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Show I "THEY'RE OFF," SAYS REILLEY Elders to Meet Lobsters I ' This Afternoon. Both Clubs in Fine Condition Con-dition and Expect Hard Gam?. flatting Order for Today Will Be Found Below Grand Farr.de Today at 1:30. I"Tho're off In a bunch bfntnu," la the slogan for (ho fans this afternoon when they occupy the cushions In the renovated Palace of the Rooters at. the hall park when the Elders attempt to make a full meal off n choice assortment of "Broiled Lives." liellley's braves are especially fond of that choice dish and propose to go aftoi it wlih an appetite iKhlch they claim will last through a five-course feast of lobster rfies t Jack Thornton will be bn k ir. the iimo. which nrlll make the Infield stronger than it has been at am time this season, and liin presence will nrldllional con- fldence t" the nun on the team ' Beaming Beam-ing Jock'" will be great help In the stick line and close up the loose end of the team work New Plaver Arrives. fl Mayncs. a new man from Indianapolis. H tirrlved In this city yesterday and wilt H probably be found In the lineup this af- H tiTnoon taking Blag's place in the center H garden, the latter Wing under the chiefs SBBBBBBSl disfavor, owing to Tils light hitting Iflowever, the gentleman from Manila is a hard worker fast mi the bases, wlll-uuj, wlll-uuj, and practically sure In the outfield Grand Procession Today . grand send-off has been arranged by Sccietary Bhepard to take place before I mpire Setjcy CO.) fa the men to the scrateh :it :!:3n o'clock Two bonis U-fiiro the gam thai is. 1:30 p m. the baseball procession will Ik- formed In front of the Southern hotel on First South street and i id through the principal thoroUgb-res thoroUgb-res "f the city to the bail park, where Mayor Morris will start the rough house work b) throwing the rlrst ball of the Hffle at the plate According to the plan of the promoters, pro-moters, the T'tab bond win head the pro- ' dings followed by at least two of the high school league teams In uniform ancl ihe more the merrier flanked by a number num-ber of enthusiasts carrying banners, with mi array of automobiles containing meni-- meni-- Of the Salt Lake and Ogden teams In uniform, and the officers of rooters' army bringing up the rear. The fcd. n team arrived in Xlnn last -enlng and irgift'led at the Southern hotel Manager Prank ;imlin Is In i barge of the outfit and Is as confident as Keillej about ihc winning proposition. All lbs men are In tine condition and as Dad" Bays, "Itellieys bunch win have lo go some !f they lake any of the com-Ir.g com-Ir.g games." I Batting Order of Teams. j The baiting order of both clubs Is givi n herewith, whleh any fan can chop out I1 nd paste undi r his bonnet; Ball Lalki Muller, if. Btlckney, rf; ii-inias vs. Thornton, lb; Reflley Sb, and captain; Leahy e; I'.iggs or Hayes cf O'Brien 2b; Toaei fhomas, Durban p Ogden: ninth rf; Clark lb; Clausen, Glmlln, cf and captain; ETulmer, Sb; Ma stings, if Bear, 2b; Breslno m; Dowl-ing Dowl-ing or Hook. p. This lineup loiilains n numbei of old favorites Including "Dear Old" Bluth, Comical" Hausen, "Dad' Clark. "Rabbit" "Rab-bit" Breslno the lengthy shortstop of the former Lagoon team The Bear that wallows wal-lows around the second station for Glrn a am Is not it cub but has had imu li -periiircfl on the coast. No Work Yesterday. Vcaterdai tfi members of the home leam rrolleyed down ti the park for a ' bit of practice, old ibap but when they arrived fu.ind that they had overlook" d ' I I" i In not packing along a lot Of swan boats. There was no comment on the condition of the grounds whatever, as It loked like n ease of getting money from homo to the Elders. "Red" Norton who bus a reputation all through the N'orth-weat N'orth-weat as one of the best groundkeepsrs In Lin busln?!. guarantees the diamond to be in f,t condition for this afternoon's contest, providing the weather clerk has got sober, If the gold cure has taken DTect the fans win havt a chance to i lit li i se and yell to their heart's content, lion t forget Ball g ime at 3:30 p. m Parade at 1 30 and "where the bad goes, nobodv knows " T'mpire Betlcy arrived from Boise last night, and will officiate In the present -cries. According to the con sen sua of opinion of th players of both teams, the league has the beat s.-i -if Indicator handlers hand-lers ever oi'.t In this neck of the woods Danny Shea Vielts Zion. Danny Shea, the clever shortstop from Ihc coael dropped off ir: 'lor, v Mterda n nls way .o join the St. Louis Natli i league club. Daniel Is ono of the fasti si : tiort lieid artists In tin. business and has I a.a located for BQlrie time at Stockton, i a! . where he has Wen running a clgnr Hi 1 re and holdiug off f..r th..- n.inagr;rs t.-come t.-come to his tar IDS Ho recently received . yjmumrl atlon t'i mi President Muckdn-Iiish Muckdn-Iiish of tho St. LoulS club accepting his it -mis and ordering him to report :iisi at I -out-; and then Join tho team at Brooklyn Manager RielUy would have ; 1 to havo slgicd him for this team, ,. t there was nor enough, money in sight 0 hold him. In fact, there seems to be real reluciancy on ibe part of the magnates mag-nates in this city to glvo up rc-mimei-j-Uon 10 good bail players examples being be-ing shown In tii cases of Carney and furdook, v bo ban's nor .n been signed owing to a difficulty over salurle Kow-over, Kow-over, tho SaJi Juk ttsm Is mighty good M It id fram.Nl up at pr. fent and the out-ornt out-ornt of the series with the Lobsters will snow the public whether changes uie ie-r ie-r :red or not. Leahy Nearly Lost. For a short time yesterday It WOS doubtful doubt-ful whether the Elders would have a bavkrtop In toila '.-i gain- Those two It. (.Man 1 ih, ,m, w,..ni down to tho train togeilo r. the Pirnier ti speed hi; old teatnrnate 'on tho way." When '.hey started to enter Iho car. Ir was a case nt "after jou, nr d.-ar Leahy" from Shea. "Aw. no," i!,l Tommy, Tom-my, ''you go tirjt Danny darling " Finally they broke nnd settler in their corner in tho Pullman. "She's u tine-lookln' tine-lookln' gyurl," rcmnrked Lc-ahv. "You're dead rolfht," responded Danny "I used 1' kuaw aomc folne lassies buck East.' said Tom rernlnlsccnth and Just then came a Jar, a "toot-toot, bye," from the engine and boih playera were on their way "ood Lawd. Danny, they're off " exclaimed the Salt Iikc catcher" 'Herd's whore, I make the slide us me lolfc." "01or" be. Tommy, dnr. t r ul Ye'll be. kil!od." shouf-d Shea. "Ah-ha," laughed the old placr, I "there ' where I fcol yet I have rubber I heels on mo shoes." And with Uhat ho rr k S high dlv; from tho car stcpa whined onco m the air, alighted on his feet and with a farewell wave of hln hand shot out for tho "cosy corn Or" at the Sojthern, s |