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Show I WRITES FROM RHYOLITE. Former Salt Laker Tells of Conditions at Nevada Camp. A. inter irom E V. Griffiths, who brushed tho dust of CrokerS' row from his leathers to chaso bonanzas in Nevada, writes from Bhyollto that the management manage-ment of tho Sho-shone mine on Montgomery Montgom-ery is sacking ore th;it m-ikes rapidly into gold coins, and that another consignment con-signment wnich shall exceed that, marketed mar-keted at the furnaces of the American Smelting and Refining company In this alley will bo closed In u few days Mr. Montgomery", who has Just returned i- amp after a visit to Salt Lake City, Is giving tho property hi.s personal attention, atten-tion, and in forwarding the ores on this occasion the 'classes'' will not be permitted per-mitted to "mix" as were they before Mr GrilfltRs sns it will not be, i" his opinion opin-ion long before the Montgoim ry. which tho Shoshone Is adjoined, Is productive produc-tive of a similar class of ire Rhvollto 1 as been provided with a paper, f which E. It Clemens, formerly of Grand En-tmpment, En-tmpment, Wyo . Is the editor writes Mr Griffiths, the first number the 11 raid, having made its appeal nee. reports r. iai c number of prominent mining men putting their money Into Bullfrog, and expresses tho conviction that RpyolMe will be the most populous of Nevada's latest sistt rhood of gold-bearing camps. . |