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Show CHARGED WITH KIDNAPING. Woman Ai rested for Abducting Her Niece, Aged 14. GREAT FALLS. Mont . May B. Mrs, Belle Bartlett. recontly from Michigan, was arrested at Belt today and placed In the county Jail here, charged with kld-nuplng kld-nuplng her H-year-old niece, BsSStS Lang-ham. Lang-ham. Th- girl was living with her stepfather. step-father. William Gunn. who was nbxent a few hours on May 1 and returned to find her mlMlng After a week's search she was found on a ranch several miles distant dis-tant w.th Mri. Bartlett. who. th- girl allsgsd, forced her to leave by means of threats, The woman Is held In JSini ball, which has not been furnished. |