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Show Wm sail AD pacific Jrip to Calalina 3 Island. i i Sail Salt Lake 5 Good Sea la. Dogs. a, i l T Harris Exptessed It li ' 16 PoTty When He fed for Death 2 . IS. M J 1 1 " navigated l.-.arh sslv the B Will i" v ' r .'gain kH"- :il tadsm ii If d. rlil' s th" I, Til' mi ' f ?dow n in 1 1 -iil-m dbtres Jelied Its- Name Ourt i - i II '- i Eomnn r. .nnl tin I : 126 ii . n, h I In '.in- I about Hi; i lnT- ls-ue ls-ue fan rfrom s.in Pi 'ii". Tin US tin' 1 1 1 , i link i'ii If tin ' 1 " UCkln s. 'l it" I" " .1 I'll lain, i i in Hi i fcoiii i i i ' i IT Hli'l s l:i ' t. I 6 the si ntlmenls nf the Bng triini!' btlc in Inquire ! fell 8li ' I Ii! I K Iris Wanted Dentil, lied i "i d 'IiIiik lull It. mni' Clty .nnl iln- State "I !ms refused t.) furnish f by a Suit likc vls-,8 vls-,8 Suffered bti M Wilis was HJrTcred rrnni ma I de .w i his spasms, IiIh Bh strong: r and bo Ko place about the ent kod i k fiend from Hrtloiis t li u photo His Dignity, lept in- .I... li i . iik. - the way to Avulon; IWa" ii"! sii fui t nii.it.' tort, winii he i.i; CUSpldor In lll bo? Hi ICllti.iHi'ii in il.'Vi.t.,- tu ill in ,i- kml.ik tea. li.- f. is better 3 mIi to i- willing Ml' sum fur tin- iii'k'ii -en during the i s Ing . the Fishes Was ns i k us tin. Tom which 11 in In-Ine In-Ine In copious .li.-i's I Hr for sea sickness. HIS candy in. in tpcnl idtrltiK .ui nne f ftnv thing else In I i r tho b. ln -tit nf .1 Lit ft bo might never ex-l ex-l San Pedio. City at g: a m. on 6s. At Sin Pedro It ved l iln- Chamber ft harbor ti.wn with tourists boarded Hi.-Whb Hi.-Whb h wan a -. in -"In a lark'.- tut? t.' Iln ers Suffer. pUt'S of the Urn.- the IS waves tin- p.isyon-f. p.isyon-f. Those wlln u i .. . I ed tin vovag- lin- Csp.cinltv Interest , hlcb skat .1 along lb-it lb-it for i. ..Is at n time ft SlglH in lb. It native I at Avalon Avalmi the pr.'vaJlfin I as nil. kly no It DO fclckest .,( the , vii ftrgvt his Indisposition 11 of the diving boys, Iff d! In tor coins tor to the Island Into Ittomed Boats, lhark v. u wed with Dlnriei wan i . I Mr hotel I,, t he Manil. hour were 1 krlr-e v K-.-tab , tho 1V t,r..iK'li tin-botbrnn. tin-botbrnn. 1 tmiiiii xft f or Staterooms. "WO An. I Centiin..' 9 pWl i i .ir-i.l. , l, 'mlll"''i::"": W" "; "' ' " rfl'lSBCciencG Worked. ' as s. i. t"atrn'"'- w..rl:.'.l vv.-il j(Jto Salt Lak. k Tlrrn x thin mornlnc deacripti.,., bit "iiBr.w I-,k' r8JKv ' hnJM r ..I . A dtptt nu-bt i,, rill in1 re t ut.. ,,. ,- JOE- The' make the win-. H y round l1! n of Ul" "bl-llnr- M ,,. cm J&zm "ir' , 1 1 rt afJL PbM, fi'VSfc PhHl.:l.iii n r.-a.l VV hvtnl him sMi d havt' ' '1 hi- . shingle nail machine fttarl to turn out SCIews "Bx-Gov. llehi r M. Wells, representative representa-tive of the younger Mormon'Si Is his op-noslte. op-noslte. He ban a wonderful pair of blue eyes and Is a bald, blonde young man. Inclined In-clined to portliness and democracy. He Is u 'mixer' uf great charm and ease of manner He spoke lust night without Holes and In a Style rather florid, but un-uffeeted un-uffeeted und winning. Smoot Looking for Trouble. "Apostle It-e.i Smoot if Senatorial ani-I ani-I Itlon i-iiiii'. to the rostrum with the air of a man looking for trouble. He has a long neck, and looked as If he mlKht i k on provocation. He is long, lank and tale, with a curved mustache. He started start-ed In with "den" to IiIb enemies not In good taste He was the thorn of last Light's rose, and was glad of It. Catch-as-Catch-Can Speaker. "When Judge Oolburn was called, every Salt Lake man licked bis nps with unction unc-tion and began tu swell with municipal pride. The fact Is. Salt Lake City has In him one of the ureati st calf h-as-catch-can after-dlnri'-r speak r.s In the whole country. He lv B slightly bald, dark man with twinkling black eves and a mouth with a quizzical curl that warns you when something's coming in a dry. half-drawling half-drawling voice, with bis f. half nver the dee of the platform, be sent out a string of sputtering, snapping, sparkling wlttl-tlrms. wlttl-tlrms. all made on tin- spot, the like of which would make his fortune as a humorous. hu-morous. Ic t urer. In Love With Breedon. "One of the big men of Utah is Attot- i General Breeden a Juioeless man with quick, sparkling eyes and a manner of being keenly alive to every word and vi ry Incident In bis radius." Tomorrow tin Commercial club win be taken in Mi Lowe, 5100 feet high, which is ascended by a cable road. Invited to San Francisco. This telegram has been received by the Commercial club: "The commercial bodies of San Francisco extend ft cordial Invitation to tho Salt Iake Commercial club to visit San Francisco while they ii re in the State of California, "A. S. Barbors, president Manufacturers and Producers association; George A. Newhall, praeldenl t'hamber of Commerce; Com-merce; A. A. W'atklns. president San Francisco Board of Trade.' At a nu etliik I 'M le re this evening Jo-eph Jo-eph K Callie, lr. W. F. Beer and John S. Bransford were appointed a commltteo to act on the Ban Frarulsoi Invitation and report tomorrow night. They will probablv vote t i decline tho invitation, Inasmuch as they left Salt Lake OS the ,-u.Mh of Benator Clark and the San Mm line Personal Mention I". p, Bauer and George T. Odell left for home today. Mr Keith, wife of Dr. Keith, owner of the Keith apartments. I spending the taon at Long Reach. She is awaiting the arrival of her husband from Salt Lake Pi..f J F Mlllspaugli. founder of the public sohool system of sot Lake, hae rnmo to take C narge of the State normal here. He left the Wisconsin normal because be-cause of his health. Alex McChell. who was In the real estate es-tate and Investment buslnese In Salt i Inke, has been here for the past four years. Making Wooden Souvenirs. C. H. Parsons, who conducted a book sti.re at Derge's stiuid. In now manufacturing manufac-turing wooden souvenirs at Pasadena. Mr. and Mr. C. P, Harrison, srho k'nve up ih1 mSAOgement Of the Emery-Holmes cafe ofay C are here en route to Ban Francisco. wher Mr Harrison was formerly for-merly purchasing agent of tho St. Francis hotel. Mi- Y. H. Dickson Is down from San PrantfSCO, an Ik Mrs. Simon Bamberger. Charlos It ' i Irl. h. who was formerly rol man Of The Tribune. Is now on the Los Angeles Herald. Artist Clawson at Woik J. Y. Clawson. n of II H Is In Los Angeles with his wife and daughter, and mav make this bis home. He is an artist and is at present working on a llfe-slsed portall In oil of tho ten-year-old son of David K. ith. The familiar name of "M.-hesy" appears ap-pears over the door of a curio store on Spring street. |