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Show BACK FROM RHY0LITE. Two Colorado Mining Men Talk of New Camp. K. H. Stolber and H R. Plate, two Sll-verton Sll-verton (CaL) mining men, arc at the Knutsford. after a trip into tho Bullfrog mining district In and about Rhyollte. "ev Both gentlemen came back from tho now camp confident that it will In time bo a great producer. P.hyollte nad plenty of roughness to offer of-fer these ledtors of course in the way of lodgings and Inure d I -He environment. The town is still very new- and transportation facilities aro Just being developed. Naturally Nat-urally It whs not the plea3antcst place In tho world In which to live. But for all this the two Colorado mining min-ing men saw some on- which lin y wan nothing short of wonderful. They got a good look a some or the properties near the town and In it. and they say they promise great things Mr Stolber and his brother have some big mines at Bllverton, , and have sold some others to Iho Guggcnhelms. |