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Show LESSONS IN FRENCH. Prof. George Chatelaln Will Organize Classes Here. Prof. George M. V. Chatelaln, .who has Just completed the work with his French classes in the Woman's club and the San Luis school, Colorado Springs, has come to Salt Lako to remain for tho summer, and will organize classes here Prof. Chatelaln Is said to be more than ordinarily ordi-narily successful In the teaching of FVench and the secret of his success is said to lie In the fact that he loves his work, is naturally u brilliant lecturer and teacher, and makes himself easily and quickly understood. The method adopted by Prof i hatelsln was brought out In lsT-t by Theophllus Heness, and in speaking speak-ing of it Prof Chatelaln recently said: This method Is the practical application of the Inductlvo sv stem of teaching to tho study of living languages A pupil acquires another language Just as an Intelligent foreigner acquires ac-quires English We begin, of course, with thofo words most closely resembling their Kngllsh equivalents, aiming onl to bo understood. under-stood. Words differing from tho English explain ex-plain themselves If sparingly and aptly Introduced In-troduced by tho context and by tha association uf Ideas. Then I talk In the beulnnlnr only of sub-JectS sub-JectS or person with which the pupils are acquainted .uinc; the form of tho questions sllghtb each time Then. loo. contrasts play a gre.it role, In teaching, SUCh terms as winter, win-ter, summer spring ivlilte. light, dark, heavy, tc l..-ing Introduced In such a manner ns to let the Intelligent pupil guess their meaning fr..in vvh.it li.i I .Id before Of curse, on has to vary the conversation sklllfullv. but not so much n. to let tho pupil lose tho thread of It. not u: to Introduce too different ond uncommon worda In the beginning. Each and evcr4 word must lene a distinct impression on thu pupil's mind, ono not easily effuced. A little later on, as tho slock of weirds and the power of expresil xpand, II ! well to . ! .. ei-eclal practical topic nt every lesson. The results, obtained by thia method aro often wonderful |