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Show TAKES BOLDEST COURSE. Russian Admiral Evidently Pushing Straight for Vladivostok. TOKIO. May 27.4 30 p m The sighting sight-ing of Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet off the Tsu islands would seem to Indicate that the Russian commander has determined de-termined to ,take the boldest course, and Instead f skirting Japan and entering en-tering the sea of Japan by the Tsagaru or r.ierouse straits, to push direct through the Straits of Korea and try to reach Vladivostok, which is about C40 mlls from the Tsu Islands. That he will be able to do so. without, at least, being harassed by the Japanese, seems Improbable, and the report circulated cir-culated at Tokio todaj that tho two fleets have engaged In the Straits of Korea may turn out correct. May Have Deceived Togo. There is the possibility, of course that Rojeslvensky may have so far deceived de-ceived Admiral Togo that the latter Is still at the has? he established north of Formosa and. In this case, an engage, ment may not take place before the Russians rcn.-h Vladivostok. It Is also possible that the Russian vessels sighted sight-ed In the Straits of Korea only form a portion of the Russian fleet "Bike- races at Salt Palace saucer May 30. |