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Show ANOTHER STREET CAR OUTRAGE Aged Woman Probablv Falaliy Hurt Shameful Treatment by Conductor Con-ductor Sends Woman to Hospital She Tells Story That Should Result in a Most Thorough Inquiry. Another chapter has been added to the history of human horror which has taken place In Salt Lake s haunted house at the corner of 1 and Third streets This time an old woman of 70 years Is the victim. I ven her gr.iv hairs could not save her irom the fate which seems to dog the footsteps of .,11 t-lf,c,. wi10 become Inmates OI this home of misfortune. This time the I'tah Light and Railway company was the Instrument of the Evil me w hich has Inflicted upon this old woman wo-man a most painful accident which mav result fatall,-. and. at best. Is most serious. seri-ous. This woman's name is Mia. H. E. W llllams. who has lived In this city. COr ferty years, but In the haunted house for orly a short time She hail rente 1 the house, sub-letting the rooms to others, and is in dire poverty. Forty years ago f ho walk. -l across the plains' to tills city as a Mormon, but apostatised later on finding that the missionaries had misrepresented misrep-resented things to hc-r. Fell From a Car. Mrs Williams ooarded a Third street car yesterday afternoon with the Intention Inten-tion of K'dn- to State str'-et. She got as far as Second South and Main and, wishing wish-ing to get off, told the conductor. He Mopped the r t,r, but offeted no assistance The obi woman dismounted from tho car, lipped and fell, her back striking the step. She rose and In a dazed condition proceeded as far as the llson hotel, when she leaned up against the stone Work Some m n In the hotel saw her and, coming out. assisted her inside Eater she made he.- way to Main street ngaln, le. lire un tide to continue to State street, and asked s policeman to put her aboard the car. This ho did. Taken to Hospital. At J street, the aged woman says, she asked to be let off. The conductor was engaged in wrangling with a woman over a reat and paid no attention to her. At EC street ho asked her If she wanted to l-;ct off She told him no. thai she could not walk back to I street He carried her n to the end of the line and then asked her If she would get off. Sho refused. He told her sho would have to pay another an-other fare. She would not do this When they returned to J Mreet tho old woman was so exhausted that she had to be cur-1 cur-1 led Into the house by tho conductor and nnother man. At present sho Is at the Holy Cross hospital, having been sent there by Dr. Snyder, whom she called. Dr. Snyder says the Injury Is of a very serious nature. Woman Tells Her Stoiy. Just before she was taken to the hospital hos-pital last night she talked to a reporter hum Tho Tribune between her cries of pain. She was then waiting to bo taken away, and sat among her lew belongings In the haunted house, the bare floors, cur-talnkss cur-talnkss windows and general appearance of tho room speaking of most syualid poverty. pov-erty. "It is so hard for mo to Ret off and on cars," suld the aged women, 'and 1 have asked the conductor Bevoral times to help me. Every time he told me that ho did not havo to help nr-; that he was to, help only women with children. I am old and I am not strong and sure of my footing as I used to be. Struck on Her Back "When I tried to get off tho car today I slipped and fell and struck my back on the car step. It dazed mo so that I hardlv knew what I was doing, but I tried to walk along to State street I could walk no farther than tho hotel. I felt sick then my back hurt mo so. A gentleman gen-tleman who "was sitting In the window came out and took me In. 1 got to Main street somehow and asked the policeman to put me on the car. When tho conductor con-ductor took me past my place he told me 1 would have to pay unother fare, but I told him I wouldn't. This made him angry, and he told me that a policeman had put me on as much ns to say that 1 hod been drunk or something. But ho was different when 1 reached my place. He found I was really hurt, and then ho and another man carried mo In here. "But this Is not the llrst time the conductors con-ductors have been mean to me I left two pounds of butter on tho car B ttH da s ago I went at once to Inquire for It but tho conductor said it had been thrown awav nt the barn; that they never kept perishable things I told him I would go over to tho barn to find out. when he paid. 'Here Is 2"! cents for your butter f took it home.' "Think of 20 cents for two pounds of butter I And, besides, i had not bought lt Added tb these shameful incidents Is that of nnother old woman, ag. d . who is recenllv taken past her place and was forced "to ride out to Fort Douglas at night and back to her home. |