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Show JUNIORS' CLASS DAY. Salt Lake Theater the Place, Thursday Thurs-day the Day. For the past two months the students of the Junior class of tho Salt Lake hlsh school have been preparing their programme pro-gramme for class day. June 1. at tho Salt Lnke Theatre. Tho work has progressed nicely, and the friends of the school will have S treat In store for them on that e enlr.BT. The Juniors declare ' the seniors will surely see their ilnish that night." Tin. committee for clas day Is composed of Mlpses Florence Culmer Lara Rawlins, Jenny Gray Carrie Atklnn nnd Messrs Francis Crltohlow. Julian Bamberger ri rK Raybould and Will Harris The music Is undor tbe abb direction of Prof. Georp? Careless, who has been so successful In tliN work for many years. |