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Show LIVE STOCK. Chicago CHICAGO, May 9 cattle Receipts. ION; mark-: Mnnlv to slow; good to prlmo stoers. 1.7$t7S, -ejr to inedluni. 14.406 10. stuckuis and feeders. 12 7.V'C.n. cows and heifers. $2.7.'. ,,- cannars. ILB0O1M; bulls. $2.501 7i. calves. r2 764j'" HojtB Kecclpts. SS.000; market I-c I O War I mixed anil bulchcrw". to.SOtJS 1.2'j ; cood to choice hea i "UKh hevv, t; r.ey. 5 30, light. $i.2jfj.6o: bulk at sales J3.353f. t. l . p -Receipts. 18.000. sheep, strong, lambs, str .nir Koi1 to Choioa wethers. M.00OS.10: fair to cholco mixed. 3.604.40; Western sheep, M.SSOS.SS: native lambs, J3 75U2'., Westerri lambs. V C'j7.2... St. Joseph. ST JOSBPH. May 9 attlo Receipts. 1900: Otsady 10 l'V lower; natives, $4.irtf0.00; cows nnd lielfrrs. $1 ieiQi 2o. Stockcrs and feeders. i: 7f.f,4 lb rs-lte. eipt. ? .("" I'.nor: light, jr. 1'. CS.2&: medium and heavy. 15 17496.30. Sl,eip Rec Ipt -. fi. .".('".' blRher. Coir -rudo lomb. $7.0. Omahu. -ntli; OMAHA. Maj I --cAitiKeceipls. I'i'i m.iikel itaadX, MO li.w.i. native steers. f4.k0426.xr. : cows and heifers, t3.40tf6.00; Western West-ern stssurs, M.uOtf.2ii; rannt.s, V.' 004M.7J5: tockers and fasdars, ss.ntK.00; calvta, w ot'tf bin. bulla stag, etc, 12. WQa 7 Z, Hogns llscalpt. 9iis. moikvt shade losrer: boavj S5.i:44K30; mlxsd, S.l2StJ6.16; light. ..10j;.17'. pigs. M.OOONVOO; bulk of sales. Sheep Hvvolpls. 5200; market steady: West-cm West-cm earllng. shorn. 11.2604.75; wothora. Kh-.rn. MO04J4 6:.: eisi s. shorn. S3 o4jt A. In mill shuin. SS.U0A5.SO. Kansas City. K VNSAS rlTV. May 9 Cattle Receipt. 10,000: markei steady to I0o lower: natlru steers. $4 35'u-40, native cows and heifer. l 'ji II . iJ HlotJli TB utl.J fl. der. I: ir, I - t'U:i. 7". -j :t 7: . calve. 3 Soil Western fed !.! . H us '-" Western f.i ...wh. t .;vj i M Hi Receipts. li.iJOO; market 4 to 7-c low-rr. low-rr. tmik "f sale. 15 ior5 So. haavy, SS 'uiCi v. I hi I., rt. '. I.V.i ;. idK OJi.l HKht. $1 V. t ', .1 Sheep U-celpts. ftiOii, market we.ik to 10c lOWUI muttons. -14 2643 COO; lambs, 6.5Hr.73: range wethers. I4.60O6.00: fed ewes, S3 9094.(0. St. Louis Wool Market. BT LOUIB, May 9 Wool firm. medium grade), ."inlilng und .'luthlng. 27xiVi-, Heht Hue. Z2tf2c; heavy fine. 17030c; tub-wahe t 32041c New York Sugar Market. N E W TOR1C May H -Sugar Raw firm fair teflntug cntrlfugnl 94-tcst, 4VlC. U0- lasses sugar. So. Refined Is unsettled. |