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Show A Good Family Liniment. Every family phould be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds and similar Injuries, which are of frequent occurrence, there Is nothing so good. It poothes the wound and not only gives Instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal In about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. As it Is an antiseptic all danger from blood-poisoning Is avoided. Sold by all i leading druggists. gue.ti were J, W". fielger. Thomas Jones, Carl Kloom. Rob Roy and George Geiger. Mrs Dnn B. Shields went down to the city Thursday Lo remain with relatives for several days. Misses Katherlne and Maribel McGregor. Mc-Gregor. wh have- been Kt.ests of I'r. and Mrs i ! M. WI1s..n for several days, left for Salt Lake on Friday, and after a short stay will leave for their home In New York Mr and Mrs. M. J. MeGIll went to the city Sunday for a ten "lays' visit with frh nd.'. Mrs. John M Sot lev who has been visiting visit-ing with Salt Lake friends, returned home Sunday morning. Mrs. P D I'... I. bins Is home from a dp-light dp-light fnl visit spent at Ogden and Salt Lake Mrs K. J Reggs returned from ZiOh Mondav morning, where she had visited for a number of days. Mrs. J W. White returned to the metropolis me-tropolis on Monday, after a brief stay In Pmli with Ufa R W aiiormKn Mrs W. D. Sutton and two little daughters daugh-ters have for Sprlngvllle tomorrow Where they expect to remain for ten days with relal Ivci Mr and Mrs Leslie Hltchcocic and daugntet FYances spent Monday in ZIon the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J Westcott. West-cott. Mrs Thomas Mathews of Salt T.ake came up to Park Wednesdaj .mil is a guest of Mr and Mi I. Tears. m A number of so.-ial events planned foi the latter part of the week were can-eei. can-eei. d cm a eount of th- death of Mr. H. H Hampton. The whole "amp Is In a state of sorrow over the terrible calamity, calam-ity, as he was so well known and respected re-spected by all who knew him Misses Rose and Nellie Brown of Salt Lake arrived In Park Thursday for ' ten days' visit with the Misses Florence', Lulu and May Kelly A number ( oiing people met at the home ..r Knld Riley Friday evening for thl pHrpose of organizing 0 club The following ofTieers were elected: President. Presi-dent. Anna Paul; vice-president. Enid Riley: secretary. Mabel Carpenter: treasurer. Rose ;..ist: editor. Frances R. Shlelde The members present were Birdie Beatty. VlnS Mawhinney Mabel Carpenter, Enid Rih-v. Rose Golst. Frances Fran-ces R Shields si Wright, Wlnnifred Smith and Olive Smith |