" HTTB NFi- v, ) .'vrA rnTTMv'' that mor men been cured my me of VARICOcBlJ. J J , X DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON ANl RPFI FX DISOKPKRf within the las hy any specialists in th. United Stales combined This fwtelf-elidVnV and 'rnl rj nnd treatment more successful you do wrong to experiment with n.ct$idM cerns S freqUently chansed. and whose doctors are "he seringa together of transient an I NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY CURED. I Ml o'ol nues'cuJed '? k'"1' T,,8" Under atment which he fails to cure If dlrS 5 f"r ;I "st "- to Dr i w. Hlgglns, Salt Lake rity. T't.ih Jk |