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Show PARADE WILLBE IMPOSING 01 Order for Formation on Memorial Day. It Promises to Be Greatest One Ever Seen in Salt Lake. Grand Marshal Issues Order for Its Formation, and Gives Line of March, Tn number and Imposing appearance, the parado which will tako place on the morning of Memorial Day will bo the greatest of Its kind ever seen in Salt Lake City. The parade' will bo formed in the following ordei of tho grand marshal: Order of Parade Acting Chief of Police, Captain Burbldgo and SlaJT Plat wn of Police Grand Marahall Col. O. F Davis and Staff. composed of Col R. . heater Col W P H..v, I ' d K 11 ' I irk. Col. H J Armstrong, Capt. J S. Stevens, Capt. C. W. Petera, Capt Phil Ned r of the : A R. and J. O. Nyatn.m Of the Socbty of the Philippines. Col. B C. Lockwuod. V. S A.. Coinmand-iin Coinmand-iin l ut Kert LKiugla.1. and Stuff Pori Douglas Band Frank X. Henc Ctf Musician; Beeond Battaiiun Twenty-NIntn United states infantry. Company Is, Capt J. V Madden, command-Inj;. command-Inj;. Company E. capt. J. E. Woodward, com-Standing. com-Standing. I'l.nunmv H. " apt V D Ely. cornvnan'tlriK ( ..inpnjiy G, Second Lieut D P "sv aid r,.iiiiiiari.lln- J T . l. tial Hatta)..n I'nlte.l SUit.s field Artillery. -apt. S. D. Sturpln. commandlngi Twelfth Battery Field Artillery, First Lieut R. G. Green, commanding Twenty-Second llatter" Field Artillery, Sec-cne Sec-cne Lieut E. D. Moody, commanding. Grand Army of the Republic. James V McKean Post No 1, Col S. D ( hase, commandlnK asorgs K Maxwell Post No. 6. William Cronie. coiiimiindliiK Society of the Arm Of th" Philippines, Capt B v Wedgewood, commanding Black Hawk Veterans '(irrlaB!s With DBSkara for cemoterlee, dls-able.1 dls-able.1 soldiers and illors. officers of tho relief re-lief corps and of Reynolds circle, Ladles uf the G A- R Second LMvlslon. Col. R. G Sleater Marshal, and Capt. C. w. Peters. Aide Gov. Culler and Staff. In osj-rlajres Col ii M ii Lund; commanding, National Guard Of t'tah and Staff Hold's Rand MuJ H Q, Williams, commanding. First Regiment N ij I Mi,-iml Corps, Lieut. A. J. Skldmoro, commanding com-manding Company D, Capt. O. H Hasslng, command- lllE Company H, Lieut. R A Young, command-lnc command-lnc Elrsl Battery Field Artillery, Capt. William C. Webb ommSndlng. Trrip A, Cavalry. Lieut- E. L. Bourne, com-mandlng. com-mandlng. Third Division. Col W. P. Rowe, Marshal, and Capt Phil Neder, Aide. All Hallows Band Lucius Smith, leader. aii Hallows Cadets, capt. 'urran, commanding. command-ing. Capt 'urtls T. Clawson, commandlnic. Battalion Bat-talion Of High School I'adets. and Sniff. Scott Lyon First Lieut an.i AdJL W. J. Grow; SerK'-ant. MaJ. ei-n Paul; Color Sergeant. Lester ICarsdon; c U Sergeant, Wallacs BrSdameyer, Chief Trumpeter. 'oMpoJiy A, Lieut l'.aliibrlJgu, commanding. command-ing. Cymikiti) IS, ' "apt Riser, commanding. Company C, Capt Bassett. commanding. Patriarchs Militant, 1. U. O. P . Col. F. J. Lewis, commanding Mayor and City Council In Carriages Automobile Club O. 11 Hewlett, President. Veteran Vidunt-er Firemen's Ass" latlon, G M Dttlnger, president Fire Department, William Bywater, chief Formation of Divisions. First Division Twenty-ninth U B Infantry on State street, between Third and Fourth South, facing weal, light on Third South street. Provisional Battalion. United States Field Aniiivrjr, uu wie, jeii 01 uu iinaiur , ino lino extending east on Fourth South street. McKean and Maxwell posts, O A R. Philippine Philip-pine Veterans and Black Hawk Veterans, on Fourth South street, between Slate and Main. In tho order uaruod facing north, idghi on State street Carriages for disabled G. A. R. and veterans will also assemble on Fourth South street, between be-tween State and Main streets. Second Division. Governor of Utah and Staff, en Main street south of Third South National Guard t Utah, on Market street fni Ing north, rlht on M tin. Fe)d Artlllerv and cavalrv on left, tho lino extending south on West Temple. Third Division. All Hallowa Cadets, High School Cadets, Patriarchs Pa-triarchs Militant In tho order named, on Third South Mre.t. ..-tw.-n .V:.ln and West Temple, Tem-ple, facing north, right on Main Carriages of th.- Mayor and i ity '"oun.n, Automobile club. Veteran Volunteer Firemen and City Fire Derailment cn tho left of the Patriarchs Militant, in tho order named, tho line extending north on West Temple street. Line of March. The lino of march will tx from Third Smith ii.. rtl ..n Main nt'.-.-t ... South r-'inpl- r -jr.. tcrmarch to Third South" street, whoro tho parado will bo dismissed. Tlie formation will be by platoon, or c-im-pany front wh.ie practicable, and the t.ad of the column will move at & a. in. Officers of tli Fir a Dhlslon Will rep..rt the arrival nnd formaekm nt their commands to tho G and Murshal. at tho corner of state and Third South streets: those of the Second Division t,, Col. n G. Sleater. Marshal of that division ami those of the Third Division to i .. v -Rowe, Marshol of the Third Division |