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Show Office Chief Quartermaster. Denver, Colorado, May 25, 1905. Scaled proposals propos-als in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, condi-tions, Will be received here and at office of-fice of Quartermaster, Ft, Duchesne, Utah, until 11 o'clock a. m June 14, 1905. and then opened, for the supply at l-'t. Duchesne, Utah, during the 11-, 11-, a year beginning July I, 1905. of 650,-000 650,-000 pounds of baled Hay. Timothy, Choice Upland, and equal. Proposals for quantities lees than the Whole required, re-quired, or for delivery at points other than that named, will be entertained. Bidder's guaranty or certified check to be 10 per cent of bid. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or ftt office or post quortermnster. Knveiopes to he marked "Proposals for Hay at Ft. Duchsn " C. A. H Mc-CAULET, Mc-CAULET, Chief Qr. Mr. |