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Show MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION. Leads to Rumor New Railroad Bridge Is Blown Up. NEW YORK May 27 A mysterious explosion of dynamite, which blew out the windows of tho pile-driver near the-new the-new Pennsylvania railroad bridge over the Hackensack river. In Jersey ity, early today, was at first reported to the police a? having destroyed the brldRe, but was ascertained later to have dime no damage to tho structure. The watchman watch-man and three Pensylvanlan railroad do-tectlves do-tectlves who wero on guard, saw the flash of the explosion, but could neither find any suspicious person in the vicinity nor discover what had exploded nor how It reached the bridge. The explosion caused tho cli dilation of rumortl that the railroad had refused to allow a certain class of workmen to be employed up.n the bridge and that thereupon, there-upon, anonymous threats to blow up the bridge and take tnn lives of some of th mil road officials All knowledo of Sijrh letters Was denied at the offlees of the Pennsylvania railroad The officials denied that there had been Inhor troubles of an kind In th" building of the bridge That the explosion w.ir the result of n plot by tho disgruntled workmen was pronounced abeurel. Jt Is believed that a powerful explosive ex-plosive floated down the river on the tide whether by design of somo malicious ma-licious person or b accident is unknown. A rigid investigation was in progress today. |