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Show GAS COMPANY GIVES IIP FIGHT Public Sentiment Is Too Strong. Complete Backdown of the Leasor Ends One Phase of Municipal Muddle. President of the Company Announces Leuse Extension Will Not Be Accepted If Granted. PHILADELPHIA. May 27 -After a contest lasting five days the Republican "organization, led by Insurance Commissioner Commis-sioner Israel W. Durham, was forced today to-day by publh: opposition nnd clamor to abandon Its efforts to extend the leas, of the city gasworks to the United Gas Improvement Im-provement company for seventy-five years. Thomas Dolan. president of tho company, today forwarded a formal letter let-ter to th presidents of the select and common branches of the City Councils withdrawing his proposition (,. adam the city J2o 000.000 In consideration of the extension of tho lease which the company now holds. This action was taken after a protracted conference with Comm! loner lon-er Durham, State Senator Mc.M. hol and Selecl Councilman Charles Soger, who presented pre-sented the gas lease resolutions In Councils. Coun-cils. Victory for the Mayor. The withdrawal of the United Gas Improvement Im-provement company's offer Is undoubtedly undoubt-edly a signal victory- for Mayor Weaver in his fight against the "organization." though it docs not mean the end of the battle. Tho Injunction proceedings brought h David Smythe, former director direc-tor of public safety, and Peter E. Cos-tello, Cos-tello, former dlrei lor of public works, against Mayor Weaver and their successors, succes-sors, Col. Sheldon Potter and A. Lincoln Acker, to restrain the Mayor's appointees from conducting the affairs of tho two departments, Is still to come up for argument, ar-gument, and tho leaders will make a determined de-termined effort to have iho temporary Injunction In-junction made permanent. Injunction to Be Settled. The temporary Injunction Issued by the Common Pleas court was rendered Inoperative Inop-erative by a writ of supersedeas procured by the Mayor s counsel from the Supri me court. Chief Justice Mit, hell of the higher court has, however, sent the case back to the lower court for argument, and the supersedeas i In ff. ' onl until the question of the Injunction has been decided de-cided by that tribunal In answer to Questions Mr. Durham, leader of the "organisation," said "Wj have no statements whatever tei make in regard to tho withdrawal of the in w -as, lease by the United Gas Improvement company." Consider Future Moves. Tho leaders left for Atlantic City, N. J., tonight and a conference will be held th' r.. I i consider plans for future moves Mayor Weaver said: "I consider this a great triumph for the people, I have not yet considered how this will affect local or Slate politics. I may add that I have not yet considered whether the light will be continued or not." If was announced by the Judge of the Common fleas court thai the hearing of the Injunction proceedings would be postpone.! post-pone.! from Monday until Wednesday on account Of the death "f Justice D.-ane of Lh State Supreme court. ; nsral satisfaction was expressed throughout the city when It bei uni known that the gas least offer had been withdrawn Mass meetings which had neon arranged In many wards to protest against the lease were largely attended, nnd the Mayor's victory was the sub- Jct of ull the addresses. |